Fists of Fury

Haye and Chisora are fighting now!
Comedy GoldBBC Sport
David Haye's manager Adam Booth suffers facial cuts after a brawl between his fighter and British rival Dereck Chisora in Munich.
Wladimir is standing on a chair laughing. Gives me two thumbs up. He's loving this.
Haye had no reason to be there, he's no superstar. His fight was a disgrace. Chisora should have mocked him, for all his antics, he actually made Vitali work. Pretty sure Wlad took a nap while fighting Haye.
"You had an offer, you didn't accept it, now you are out. You are out. Out, out, out. You cannot talk yourself back into the fight, you have no belts. Chisora showed heart, contrary to you. You showed your toe [Haye claimed he broke a toe before the fight]."
You can't really see them fight but this is the first video off YouTube:
Fair play to Adam Booth who stayed calm, Haye is a bitch.
To be fair I think we've all said daft things like that whilst in a fight.
The security were asked to remove him numerous times, and they didn't. No idea why he is there, let alone shooting him mouth off. Haye is an utter cnut, and an embarrassment to boxing, but the death threats from Chisora were a bit far.
Edit: At around 2:07-2:09 I'm quite sure Haye has got a bottle in his hand.
R.I.P. Boxing
rofl fake shit is fake. Haye can sell a fight I'll give him that....managed to somehow sell Audley, the ultra boring Wladimir and will now magically sell this one. Genius.
Munich police detaining Chisora for questioning.Nothing fake about this
Munich police detaining Chisora for questioning.Nothing fake about this
How does that tell you this is not fake exactly?
Haye: Lets hype this fight
Chisora: Yeah, but I want to go out of character and not get in any trouble for it.
It might not be fake, but him getting questioned(possibly not even for this considering Haye isn't) isn't proof to the contrary.
Boxers are the biggest salesmen in sports, so don't underestimate how far they'd go to sell a fight. Tyson did FAR worse than this to sell his and he was mostly in sales mode.
Chisora but not Haye ?