US Politics

That's been the whole issue since Gingrich: GOP doesn't want to govern, it wants to get rid of government. And their voters want them to get rid of government, while still getting to use all the services and benefits of government.

I do agree though, there's a tidy message there about: we're the only serious party qualified to govern or something like that.

Well, they want to keep the benefits for themselves, but not for the "others", if you know what i mean.
What's the play for the dems? Do we know who gets it if not McCarthy?

AFAIK, McCarthy didn't even ask dems for any concessions, so there isn't really anything to negotiate over right now.
Looks like McCarthy is done, for now.

He lasted longer than i thought he would though.
Probably an unpopular opinion on here, but I think this is barbaric. The death penalty is an abomination.

Im more of the opinion that any sentence of +30 years without possible reduction is worse than death penalty
Pelosi has not voted. 100% she wants to be the deciding vote. “Tell her it was me” moment incoming.
There is no benefit for Dems to 'save' him. He cannot control his own caucus clearly. He cannot promise anything and be expected to keep his word. He is a two faced rat who was only interested in himself and "being Speaker". He gave these same idiots of his own party trying to get rid of him clout and legitimacy. He did the same for Trump shamelessly kissing ass and getting nothing but orange makeup all over his face for it.

Dems swooped in to keep the government funded at the last minute and he goes on TV the very next day trying to blame Dems for it.
He’s out.

The Republican Party is reminding all of us that there’re not interested in governing.

He will run again for the job, and he should just find a way to work with the Democrats, especially on necessary votes such as the budget. No more drama like last week, at least until the next Congress is sworn in.

As a Democrat myself I hate to see this disfunction in our country. The GOP have made the job of Speaker a joke.
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He’s out.

The Republican Party is reminding all of us that there’re not interested in governing.

He will run again for the job, and he should just find a way to work with the Democrats, especially on necessary votes such as the budget. No more drama like last week, at least until the next Congress is sworn in.

As a Democrat myself I hate to see this distinction in our country. The GOP have made the job of Speaker a joke.

Its a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy, GOP views the government as a joke, campaigns on it, and look, here we are.
He will run again for it. It is his only identity now. He will be just as weak if not more than the first time. And he will have to beg Dems again. They just sent a powerful statement making him the first speaker in history to be deposed. He should have kept his trap shut and got his own house in order after Dems saved a shutdown on his watch.
He will run again for it. It is his only identity now. He will be just as weak if not more than the first time. And he will have to beg Dems again. They just sent a powerful statement making him the first speaker in history to be deposed. He should have kept his trap shut and got his own house in order after Dems saved a shutdown on his watch.
He had absolutely no chance to ever get his house in order. They are nihilists.
Can’t properly enjoy it after the United abortion & the Rays imploding.
The best part of flying home today is that planes don’t have cbs sports so I could only watch the Kev show. Following the Utd meltdown on game tracker doesn’t hit all that hard.
The best part of flying home today is that planes don’t have cbs sports so I could only watch the Kev show. Following the Utd meltdown on game tracker doesn’t hit all that hard.
Good for you. It was a tad soul crushing at multiple times during the game.
Would appreciate if we could keep United talk down to not dampen the celebration over the disaster that is the GOP.
This shit has cheered me up a bit. I'm grateful to the Republicans - weird feeling, really. Wrong, somehow.
The inmates now run the asylum. Anyone that takes the job now is essentially going to have to promise utter insane things like pardons for J6 inmates and I would not be surprised if someone floats the idea of defunding the entire DOJ
Good for you. It was a tad soul crushing at multiple times during the game.
It felt a lot like the Barthez 3-2 loss at home to Depor in 2001/02 with hojlund being Ruud and Onana playing barthez except we were still a mostly serious team then and deportivo were streets ahead of this Galatasaray team