Westminster Politics

Isn't this part of the 'Blue sky' futuristic idea for a Greater UB I ? Involving four independent countries (assuming a United Ireland) together in a new UBI (Federation structure possibly) with its own written and over arching constitution.
This would likely be a mix of Republics (Ireland and Scotland, presumably being Republics) and (England and Wales) as Kingdoms, each having their own Parliaments/ Sovereign Governments, but also in agreement on a Greater United British Isles [GUBI] operating as a Trading Block.

It seems to be out of the question just now, but with Sein Fein's success in both the North and the South, the chances of a United Ireland look to be possible in the future, although the Republic is unlikely to vote for Unity if it doesn't get financial help to support the North as an enclave of six counties. The SNP are not going away in Scotland, and although the majority at the last referendum was to remain part of the Union, the Brexit break up might shift that balance. In Wales although they want their own language and culture to be highly visible in any new state, economically they would probably want to remain linked to the Kingdom, especially as the heir to the Throne is also Prince of Wales as is a USP in many areas for Wales.

Set against such a future scenario, a bridge linking the two main Islands in the new GUBI doesn't sound so daft. However given all the furore of HS2 even if such a project was feasible in engineering and construction terms, agreeing who would pay for it would bring fresh round of argument.

Better perhaps it stays a potential Boris 'Folly' Idea?
There is no possibility of the English voting for unity with Ireland in any kind of federation, average English guy would be glad to see a complete separation. When the Scots campaign in the next independence referendum they will most likely include keeping the Queen, so as not to lose royalist votes, so Scotland wouldn't be a republic, and the Welsh absolutely do not give a shit about the Prince of Wales, if anything he's more likely to be a minus in arguments for unity than a plus.
There is no possibility of the English voting for unity with Ireland in any kind of federation, average English guy would be glad to see a complete separation. When the Scots campaign in the next independence referendum they will most likely include keeping the Queen, so as not to lose royalist votes, so Scotland wouldn't be a republic, and the Welsh absolutely do not give a shit about the Prince of Wales, if anything he's more likely to be a minus in arguments for unity than a plus.

I'm not sure I agree with this. I think England/Britain would be happy for a union with Ireland, but quite understandably given the history a majority of Irish wouldn't go for it.
I'm not sure I agree with this. I think England/Britain would be happy for a union with Ireland, but quite understandably given the history a majority of Irish wouldn't go for it.
We would have to see but I'm remembering a lifetime of hearing jokes that the Irish problem would be solved if only it could be towed across the Atlantic for the yanks to sort out. Not funny, but it reflected how the ordinary English person thought. If you were to spin the question by asking 'would you want a union with a peaceful and friendly Ireland' then you might well get a yes, but given the history few would accept the premise.
There is no possibility of the English voting for unity with Ireland in any kind of federation, average English guy would be glad to see a complete separation
Is there such a thing as the average 'English guy' nowadays? If there is then I would suspect he would want rid of all Celts, "been nowt but trouble since the Romans left, all of them, the Welsh Kings, Robert the Bruce in Scotland and the IRA" ...you can probably hear such comments in many a traditional English pub taproom!

Scots campaign in the next independence referendum they will most likely include keeping the Queen, so as not to lose royalist votes,..
Really I know those Scots employed on the Queens Estates might be against, but most of the noises coming from hard line SNP's seem to be yearning for Republican status for a new 'free' Scotland.

Welsh absolutely do not give a shit about the Prince of Wales
True they probably don't, but the Welsh Tourist Board do, next to agriculture isn't visitor numbers (especially the Royal connection for overseas visitors) what keeps some money... coming home again to Wales?

All the Countries that make up these Islands will some day have to get together, as equals. Boris believes when they do there will be no stopping them!
Is there such a thing as the average 'English guy' nowadays? If there is then I would suspect he would want rid of all Celts, "been nowt but trouble since the Romans left, all of them, the Welsh Kings, Robert the Bruce in Scotland and the IRA" ...you can probably hear such comments in many a traditional English pub taproom!

Really I know those Scots employed on the Queens Estates might be against, but most of the noises coming from hard line SNP's seem to be yearning for Republican status for a new 'free' Scotland.

True they probably don't, but the Welsh Tourist Board do, next to agriculture isn't visitor numbers (especially the Royal connection for overseas visitors) what keeps some money... coming home again to Wales?

All the Countries that make up these Islands will some day have to get together, as equals. Boris believes when they do there will be no stopping them!
When I've been to north and west scotland half the people there seem to be english anyway. I don't know what difference that makes though, one I know in particular was rabidly pro-independence. :)
All the Countries that make up these Islands will some day have to get together, as equals. Boris believes when they do there will be no stopping them!
To paraphrase...um...somebody famous...'Some countries would be more equal than others'.
To paraphrase...um...somebody famous...'Some countries would be more equal than others'.

Yes, under present arrangements that is definitely true, its why an over-arcing written constitution for the Greater United British Isles would be an imperative
otherwise as you point out...somebody famous also once said..."there would be a great danger of History repeating itself"
It's miraculous that there ever were any kind of alliance of peoples, considering that just about every nation's folks believes theirs is 'God's own country'.
When I've been to north and west scotland half the people there seem to be english anyway. I don't know what difference that makes though, one I know in particular was rabidly pro-independence. :)

Yes, that' is it really, in the whole of the UK there is a patchwork quilt of English, Irish, Scots and Welsh ancestry woven in. I would say without exception everyone I have got to know really well in the past ten years, neighbours, work mates, business acquaintances etc have all got some past (or sometimes present) family member who originated from one of the four countries in these Isles.

Probably where the... "did you hear the one about the Englishman, Irish and Scotsmen"... joke originates. Funny there is hardly any mention of the Welsh is there? 'Too much High Chapel' I suspect! ;)
We're an afterthought even in ridicule. :(

No, not really!

My theory is the Welsh are so serious, don't often laugh at themselves, where as the Irish and Scots do, with regularity, and so do the English, albeit in a more sardonic way. :rolleyes:
Do you really think Boris Johnson is doing the engineering himself? Clearly there are some engineers who believe a bridge is feasible, even if this retired one from Edinburgh doesn't.

Why does everything have to be so tribal? If the Labour party were examining this possibility some people in here would probably saying this is a wonderful example of a levelling up agenda.
It's a fecking patently ridiculous idea and party politics have nothing to do with it.
Looks like Cummings wants more minions in the Cabinet.
Javid didn't last long- could never tell how much it was him being an idiot versus how much he was just towing the government' line- eg the stuff about 'Johnson's EU departure deal doesn't need an economic impact assessment because it's obviously a good deal.'
Javid didn't last long- could never tell how much it was him being an idiot versus how much he was just towing the government' line- eg the stuff about 'Johnson's EU departure deal doesn't need an economic impact assessment because it's obviously a good deal.'

He always looked very uncomfortable with relaying the party lines and i assume this means all his reported clashes with Cummimgs are true.

It's a bad sign for me as it's another testament to the idea that Cummings is running the show and Boris won't run as a moderate.
So he does have some principles then.

Difficult to guess the true politics. Cummings hates Javids advisors apparently so that could be behind it. But ultimately, to have a completely separate team each behind the PM and the Chancellor is bound to cause ructions and it makes sense for there to be a single team supporting both.
Difficult to guess the true politics. Cummings hates Javids advisors apparently so that could be behind it. But ultimately, to have a completely separate team each behind the PM and the Chancellor is bound to cause ructions and it makes sense for there to be a single team supporting both.

Alternative viewpoint - ministers should be free to choose their own advisors and a healthy functioning democratic government should welcome opinion and debate with a variety of people from various backgrounds who they may or may not agree with. Choosing to pose a united front to the public/media is a given but in order to make decisions for the good of the country it's probably not wise to cull any dissenters. That's what communists do.
Difficult to guess the true politics. Cummings hates Javids advisors apparently so that could be behind it. But ultimately, to have a completely separate team each behind the PM and the Chancellor is bound to cause ructions and it makes sense for there to be a single team supporting both.

Yeah it really doesn't and that segregation is an important element of our governmental structure. The treasury being quite an integral office needs some autonomy and the ability to challenge central policy. It seems like Javid and his advisers saying no is the main reason he's got the chop.

We're getting further and further down the populism route. They already constantly attack the civil service and you can guarantee more and more of them will be politicised.

Also how the feck has Sunak got the job beyond being a boot licker over the last year.
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Alternative viewpoint - ministers should be free to choose their own advisors and a healthy functioning democratic government should welcome opinion and debate with a variety of people from various backgrounds who they may or may not agree with. Choosing to pose a united front to the public/media is a given but in order to make decisions for the good of the country it's probably not wise to cull any dissenters. That's what communists do.

Chancellor and Prime Minister is so important though. The latter Brown and Blair years were besmirched by conflict while Cameron and Osborne were able to quite effectively implement their legislative agenda as they were in complete alignment.
Well done to Boris for appointing the first and second Asian Chancellors of the Exchequer. This shows the Conservative Party really do care about diversity.
Gota hand it to Boris, doesn't want to sack Javid out right, so makes him an offer he's bound to refuse!

Cabinet Ministers be warned, 'feck up' once, answer back, fail to agree or slouch in your chair at meetings and you're out.

Must be great for a PM to have an 80 seat majority and a Dominic (Machiavelli) Cummings in the background