Vitali Klitschko v Dereck Chisora

Chisora started well in that round and had VK looking slightly concerned but VK came back with some punishment of his own.
Has Chisora won a round yet ? Only a knockout can save him now.

Won the 6th for me and arguably the 7th. We'll hear the scores at the end of this round, could be interesting.
Vitali with a big gap in the scores.
Vitali wins but that was more interesting than I expected.
Klitschko to far ahead in points now.But Chisora as given him a good fight.
Vitali looked a bit tired but was the better fighter overall. Chisora did more than Haye did, perhaps they could fight each other.
After watching the two Brits try their luck against Klitschko, I've officially decided that boxing nowadays is boring and shit. There, I said it.

Well done to Chisora for trying to have a go at least.

LOL The heavyweight division is shit, no doubt. Watch Gamboa - Rios and come back and say that boxing is shit.

Chisora has spat his way into a nice pay day against Wlad.
LOL The heavyweight division is shit, no doubt. Watch Gamboa - Rios and come back and say that boxing is shit.

Chisora has spat his way into a nice pay day against Wlad.
Yup, it's mostly that I think that Klitshko is a very effective and not so exciting fighter. I guess he's been more exciting in the other fights, but these two that I've watched were very boring to me. Maybe I just don't get it.
Haye trash talking about Vitali, shut up you tit.
He wants a rematch or fight with Wlad. Good luck. At least he didn't look for any excuses.
Yup, it's mostly that I think that Klitshko is a very effective and not so exciting fighter. I guess he's been more exciting in the other fights, but these two that I've watched were very boring to me. Maybe I just don't get it.

The brothers are fecking shit to watch, they have limited skill sets but use their physical advantages brilliantly and that is the key to their success.

There are plenty of exciting fighters in the other divisions. Amir Kahn, Yurikorkis Gamboa, Carl Froch, Brendan Rios, Kevin Mitchell and Manny Pacquiao to name but a few. All these guys usually make for exciting fights and display some of the skills that are lacking when you watch the brothers.
Not making any excuses, he did well and I think he should get another fight, rematch or against Wladimir.
Chisora would get crushed by Wladimir

I think that Chisora's display against VK makes that fight interesting. Most people feel that Vitali is the more formidable fighter of the two brothers as Wlad has been dropped eleven times in his career and has a few losses. Wlad has the superior boxing skills of the two and he needs them to protect his chin. Vitali is bigger, meaner and has a great chin. We saw Chisora land a few times on VK, that being something that rarely happens. Chisora obviously spat in Wlad's face to set up the fight with him. Sadly I think that Chisora - Wlad K is the most interesting fight in the heavyweight division at the moment.
Vitali saying a Haye fight will be a 'great fight and he's happy to do it.'
Very humble interview from Vitali there.

Both of them come across as really respectable champions unlike Haye and Chisora who both behaved like cnuts before their fights (and in Haye's case after the fight as well)
This fool next to Haye has a very annoying voice.
After watching the two Brits try their luck against Klitschko, I've officially decided that boxing nowadays is boring and shit. There, I said it.

Well done to Chisora for trying to have a go at least.

MMA is abot 10 times more exciting than boxing

Both of them come across as really respectable champions unlike Haye and Chisora who both behaved like cnuts before their fights (and in Haye's case after the fight as well)

Agreed. i have a lot of repect for them. Shame that many of their fights are quite dull
The Klitschkos have nothing left to prove. If anything, Haye and Chisora need to fight since they both lost their bouts.
Has Haye excused his shit punditry by getting out his toe yet?