This ref is just straight up trolling and I love it...
Horrible decision. The defender got nowhere near the ball.Stonewall pen.
The sensor in the ball is used to determine exact moment ball was played for the semi-automated offsides. The secondary use is confirming contact for decisions such as that.A fecking snickometer.
in football
feck off
Just makes no sense to follow the sport when it’s decisions like this that decides game. A toenail offside and a penalty from a cross that was blasted to an arm from two yards. And that’s why Germany will proceed instead of us. No reason to keep watching.
It should go back to handballs never being given unless extremely blatant. Also toenail offsides are fecking shit but that's another story.
The sensor in the ball is used to determine exact moment ball was played for the semi-automated offsides. The secondary use is confirming contact for decisions such as that.
Toe nail offside is still an offside. Just like in cricket a toe nail run out is still a run out. Can't believe people argue this ridiculous points. Most cricket games are decided by such decisions, LBWs, run outs, catches. If its over the line its over the line.
This American woman on itv is great. I bet the refs absolutely love her.
This American woman on itv is great. I bet the refs absolutely love her.
Just said same on the match thread… the decisions are bollocks but she explains each part of the rule/the interpretation really clearly.This American woman on itv is great. I bet the refs absolutely love her.
This American woman on itv is great. I bet the refs absolutely love her.
Just said same on the match thread… the decisions are bollocks but she explains each part of the rule/the interpretation really clearly.
Its not the technology, it’s the morons who come up with the rules and the morons who officiate it
Toe nail offside is still an offside. Just like in cricket a toe nail run out is still a run out. Can't believe people argue this ridiculous points. Most cricket games are decided by such decisions, LBWs, run outs, catches. If its over the line its over the line.
Long and short of it is John Terry took the piss and we all have to suffer because the administrators in charge went too far in trying to stop that sort of cheating
VAR should go back on trial, it should be scrapped at the highest levels.
It's killing the game, as is. Wolves were right.
Toe nail offside is still an offside. Just like in cricket a toe nail run out is still a run out. Can't believe people argue this ridiculous points. Most cricket games are decided by such decisions, LBWs, run outs, catches. If its over the line its over the line.