US Politics

Now the nominee should be more principled in getting all money out of politics. But they won't get far if there's no party infrastructure to amplify their message and work on down ballot races at local and state levels.
Under the current good billionaires model - This type of nominee won’t have any party support because they are effectively trying to rid the party of its “funds”.

Which would result in the nominee getting attacked in a number of ways by the party(See both Bernie Sanders campaigns).

A Democratic party funded by billionaires and a democratic presidential candidate running on getting money out of politics is a big contradiction.
Under the current good billionaires model - This type of nominee won’t have any party support because they are effectively trying to rid the party of its “funds”.

Which would result in the nominee getting getting attacked in a number of ways by the party(See both Bernie Sanders campaigns)

If the nominee doesn't get any party support then the party deserves the ass whooping it gets against JD Vance
Under the current good billionaires model - This type of nominee won’t have any party support because they are effectively trying to rid the party of its “funds”.

Which would result in the nominee getting attacked in a number of ways by the party(See both Bernie Sanders campaigns).

A Democratic party funded by billionaires and a democratic presidential candidate running on getting money out of politics is a big contradiction.

Also, the new party chair is a hardcore zionist who fully supports Israel's genocide of Gaza.

So his idea of good and bad might not match other people's.
If the nominee doesn't get any party support then the party deserves the ass whooping it gets against JD Vance
Also, the new party chair is a hardcore zionist who fully supports Israel's genocide of Gaza.

So his idea of good and bad might not match other people's.
Thanks didn’t know this although it’s no surprise.

I expected the dems will push further to the right for the next 4 years and then hope people are fed up with Trump by the time the next election comes around.

Bleak near future.
If the nominee doesn't get any party support then the party deserves the ass whooping it gets against JD Vance
You have to wonder if the Democrat establishment would prefer a Bernie Sanders-like candidate compared to JD Vance.
I have no sympathy with McConnell but unfortunately he's one of the few that might vote against some of Trump's worst excesses
The whole GOP can collectively fall down the stairs.

Preferrably a really high one. Like a stairway to heaven.
If I recall correctly, small business owners also voted more for Trump. Coincidence?


Proposed bill would ban administration of mRNA vaccines in Montana​

HELENA, Mont. — Legislators heard a bill on Friday that would make Montana the first state to ban the use of mRNA vaccines.

House bill 371, sponsored by State Rep. Greg Kmetz (R-Miles City) and introduced alongside a dozen other Republicans, would ban the use of mRNA vaccinations on humans, and provide for misdemeanors to be issued to violators. “Gene-based vaccines, or mRNA vaccines, are the most destructive and lethal medical products that have ever been used in human history. I am asking you to support this bill banning gene-based vaccines so we can halt continued harm, disability, and death of our citizens,” said Christine Drivdahl-Smith, a family physician in Miles City and volunteer board member of Montana Medical Freedom Alliance.

I say this out of pure rage. They should never have mandated the COVID vaccine, they should've let these lunatics just suffer the consequences of gasping for air in an over-run hospital car park and just watch the red-state hospital systems collapse.

COVID was one of the best vaccine creations we've ever had, MRNA is a fecking life saver.

Voters Were Right About the Economy. The Data Was Wrong.​

Here’s why unemployment is higher, wages are lower and growth less robust than government statistics suggest.

What we uncovered shocked us. The bottom line is that, for 20 years or more, including the months prior to the election, voter perception was more reflective of reality than the incumbent statistics. Our research revealed that the data collected by the various agencies is largely accurate. Moreover, the people staffing those agencies are talented and well-intentioned. But the filters used to compute the headline statistics are flawed. As a result, they paint a much rosier picture of reality than bears out on the ground.

Take, as a particularly egregious example, what is perhaps the most widely reported economic indicator: unemployment. Known to experts as the U-3, the number misleads in several ways. First, it counts as employed the millions of people who are unwillingly under-employed — that is, people who, for example, work only a few hours each week while searching for a full-time job. Second, it does not take into account many Americans who have been so discouraged that they are no longer trying to get a job. Finally, the prevailing statistic does not account for the meagerness of any individual’s income. Thus you could be homeless on the streets, making an intermittent income and functionally incapable of keeping your family fed, and the government would still count you as “employed.”

I don’t believe those who went into this past election taking pride in the unemployment numbers understood that the near-record low unemployment figures — the figure was a mere 4.2 percent in November — counted homeless people doing occasional work as “employed.” But the implications are powerful. If you filter the statistic to include as unemployed people who can’t find anything but part-time work or who make a poverty wage (roughly $25,000), the percentage is actually 23.7 percent. In other words, nearly one of every four workers is functionally unemployed in America today — hardly something to celebrate.

The picture is similarly misleading when examining the methodology used to track how much Americans are earning. The prevailing government indicator, known colloquially as “weekly earnings,” tracks full-time wages to the exclusion of both the unemployed and those engaged in (typically lower-paid) part-time work. Today, as a result, those keeping track are led to believe that the median wage in the U.S. stands at roughly $61,900. But if you track everyone in the workforce — that is, if you include part-time workers and unemployed job seekers — the results are remarkably different. Our research reveals that the median wage is actually little more than $52,300 per year. Think of that: American workers on the median are making 16 percent less than the prevailing statistics would indicate.
This could go in the religious thread but it's more apt in this thread. I stumbled across this documentary on Amazon Prime.

The forces tearing apart our democracy have never been more frightening or powerful, but who is actually behind them? BAD FAITH reveals how Christian Nationalist leaders have spread fear and anger for decades, distorting political issues into Biblical battles between good and evil. Financed through the secretive Council for National Policy, Christian Nationalists have succeeded in taking over the Republican Party, turning it into a powerful weapon to demolish democracy from within. Discover the origins of this organized grasp for power and the grassroots coalition of secular and interfaith leaders bravely confronting the unholy forces threatening democracy.
Just wanted to post this as it shows why the US is more immune from the effects of tariffs than most countries.

Sorry it's a little out of date, but you get the idea.

The shale revolution had turned the US into a major energy exporter when they were previously giant imports, which is a big part of this.
Answering these in the correct thread so as to not continue the derailment.

What does "stupid country" even mean? Less or more stupid and embarrassing than the UK? Germany?
Absolutely we are more stupid and embarrassing than the UK or Germany or probably any other European country you want to pick. In the span of 6 weeks we have:

1. Initiated a trade war with our allies
2. Talked about taking over the land of an ally "one way or another"
3. Referred to the head of state of our closest ally as a "governor" and implied his country is will become our 51st state
4. Decimated the clean water act to now allow the dumping of raw sewage into the ocean
5. Measles outbreak
6. Firing of people responsible for responding to the avian flu....during an avian flu outbreak
7. Slashed science funding
8. Abandoned a country that had been invaded in favor of the aggressor
9. Treated that aggressor like our long lost father
10. Fired air traffic controllers and then begged them to come back cuz plains falling

and on and on

I mean, maybe you think all of the above is just fine and dandy. Is it?

How fair were voting rights in Europe at that time? What did the European electorate look like?

What "would appear"? It certainly doesn't appear in any shape or form that "things are going back" to whatever it was you are thinking of.

Cool, so since Europe was doing the whole "white dudes only" thing is was totally fine.

Also, if you can't see that power is once again being consolidated into the elite few (similar to the robber barons of the 1800's), then I don't know what to say to convince you. The main sources of information for a vast swath of this country are owned by a handful of people (shockingly, all white men!!) who have leveraged those resources to convince the electorate that up is down, and that all this is for their own good. Who knows, maybe I'm wrong and yo-yo-ing tarifs, abandoning allies, and dismantling the government will result in global prosperity and peace.