US Politics

No names in the polling but unsettling still…

That tweet is an horrendous indictment of American politics and society. It’s why the country is trapped in this two party, least worst option death spiral. The sad part is it’s also a completely accurate indication of where we’re at. Grim
That tweet is an horrendous indictment of American politics and society. It’s why the country is trapped in this two party, least worst option death spiral. The sad part is it’s also a completely accurate indication of where we’re at. Grim
Don’t overlook the paragraph where a young lady describes why she likes Libertarianism!
Don’t overlook the paragraph where a young lady describes why she likes Libertarianism!
:lol: I swear so many of my interactions with people are them saying “I’m the centre(read rational/sensible one), person X is the extremist.”
Gotta make up for losing all the wise immigrants who are getting the feck out of that state!

The inmates now run the asylum. Anyone that takes the job now is essentially going to have to promise utter insane things like pardons for J6 inmates and I would not be surprised if someone floats the idea of defunding the entire DOJ
None of that can or will happen unless someone tops Biden and Harris
Gotta make up for losing all the wise immigrants who are getting the feck out of that state!

I don't really mind kids being able to work at that age, but like with so many things it's the why that is important. And the why means looking at who is proposing it. Its part of the playbook to create an even lesser educated, easier to control populace. If they do go to college: put em in schools taken over by the Hope College/idealogy model, but even better if you can prevent them from making it/wanting to go to college to begin with.
What's happening?
The far right Republicans werent happy that the speaker reached some agreement with Biden so wanted him gone... presumably to have him replaced by someone who wouldnt be willing to work with the Democrats at all.. so why did the Democrats vote to get him out?
None of that can or will happen unless someone tops Biden and Harris

Doesn't have to happen. I'm saying the promises made in attempt to win the speakership are now going to be increasingly insane. Which is obviously not great to keep government functioning.

These people are going to take every opportunity, including the next debt ceiling flashpoint to ask for truly insane things.
What's happening?
The far right Republicans werent happy that the speaker reached some agreement with Biden so wanted him gone... presumably to have him replaced by someone who wouldnt be willing to work with the Democrats at all.. so why did the Democrats vote to get him out?

What's happening?
The far right Republicans werent happy that the speaker reached some agreement with Biden so wanted him gone... presumably to have him replaced by someone who wouldnt be willing to work with the Democrats at all.. so why did the Democrats vote to get him out?
Because the Dems love the shitstorm of the GOP self-distructing, the original vote for Speaker, thissacking and the inevitable infighting that will now occur to be the next speaker pretty much guarantees that they'll win the House back next year
Because the Dems love the shitstorm of the GOP self-distructing, the original vote for Speaker, thissacking and the inevitable infighting that will now occur to be the next speaker pretty much guarantees that they'll win the House back next year

I'm sure they do, but they are also the only ones there(along a select few republicans) who cares about governing.

Republicans(and their voters) don't really care about a shutdown, dems do though.
I'm sure they do, but they are also the only ones there(along a select few republicans) who cares about governing.

Republicans(and their voters) don't really care about a shutdown, dems do though.

The likelihood is that due to internal disunity any nomination the Republicans make will require Democrat support to become speaker. So beyond believing that Republican infighting will help them electorally I think they might also believe that they can secure some concessions in return for acting as king makers.
I'm sure they do, but they are also the only ones there(along a select few republicans) who cares about governing.

Republicans(and their voters) don't really care about a shutdown, dems do though.
Maybe but the Reuplican's do care about being in charge of all those committees, investigating the Biden's and such like
How does your opinion reconcile with an innocent person being sentenced to death?

Really bad, but not worse for an innocent person passing +30 years in prison being innocent. In the end I am talking more on what I would rather prefer in my life, being innocent or guilty. I prefer to die than spend +30 years in prison. Being 20 years old and getting out at +50 or 30 and +60... I rather prefer death sentence. But thats me
The likelihood is that due to internal disunity any nomination the Republicans make will require Democrat support to become speaker. So beyond believing that Republican infighting will help them electorally I think they might also believe that they can secure some concessions in return for acting as king makers.

Maybe, but keep in mind that if a republican who wants to be speaker and makes a deal with dems, that will also mean losing several(if not plenty)votes from their own party as a result, no sure thing they will gain much from it.

Possible they will just end up with an even more hardline conservative as a speaker next.
Reports now that McCarthy told his support he won't try to run again. Makes sense really. He is far weaker position now than the first time. He burned all his bridges, and he knows even if he did cobble together another win somehow he pretty much gave away everything the first time in concessions and it got him an embarrassing historical booting.
So, McCarthy won’t run again?

Possible they will just end up with an even more hardline conservative as a speaker next.
Well, the American public, particularly swing voters, have to make a decision in November of next year. Is this what they want?
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Really bad, but not worse for an innocent person passing +30 years in prison being innocent. In the end I am talking more on what I would rather prefer in my life, being innocent or guilty. I prefer to die than spend +30 years in prison. Being 20 years old and getting out at +50 or 30 and +60... I rather prefer death sentence. But thats me
Fair enough, thanks for answering!
So, McCarthy won’t run again?

Well, the American public, particularly swing voters, have to make a decision in November of next year. Is this what they want?
They don't have thye brain cells to think that far ahead!
Unfortunately that is my rep. I clearly didn't vote for him and he continues to be trash just like my Senators

You did not vote for him; was this recent? Is he like 18? He claims that Trump is the greatest president in his lifetime.
He used to be Sherrif and was bad at that too. Now he is clearly trying to grab some headlines and right wing show airtime like gaetz with this stunt
He used to be Sherrif and was bad at that too. Now he is clearly trying to grab some headlines and right wing show airtime like gaetz with this stunt

The Congress is just such a circus at the moment. Its taken dysfunction to a whole new level.

Compromise is akin to child abuse (or probably worse, for the likes of Gym Jordon). Now you have the growing minority of lunatics taking over one party.
A group of House Republicans are allegedly trying to draft former President Donald Trump to be speaker of the House of Representatives following Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s ouster on Tuesday.

On Fox News’ Hannity, Tuesday evening, host Sean Hannity said, “Sources telling me at this hour some House Republicans have been in contact with and has started an effort to draft former President Donald Trump to be the next speaker, and I have been told that President Trump might be open to helping the Republican Party, at least in the short term, if necessary.”

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) endorsed former President Donald Trump for speaker of the House of Representatives on Tuesday following Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s (R-CA) ousting.

Here comes the QAnon wet dream.