US Politics

No names in the polling but unsettling still…

with no names for one side and names for the other, it is not meaningful. in the same way that the majority of dems don't want biden to run, but when given a list of names, nobody rises above 5%.
the public at large hates every single political figure right now.
with no names for one side and names for the other, it is not meaningful. in the same way that the majority of dems don't want biden to run, but when given a list of names, nobody rises above 5%.
the public at large hates every single political figure right now.
No doubt, but the current scuttlebutt is that Kennedy being an indie will harm Repubs more than Dems, but not really seeing that here.

This poll was obvs taken before the current Kennedy rumor started taking hold yesterday. Any future polling of third party involvement doesn’t need to use names if the Kennedy rumors persist. We shall see.

Interesting take…

One poll respondent, a young woman from Ohio, preferred a Libertarian candidate because “I just think Democrats and Republicans are too polarized, and Libertarians are the middle.”
Probably an unpopular opinion on here, but I think this is barbaric. The death penalty is an abomination.

Apparently this is very likely to not be constitutional. Kennedy vs. Louisiana sets the precedence, that the death penalty cannot be used when the victim didn’t die or was not intended to die.
Probably an unpopular opinion on here, but I think this is barbaric. The death penalty is an abomination.
I partly agree with you because if you allow it for some it quickly becomes a slippery slope to me. Now, do I think targeting children in particular is especially abhorrent? Sure. In some ways though the bigger penalty for them might be having to spend time with other prisoners bc it seems like the general notion is that even among the prison population those people are bottom of the barrel.

Considering how much money the penal system costs though there need to be more ways to make people like that pay back to society in some shape or form. I.e. have predators like that spend the rest of their time making sure it happens to no other child, in whatever other form that can be done from prison. In some ways a death penalty feels like letting someone off "easy". Granted, some people are probably well beyond proverbial salvation.
Apparently this is very likely to not be constitutional. Kennedy vs. Louisiana sets the precedence, that the death penalty cannot be used when the victim didn’t die or was not intended to die.
Unless they decide it is, anyway, if the want the perp dead all they need to do is put him in Gen Pop
No crime is too horrible for the death penalty?

even beyond the barbaric and immoral concept of capital punishment, I would propose two reasons we should never allow it:

1.Handing to the state, and normalizing, the power to execute its citizens isa road we should never travel.

2. there have been countless examples of innocent people being convicted of crimes and given a death penalty sentence. Even one time is too many.

even beyond the barbaric and immoral concept of capital punishment, I would propose two reasons we should never allow it:

1.Handing to the state, and normalizing, the power to execute its citizens isa road we should never travel.

2. there have been countless examples of innocent people being convicted of crimes and given a death penalty sentence. Even one time is too many.
Appreciate the reply.

Your views on gun ownership have helped to quell any desire to own a gun again, even with my history of being held up at gun point multiple times or home invaded. Who knows if my views will change in the future, but I’m pretty comfortable where I am at now.

Who knows about capital punishment? It deserves a deeper dive by me.
Appreciate the reply.

Your views on gun ownership have helped to quell any desire to own a gun again, even with my history of being held up at gun point multiple times or home invaded. Who knows if my views will change in the future, but I’m pretty comfortable where I am at now.

Who knows about capital punishment? It deserves a deeper dive by me.

My views on guns are not errrr nuanced. I have not been at the end of one, so I would never judge anyone whose views are formed as such. My views are wholly based on grief and loss.

The basis of my views on CP are much more mundane as described above.
This can't be good news for GOPs chances of holding the house, dems had a similiar majority, and there was no such drama.

Easy messaging for dems next year, "elect republicans and you get chaos, dems are here to govern" or something.
This can't be good news for GOPs chances of holding the house, dems had a similiar majority, and there was no such drama.

Easy messaging for dems next year, "elect republicans and you get chaos, dems are here to govern" or something.
That's been the whole issue since Gingrich: GOP doesn't want to govern, it wants to get rid of government. And their voters want them to get rid of government, while still getting to use all the services and benefits of government.

I do agree though, there's a tidy message there about: we're the only serious party qualified to govern or something like that.