nasty little twerp with crazy bitter-man opinions
a paper that gives op ed space to erik prince and louise mensch, let alone brett stephens erick erickson thomas freidman david brooks is part of the problem, not a solution
@Eboue She definitely duped a lot of people including myself at the start. Then we've got others like Claude, Bill Palmer & Krassenstein brothers who are spreading fake stuff and they've managed to attract a large following.
At a time when New York should be leading the progressive charge against a Republican-controlled federal government, it is members of the Democratic Party who are holding the state back. And to the everlasting frustration of the party, the state’s Democratic governor, the aloof and enigmatic Andrew Cuomo, appears more than happy to live with this arrangement—all while telegraphing his presidential ambitions.
A Democratic majority in the Senate could protect these people, which is what a unified Democratic government in California is doing. “New York is following where so many other states, namely California, are leading,” Brad Hoylman, a state senator from Manhattan, told the New Republic. “It’s a shame. And it’s because we have an illegitimate control of the state Senate.”
Single-payer health care, progressive housing policies, changes to campaign finance and redistricting laws that have suppressed the vote—these are all issues a Democratic state government could tackle. (The New York Assembly is already controlled by the Democrats.) And when progressive legislation does make it through—like Cuomo’s much-ballyhooed but underwhelming free college proposal—it is often watered down. “What I’ve seen over and over again are half-victories, or sometimes quarter-victories, that are called full victories, on issues up and down and across the board,” state Senator Gustavo Rivera, who represents the Bronx, told theNew Republic.
There are many reasons for this state of affairs. Foremost among them are New York’s arcane campaign finance laws and a redistricting compromise that empowered Republicans—a compromise that was endorsed by Cuomo. But another reason is Cuomo himself, who is content to govern at a leisurely pace because it both affirms his political identity and serves his own interests, very much including a possible presidential run in 2020.
This has an element of truth in it.
Hatch is retiring. Go on Mitt!
Romney won round 1 by trashing Trump at the speech. Trump won round 2 by humiliating Romney with his faux Sec State job interview. Will be interesting to see how round 3 goes.
I love this pic:
I always love how Romney is eating from a plate like an adult and Trump has a bowl infront of him and a shit eating grin on his face.
I think the answer is a firm no.
Fair point!Depends. If god actually wants to progress christian values, running her as an republican so a democratic win is ensured might be a good bet!
Romney's as spineless as the rest of them.
'Talk is cheap'Bit strange some of those senators haven't co-sponsored the resolution, as they've said they oppose the repeal of net neutrality.