Westminster Politics

And so the narrative is continually reinforced. It's all the immigrants fault.
The elites let you down.

I'm fecking sick of this fecking shit. People wonder why Laurence Fox pisses other people off as he artlessly pontificates in front of this background of institutional demonising of the other.
This insistence on using the phrase "levelling up" by everyone in Boris' cabinet really boils my piss. Did they do some polling and find out that people like it or is Boris just trying to force a meme on us? Either way, blergh.
This insistence on using the phrase "levelling up" by everyone in Boris' cabinet really boils my piss. Did they do some polling and find out that people like it or is Boris just trying to force a meme on us? Either way, blergh.
Maybe it’s the new ‘out of touch’, which was the top phrase for ages and applied liberally everywhere
Seems to be the only sensible thing they've done to me. Still i can't help but feel this is a deliberate pantomime setup to make Boris look tough.

I'm not sure. I think it's as straight forward as it seems. The US agenda is their struggle with China for global pre-eminence and we are simply pawns in that. The UK security agencies have given assurances that the threat can be managed and there's no viable alternative.
Imagine if a Labour government was doing the same.

He's basically done what Labour would've done as they were pretty much absent in the HOC yesterday but praised him for standing up to the US. If the boot was on the other foot then it would be spun against Labour for sure, that's politics. Boris has took some strong flak from senior Tories like IDS on it, however. It looks as though he's acted in the national interest all told though.

The implications for the magic trade deal are interesting. The UK government's own figures only forecast a 0.2% GDP increase from a comprehensive FTA with them and that would come at costs many would argue aren't worth paying. Hopefully this decision indicates that they're viewing that trade deal as it is in reality rather than simply as political optics in the wake of Brexit.
Imagine if a Labour government was doing the same.
I think if labour had won the election these decisions would have been less newsworthy
1. They said they would nationalise northern rail
2. Nobody was accusing them of doing whatever the usa wanted so the huawai decision would have been less of a surprise
3. Most of the news would probably be about Corbyn doing something like building re education camps for Jews and blairites or the members of the ehrc getting ice picks to the brain and the evidence dissapearing
He's basically done what Labour would've done as they were pretty much absent in the HOC yesterday but praised him for standing up to the US. If the boot was on the other foot then it would be spun against Labour for sure, that's politics. Boris has took some strong flak from senior Tories like IDS on it, however. It looks as though he's acted in the national interest all told though.

The implications for the magic trade deal are interesting. The UK government's own figures only forecast a 0.2% GDP increase from a comprehensive FTA with them and that would come at costs many would argue aren't worth paying. Hopefully this decision indicates that they're viewing that trade deal as it is in reality rather than simply as political optics in the wake of Brexit.
I was talking about the nationalization of Northern Rail.
I think if labour had won the election these decisions would have been less newsworthy
1. They said they would nationalise northern rail
2. Nobody was accusing them of doing whatever the usa wanted so the huawai decision would have been less of a surprise
3. Most of the news would probably be about Corbyn doing something like building re education camps for Jews and blairites or the members of the ehrc getting ice picks to the brain and the evidence dissapearing
No doubt it would seen as a slippery slope towards Socialism.
Awful story.

Errol Graham death: Nottingham man starved after benefits stopped https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-nottinghamshire-51283186

Agree. Awful story.

But where were his family instead of shouting out loud after this poor man's death

Graham’s family this week blamed the Department for Work and Pensions for his death in June 2018, saying it should not have cut off the financial lifeline of a man it knew to be highly vulnerable. “He would still be alive. He’d be ill but he’d still be alive,” said his daughter-in-law Alison Turner.

Agree. Awful story.

But where were his family instead of shouting out loud after this poor man's death

Graham’s family this week blamed the Department for Work and Pensions for his death in June 2018, saying it should not have cut off the financial lifeline of a man it knew to be highly vulnerable. “He would still be alive. He’d be ill but he’d still be alive,” said his daughter-in-law Alison Turner.


The grandfather, who had suffered with severe social anxiety, had cut himself off from family and friends.


Pretty common thing to happen with people suffering from social anxiety. But let's be honest, you don't actually think this story is awful because if you did there wouldn't be any need for your little rant at the grieving family members. If you really did care then you would instead blame a system which for the last decade has been attacking the most vulnerable people in Britain but then again maybe just maybe, I'm giving far too much credit to the conservative thought process.

Dam! The tories bringing us back to the 1970's.
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Pretty common thing to happen with people suffering from social anxiety. But let's be honest, you don't actually think this story is awful because if you did there wouldn't be any need for your little rant at the grieving family members. If you really did care then you would instead blame a system which for the last decade has been attacking the most vulnerable people in Britain but then again maybe just maybe, I'm giving far too much credit to the conservative thought process.

Hardly a rant.

At some point in life, everyone has to take some responsibilty for their family, their friends or those others close to them. Whether the young, the old, the sick, the unemployed, the unfortunates....

It's been more or less like that for thousands of years and remains like that, still, for most people in this world.

The trouble is that in many countries, the younger generations now either don't want to or can't be bothered

You can't just hand over responsibility for the elderly and sick to the state - if every family in the UK did this, then the UK would have thousands of events like this one every week. They wouldn't make headlines and the problem you argue would become even worse because the ' system ' just couldn't cope.

Harsh, but true.
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Thing is that Boris looks to be the first Prime Minister in memory to actually do something that is in acknowledgement of that.

No, at least within my lifetime he isn't, there was Harold Wilson refusing to get UK troops involved in the Vietnam War in the early 1960's and even before that Anthony Eden in the 1950's refusing to take US advice on not sending troops to seize the Suez Canal after Egypt's Colonel Nasser nationalised it.

After Wilson's refusal on Vietnam, it was widely believed he became a target for the CIA, and in the mid 70's he resigned as PM quite suddenly, seemingly out of the blue! With Eden the Yanks put pressure on him through the UN and he had to backdown and bring the troops home, he resigned as PM soon after.
Hardly a rant.

At some point in life, everyone has to take some responsibilty for their family, their friends or those others close to them. Whether the young, the old, the sick, the unemployed, the unfortunates....

It's been more or less like that for thousands of years and remains like that, still, for most people in this world.

The trouble is that in many countries, the younger generations now either don't want to or can't be bothered

You can't just hand over responsibility for the elderly and sick to the state - if every family in the UK did this, then the UK would have thousands of events like this one every week. They wouldn't make headlines and the problem you argue would become even worse because the ' system ' just couldn't cope.

Harsh, but true.
Yeah I was giving you far too much credit.

My bad.
Yeah I was giving you're thought process far too much credit.

My bad.

C'mon....You know I'm not a full blown Conservative by a long, long way.

Having said that, this event is not wholly a problem of recent Conservative Governments but more an example and problem of Modern Society.

No Political Party in the UK ( as they are today ) could cope if required to take full responsibility for everyone who needs help, especially the sick and the elderly.

It would be a mistake to believe that it would be much different with Liberal, Green, or Labour Governments.

And ditto every other First World country.
Most of the news would probably be about Corbyn doing something like building re education camps for Jews

Some might say that such hyperbolic commentary and outrageous historical comparisons can be dangerous for those they're supposedly protecting, but then everyone here is much more concerned and active against anti-semitism than corbynite scum like me, so it must be fine.
C'mon....You know I'm not a full blown Conservative by a long, long way.

Having said that, this event is not wholly a problem of recent Conservative Governments but more an example and problem of Modern Society.

No Political Party in the UK ( as they are today ) could cope if required to take full responsibility for everyone who needs help, especially the sick and the elderly.

Firstly its a problem of the last decade of Tory government, I hate New Labour more than well anyone but this sort of stuff didn't happen under their watch. Secondly the problem with modern society isn't a lack responsibility but rather we have become so reliant and responsibly for ourselves as individuals that we are completely alienated from each other(With a big old spoon full of capitalist realism for good measure), which means we find it impossible to imagine something as small as a functioning welfare state.

We are so isolated that we turn to blame grieving family members rather than looking at the active negligence of places like DWP(Individuals can change so of course they should be blamed but change in places like DWP well no that's just ''modern society'.). The DWP knew this person had a history of mental illness and knew he was actively avoiding contact and still cut his benefits. What the feck were they expecting to happen ? But todays welfare system is set with one purpose and that is to get as many people off benefits as possible regardless of the outcomes. They knew what was going to be happen to this man and they didn't care(One of the ''strengths of British conservatism is how openly cruel it is).

It would be a mistake to believe that it would be much different with Liberal, Green, or Labour Governments.

The fog of capitalist realism is still pretty strong sadly.

Labour confirms plans for new departments and ‘day one’ scrapping of DWP

Election 2019: Labour pledges inquiry into seven years of DWP benefit deaths
Firstly its a problem of the last decade of Tory government, I hate New Labour more than well anyone but this sort of stuff didn't happen under their watch. Secondly the problem with modern society isn't a lack responsibility but rather we have become so reliant and responsibly for ourselves as individuals that we are completely alienated from each other(With a big old spoon full of capitalist realism for good measure), which means we find it impossible to imagine something as small as a functioning welfare state.

We are so isolated that we turn to blame grieving family members rather than looking at the active negligence of places like DWP(Individuals can change so of course they should be blamed but change in places like DWP well no that's just ''modern society'.). The DWP knew this person had a history of mental illness and knew he was actively avoiding contact and still cut his benefits. What the feck were they expecting to happen ? But todays welfare system is set with one purpose and that is to get as many people off benefits as possible regardless of the outcomes. They knew what was going to be happen to this man and they didn't care(One of the ''strengths of British conservatism is how openly cruel it is).

The fog of capitalist realism is still pretty strong sadly.

Labour confirms plans for new departments and ‘day one’ scrapping of DWP

Election 2019: Labour pledges inquiry into seven years of DWP benefit deaths

If you say so....

Everything is nobody's fault but the Conservative Governments' fault in the Socialists' World.

You'll perhaps grow out of it one day, or end up a perpetual Loony Leftie with only the slightest grasp of how the real world works.

It's beyond belief that there's people out there still oblivious to just how hard the Tories have hit people through the DWP. The cruelty to which they and its outsourced firms have enforced upon the disabled is disgusting.

People just don't care is the truth of it.
If you say so....

Everything is nobody's fault but the Conservative Governments' fault in the Socialists' World.

You'll perhaps grow out of it one day, or end up a perpetual Loony Leftie with only the slightest grasp of how the real world works.

The impact of austerity is objectively undeniable and the failure to effectively roll out Universal Credit has contributed to deaths throughout the UK. Public services have been slashed for a period of ten years and the statistics (whether it be mental health, education, NHS targets or housing) all confirm the devastating effect they have had.

That’s the real world, I’m afraid. Perhaps it’s you who should try seeing some more of it. Far too many people (somewhat understandably) live in their little bubble; it’s blissful ignorance.
Yeah couldn't give a stuff either. I'd like to envisage a future whereby when someone calls the council to moan about something you can answer "Can i ask who you voted for? Oh the Tories, go feck yourself then."