Westminster Politics

Yeah I’m not a particularly big fan of Dale either but he can at least articulate his point. In that clip he is trying to talk and make his point and he’s just being talked over by the two people either side of him.

He clearly disagrees with Blakeley yet he had the decency to let her make her point without interruption. He should have been afforded the same courtesy.
You think she comes across well?
As already mentioned she didn't come across as anything, she made the rather straight forward point about councils and austerity cuts. Dale first reply was to call her argument ''utter rubbish'' without backing up as to why he thinks this and then he made a bizarre argument about ''people doing the sensible thing'' whatever that means and finally he fecked off.

It's literally this
Seems like a lot of Caf talks as well.

"What you're saying is rubbish....."

fifteen pages later

"omg guys stop abusing me I'm the victim here and I've been nothing but polite this entire time waaaaahhhhh...."
Also this is iain dale who has a caution for assaulting a pensioner who was holding a sign he didn't like.

Obviously this will never happen, but it would be quite delightful if Boris ended up constructing a bridge between a United Ireland and an independent Scotland, paid for by the English tax-payer.
This sounds fecking ridiculous. I'm no Engineer and I guess that's why it sounds so feckin ridiculous. But seriously, surely this is feckin ridiculous?

I don't think its that crazy from what I've read, it's 20 miles at the nearest point and there are much bigger similar bridges in China and a smaller one in Scandinavia. The question is if it's cost effective. I'd guess that it would be seen as a good thing over a long enough period of time.
I don't think its that crazy from what I've read, it's 20 miles at the nearest point and there are much bigger similar bridges in China and a smaller one in Scandinavia. The question is if it's cost effective. I'd guess that it would be seen as a good thing over a long enough period of time.

Don’t think distance is the issue, more depth, weather, and WW2 era munitions.
A 50 mile tunnel from Holyhead to Dun Laoghaire might make more sense if it weren't for the politics. Only twice the distance of the channel tunnel, and there must have been a lot of advances in tunnelling gear in the thirty odd years since that was built. Would be a good project if ever the Irelands did unite, along with a high speed rail line to Belfast.
Trump has his 'Wall' and Boris his 'Bridge', both highly unlikely to get finished, but both handy to roll out when they want to create a distraction.
Reminder of insane British media is

This kind of thing is boring. Why not investigate whether a bridge is a good idea? I've seen no one in the media saying it's a great idea yet, we need to wait and see the evidence.
Pure phallic symbolism. Gotta have a ridiculously large ‘something’. Wall, bridge...who gives a shit what it is
I am no fan of BoJo but at least a bridge is a whole lot more useful than a wall (even if it's far fetched that it will ever happen).

Do you really think Boris Johnson is doing the engineering himself? Clearly there are some engineers who believe a bridge is feasible, even if this retired one from Edinburgh doesn't.

Why does everything have to be so tribal? If the Labour party were examining this possibility some people in here would probably saying this is a wonderful example of a levelling up agenda.
Do you really think Boris Johnson is doing the engineering himself? Clearly there are some engineers who believe a bridge is feasible, even if this retired one from Edinburgh doesn't.

Why does everything have to be so tribal? If the Labour party were examining this possibility some people in here would probably saying this is a wonderful example of a levelling up agenda.

No, why would I think that?

So it's tribalism because I think it sounds like a feckin stupid idea and clearly so do many others? What an odd comment.

Yer man here has a history of 'examining the possibilities' into various lofty endeavours that cost millions of pounds of taxpayers money and then amount to diddly squit so I'll reserve the right to be sceptical. I believe he calls it spaffing money up the wall.
No, why would I think that?

So it's tribalism because I think it sounds like a feckin stupid idea and clearly so do many others? What an odd comment.

Yer man here has a history of 'examining the possibilities' into various lofty endeavours that cost millions of pounds of taxpayers money and then amount to diddly squit so I'll reserve the right to be sceptical. I believe he calls it spaffing money up the wall.

Examining big infrastructure projects is exactly what governments should be doing. The garden bridge was a good idea cancelled by Sadiq, the water cannon was stupid but it seems like Boris thought he had the power to deploy them when it actually lay with central government. I don't think he's got much history wasting money other than this. I didn't like Boris as London mayor because he didn't achieve very much, especially in contrast to Ken and he undid some of the stuff Ken did achieve (congestion charge western extension, gas guzzler charge etc.)

Also building a bridge between Scotland and Northern Ireland is a good idea if its technologically feasible. I don't think anyone would deny that?
Do you really think Boris Johnson is doing the engineering himself? Clearly there are some engineers who believe a bridge is feasible, even if this retired one from Edinburgh doesn't.

Why does everything have to be so tribal? If the Labour party were examining this possibility some people in here would probably saying this is a wonderful example of a levelling up agenda.
Why can't you just admit it's a shit idea by the tory government. If labour were doing this policy everyone would be(Rightfully)calling it shite.

which media outlet has actually praised this idea?
The Daily Mail never fails to deliver

Why is fecking Darren Grimes appearing on the Daily Politics show now?

I encountered this randomer on Twitter yesterday for the first time, where he was getting everything about the Irish elections wrong and openly admitted he doesn’t understand how our electoral system works. Today I see he’s on the BBC weighing in on the Irish elections.
I have no idea?

Why is the UK looking at a bridge from Scotland to northern Ireland... The odds on both still being in the UK by the time it's finished seem at best remote

Isn't this part of the 'Blue sky' futuristic idea for a Greater UB I ? Involving four independent countries (assuming a United Ireland) together in a new UBI (Federation structure possibly) with its own written and over arching constitution.
This would likely be a mix of Republics (Ireland and Scotland, presumably being Republics) and (England and Wales) as Kingdoms, each having their own Parliaments/ Sovereign Governments, but also in agreement on a Greater United British Isles [GUBI] operating as a Trading Block.

It seems to be out of the question just now, but with Sein Fein's success in both the North and the South, the chances of a United Ireland look to be possible in the future, although the Republic is unlikely to vote for Unity if it doesn't get financial help to support the North as an enclave of six counties. The SNP are not going away in Scotland, and although the majority at the last referendum was to remain part of the Union, the Brexit break up might shift that balance. In Wales although they want their own language and culture to be highly visible in any new state, economically they would probably want to remain linked to the Kingdom, especially as the heir to the Throne is also Prince of Wales as is a USP in many areas for Wales.

Set against such a future scenario, a bridge linking the two main Islands in the new GUBI doesn't sound so daft. However given all the furore of HS2 even if such a project was feasible in engineering and construction terms, agreeing who would pay for it would bring fresh round of argument.

Better perhaps it stays a potential Boris 'Folly' Idea?