US Politics

What's happening?
The far right Republicans werent happy that the speaker reached some agreement with Biden so wanted him gone... presumably to have him replaced by someone who wouldnt be willing to work with the Democrats at all.. so why did the Democrats vote to get him out?
The Democrats could’ve saved McCarthy this time. Then what? Soon, there will be another budget fight, and these 7-8 people will again oppose any agreement with the Democrats. McCarthy would then have to make a choice: shutdown or compromise. If he makes a deal, this group will again bring a motion to remove him from the speakership. They never wanted him in this position, and they just looked for the first opportunity to remove him.

The Democrats can’t keep saving someone from his own caucus, even though I would’ve been okay with them doing it yesterday.
Imagine nominating for Speaker a man facing multiple court cases in the near future. These clowns are obviously playing music to their voting base, can't see them getting enough votes for it to go through.

It's a fugazi.
Meant to ask this before:
Is there some way to view successive/chronological Tweets in full without having a Twitter account or needing to install the app. I refuse to make an account for it
There’s a process called ‘unrolling’ that will take all the tweets & put them in a paragraphical form (I think that’s the gist).

This thread has an unroll tweet immediately after the last. You could go on the website & click on it to see what happens.
Scalise in the running as he is fighting cancer literally. And then figuratively the cancer he will have to fight with these nutjobs in his own party.
So what does this do to the Republicans now? Will this leave to an internal split between them, or is it so close to elections that they'll realise they have to be unified for elections?
So what does this do to the Republicans now? Will this leave to an internal split between them, or is it so close to elections that they'll realise they have to be unified for elections?
We are an eternity away from the next election.

That said, Repubs can coalesce unbelievably well behind anyone with an '-R' after their name.
Scalise in the running as he is fighting cancer literally. And then figuratively the cancer he will have to fight with these nutjobs in his own party.
Scalise to me is far scarier than Gym Jordan.

I had the misfortune to meet the guy in another professional life and you just felt like wanting to wash the stank off after meeting that guy. The worst kind of career politician. His letter to declare is candidacy is incendiary, and should tell you all you need to know about the guy. He basically declared his continued existence to be a divine gift to the American people.
Not that i think it would happen anyway, but Trump is disqualified from becoming speaker, according to the rules house republicans created.
Gaetz got his win, and will use that when campaigning for governor in Florida in a couple of years.

He strengthened his position for sure, unfortunately for people in Florida.
I was not even remotely surprised by this story.

I would bet a sizable amount of money this guys lives in Green or Jefferson county.
I was not even remotely surprised by this story.

I would bet a sizable amount of money this guys lives in Green or Jefferson county.

"Weapons can be brought into the Capitol if they are concealed and the person has a valid permit."

What could possibly go wrong?
"Your Honor, we can't proceed to trial because I'm House Speaker ..."
You joke, but he 100% will invoke the "Speech and Debate Clause" and claim it shields him. Just like he does with the "Presidential Records Act".
Shame in 2023 Alabama still having to be dragged kicking and screaming out of their obvious racist tendencies by the courts.

Meanwhile George Santos might be in even more trouble since his Treasurer who he was blaming for all the irregularities/fraudulent claims on campaign finance forms is pleading guilty and may be cooperating.
No telling how this will end, but i have a feeling it will probably be Jim Jordan, or someone equally as bad, to be their next speaker.

I don't think this "moderate" speaker that many dems are wishing for will happen at all, if the GOP is known for one thing, it is to double down.
Could this Israel thing might draw out some sort of bi partisan deal for scalise or a moderate? Democra voting with them to do the essentials and not much else.
Could this Israel thing might draw out some sort of bi partisan deal for scalise or a moderate? Democra voting with them to do the essentials and not much else.
No, as that idea would be predicated on the GOP actually caring about governing. There could be a meteor headed towards earth and even if the only way to deflect it was a bipartisan speakership the GOP would refrain from doing so.