Westminster Politics

Former Tory minister Caroline Nokes, chairwoman of the Commons Women and Equalities Committee, said: “I don’t know him from a bar of soap, but don’t think we’d get on ... Must be no place in government for the views he’s expressed.”

This made me chuckle.
Worst job in government?


I wonder how many HS2 ministers will be fired before a high speed train goes from Birmingham to Euston

I'm sceptical that an ex insurance broker and local councillor with no former experience in transport or infrastructure is the best person to get their head round a £100bn civil engineering scheme.
Worst job in government?


I wonder how many HS2 ministers will be fired before a high speed train goes from Birmingham to Euston

I'm sceptical that an ex insurance broker and local councillor with no former experience in transport or infrastructure is the best person to get their head round a £100bn civil engineering scheme.

"I am here to inform the House that HS2 has gone another £20bn over budget...".
Worst job in government?


I wonder how many HS2 ministers will be fired before a high speed train goes from Birmingham to Euston

I'm sceptical that an ex insurance broker and local councillor with no former experience in transport or infrastructure is the best person to get their head round a £100bn civil engineering scheme.

Chris Grayling is available.
Smirky Patel is a bully? I am shocked, I tell you. Shocked.

And why wouldn't she be.
After all she is in a cabinet loaded with Bullys who flatly refuse to listen to anyone else because they have been handed a massive majority.
Is it any surprise that Johnson has once again run off to hide in a fridge whilst the country goes to pot? We've gone from the Strong & Stable illusion of May to someone who can't even deal with standing up for his actions. I didn't think we could get any worse than Runs Through Fields but we've somehow managed it with Dances with Twats.

He's so thick that he probably believed Cummings when he said Adaptation was the fourth member of the Three Stooges. Or that the Heiligendamm Process has something to do with making Swiss cheese. Or dogs can't look up. He's a fecking spoon of the greatest design.

And yet his attitude has become the norm in politics. It doesn't matter if you're a lying, cheating, cowardly man-child who throws a strop daily in between bursts of racist remarks and hand outs to your rich mates - you'll still get elected. It seems that the only requirement nowadays to become the leader of a nation is a questionable moral compass and shit hair.
Anyone see the cancel Yorkshire Tea movement?

By "movement" do you mean a handful of crap jokes replying to a poorly staged photo?

If you read the thread Yorkshire Tea seem to feel it's more serious than that.
By "movement" do you mean a handful of crap jokes replying to a poorly staged photo?

Probably more people reacting to the 'movement' than the 'movement' itself!

Fair play to Yorkshire Team for making hay of it.

Jesus who put that drama queen in charge of a fecking Tea Twitter account.

I commented on this thread on Twitter. Yorkshire Tea were nothing more than a prop used in a very transparent nod to the north. I took it for what it was. That said, they wouldn't pull stuff like this if it wasn't effective in some way and I think some of the 'outrage' comes from people that are worried about others that don't see through it.

I also think that Yorkshire Tea have been clever with that thread in order to spin the narrative in their favour, although it should never have gone against them. I don't believe the team running the socials will have been feeling exactly as described in the tweets but maybe I'm a cynic.
I don't even know who the cabinet members are. So demoralised with our politics at the moment.
I commented on this thread on Twitter. Yorkshire Tea were nothing more than a prop used in a very transparent nod to the north. I took it for what it was. That said, they wouldn't pull stuff like this if it wasn't effective in some way and I think some of the 'outrage' comes from people that are worried about others that don't see through it.

I also think that Yorkshire Tea have been clever with that thread in order to spin the narrative in their favour, although it should never have gone against them. I don't believe the team running the socials will have been feeling exactly as described in the tweets but maybe I'm a cynic.

That's exactly what I took from it. They know their audience, they had literally a handful of people effectively saying that Yorkshire Tea being used as a prop for this government is not a good look and they fabricated it into some sort of left vs right political storm that they had no interest in being a part of but were completely shocked by and their poor staff are now sitting in HR getting the counselling they require from such a traumatic experience.

Being compassionate and considerate of other people is awesome and should be encouraged. Being super woke to the point where you're getting offended on behalf of people that you think should be offended but actually aren't is absolutely draining and only equalled in ridiculousness by those on the opposite side who are guilty of exactly the same mental gymnastics when they turn the slightest hint of wokeness into "OH MY GOD YOU CANT SAY ANYTHING THESE DAYS EVERYONE IS OFFENDED WHAT DONT YOU DARE CALL ME A BOOMER OR A STUPID BREXITEER HOW DARE YOU.... POPPIES!"
I think bullying civil servants would be seen as a plus from Cummings

It is and Patel has gone to the top of Dominic's Christmas card list.

Priti Patel presents the perfect 'stalking horse' Cabinet Minister for Cumming's root and branch clear out of CS Chiefs, if he (with Patel's help) can sort out the Home Office CS, then no other department will dare take a stand against his silent revolution in the corridors of power.

Take down the biggest beast and rest become instantly subdued! ( However could argue that has already been achieved with the Treasury changes)
But looking at the "rage" tweets they reference, none of them were directing their vitriol at the admin.

Why do you continue to wage this horrible campaign against this poor victim?
That's exactly what I took from it. They know their audience, they had literally a handful of people effectively saying that Yorkshire Tea being used as a prop for this government is not a good look and they fabricated it into some sort of left vs right political storm that they had no interest in being a part of but were completely shocked by and their poor staff are now sitting in HR getting the counselling they require from such a traumatic experience.

Being compassionate and considerate of other people is awesome and should be encouraged. Being super woke to the point where you're getting offended on behalf of people that you think should be offended but actually aren't is absolutely draining and only equalled in ridiculousness by those on the opposite side who are guilty of exactly the same mental gymnastics when they turn the slightest hint of wokeness into "OH MY GOD YOU CANT SAY ANYTHING THESE DAYS EVERYONE IS OFFENDED WHAT DONT YOU DARE CALL ME A BOOMER OR A STUPID BREXITEER HOW DARE YOU.... POPPIES!"

Accurate. Nicely complimented by huge numbers of people declaring that they are going to immediately make a cup of Yorkshire Tea as a show of solidarity and a similarly hefty number of people that are going to entirely avoid the tea aisle in Asda for the rest of eternity.
We laugh at the Tories and Republicans pulling this shit but this is a serious issue. People die over thsese cuts. The media is accountable for this shit.

Yup, they get away with this because suddenly when they're in power these become non-issues for everyone. I read an article some years ago about these tax/deficit think tanks that kept getting invited to the BBC as neutral source, they are actually being funded by anti-tax oligarchs.

There is no straight way to fight this except to build a new common sense for half the population using social media. Just as fox watchers live in a different reality to CNN watchers, you want enough people in your own bubble that the BBC or Mail screaming about this won't matter.
Head of civil service leaving his job and going to take the government to court for constructive dismissal ... Patel and Cummings presumably will be at the centre of the case

God forbid he wins at the courts. On the plus side he will win a payoff, but the downside is he will give the government further ammunition in its aim to diminish judicial powers and “reign” the courts in. He will surely be branded as part of the remainer establishment and enemy of the people by the Telegraph/Daily Mail.

Let’s face it, the whole system is at their mercy now. They can get away with nearly everything with hardly any compromise or tact required.