US Politics

Let's be honest, the only reason Schumer even went along with it because they re worried about losing the connection to a contingent of their voters who probably typically never wear formal dress. Fetterman is just a convenient excuse for implementing it rather than having the balls to do it without trigger. Soon we ll have politicians walking around in camo.
Let's be honest, the only reason Schumer even went along with it because they re worried about losing the connection to a contingent of their voters who probably typically never wear formal dress. Fetterman is just a convenient excuse for implementing it rather than having the balls to do it without trigger. Soon we ll have politicians walking around in camo.
Can we place bets on the first congressperson to show up in a Confederate uniform?
Let's be honest, the only reason Schumer even went along with it because they re worried about losing the connection to a contingent of their voters who probably typically never wear formal dress. Fetterman is just a convenient excuse for implementing it rather than having the balls to do it without trigger. Soon we ll have politicians walking around in camo.

There is about the same percentage of Canadians, French, Brits, Germans and other Westerners never wearing formal dress in their respective countries. I don't understand why thise loosening of the rules was necessary, especially when everyone and the dog knows that the dress code in the US Senate has been there since forever. That is part of the contract when they run for office.
Although this is obviously disingenuous trolling, she is correct. The Senate shouldn’t change it’s formal dress code so Fetterman can wear shorts and hoodies to work.
Although while my attire is heavily leant towards hoodies & basketball shorts when I am off work, I do agree that such a change in the Senate rules is a bit much.
Wait... Gaetz hates the DoJ? He didn't a few years back. Wonder what changed... hmm...
11 House Republicans call for prosecutions of Clinton, Comey, Lynch, and others
The authoritarianism is coming from inside the House.
Rep. Matt Gaetz on ‘exciting’ news about a possible Justice Department probe of Clinton
Freshman Florida Republican among those pushing for investigation.
If Gaetz wins the primaries, he will easily win the governorship.

It always gets worse in Florida, never better.
Let's be honest, the only reason Schumer even went along with it because they re worried about losing the connection to a contingent of their voters who probably typically never wear formal dress. Fetterman is just a convenient excuse for implementing it rather than having the balls to do it without trigger. Soon we ll have politicians walking around in camo.

When you bend over not to some highly influential power, or nation's interest, but some random groups who simply likes to dress weirdly you know you're fecked up.

I don't even think banana republicans country bend to such an absurd notion as this
Good writeup:

Six months earlier, two of Wood’s Advanced Placement English Language and Composition students had reported her to the school board for teaching about race. Wood had assigned her all-White class readings from Ta-Nehisi Coates’s “Between the World and Me,” a book that dissects what it means to be Black in America.
The students wrote in emails that the book — and accompanying videos that Wood, 47, played about systemic racism — made them ashamed to be White, violating a South Carolina proviso that forbids teachers from making students “feel discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress” on account of their race.

Wood’s supervisor, English department chair Tess Pratt, had signed off on Coates’s book. Plus, Wood had required AP Lang students to read a speech from former president Donald Trump, a balancing conservative voice.

She still demanded students consider novel perspectives, setting the essay question: “Explain Coates’ problem with America’s tradition of retelling history. Explain your support or disagreement with his position.”

The Post previously reported that at least 160 educators have lost their positions since the pandemic due to political debates. Among them was a Tennessee teacher terminated for telling White students that White privilege is a fact. A Texas principal who lost his job for allegedly promoting critical race theory. A Wisconsin teacher who was dismissed after criticizing her district’s decision to ban the song “Rainbowland,” which lauds inclusivity.

I've said it a million times, but: reminder that this is a continuation of the PC gone mad/cancel culture/free speech panic from a decade. Never believe a right-winger if he tells you the sky is blue.

I was a TA at a pretty liberal college with tons of pride signs and .... the only trigger warning we had to give was on evolution, because Christians had complained that a video we used mocked creationism. So the class with that video became an opt-in extra with an emailed warning. This was 2017. When the left suppressing free speech on campus was national news. Somehow, that is still news for the usual suspects at places like The Atlantic, even as states don't want anyone under 18 (increasingly, over 18) to know what gay people are or that there was race-based conflict in the US.
It's what happens when you have to concede pretty much the whole caboodle to get elected as speaker, this was inevitable
I'd say he doesn't last ten more House working days as Speaker.

But that could actually be in middle October with the schedules Congress follows.
I'd say he doesn't last ten more House working days as Speaker.

But that could actually be in middle October with the schedules Congress follows.
That basically means no speaker for a long time because they're never gonna agree on one
:lol: Oh wow, that's amazing. I'm guessing from the language used that it's highly probable it's an English hacker too.
Biden's revenge, he's set the NSA guys some PDP targets - best hack gets a promotion :D:lol: