Let me clarify myself, Pogba, Shaw, Lindelof
and AWB are all at fault. I certainly wouldn't absolve AWB at all.
I'm not placing the majority of the blame on Lindelof at all.
I'm just saying he should have done better, period. You don't get into that position marking no one and then justify 'couldn't jump any higher' or 'it was a decent cross'. No, he did poorly for it, plain and simple. Again watch the damn clip, he rests on his back foot and almost stops in tracks just as the cross comes in.
Granted, if he had cleared it, I would have clapped my hands and said 'good header and defending'. However, it was poor by virtue that he missed it.
A truly embarrassing comment
Are you genuinely suggesting that you know the position better than Lindelof, the guy who's paid 150 grand a week to play for Manchester United?
It's not a stretch at all to call out a
clear deficiency. Is it not justified to say Pogba dallies on the ball in midfield too much or AWB has poor passing ability?
Lindelof has lots of history of mistiming the flight of the ball.
Off the top of my head, Hudderfield and Crystal Palace from a few years ago. That infamous clip of Mourinho in the studio talking about how Lindelof is poor at heading (and wanting a new centre back), then right on cue, in the warm up session, he literally ducks under a ball

. West Brom, Sevilla etc. That's just off the top examples.
This is not one of those 'I can find youtube clips of Bebe and make him look like Messi' bs. It's undeniable he has 'consistent' issues (not every game but often enough where it's alarming) with this.