US Politics

Of all this shit that can be hurled against her, this is probably the least offensive in a vacuum. Of course it’s not a vacuum and little miss “christian” rails all the time about corrupting the poor children so yeah.
Of all this shit that can be hurled against her, this is probably the least offensive in a vacuum. Of course it’s not a vacuum and little miss “christian” rails all the time about corrupting the poor children so yeah.

I think most people know about her previous arrests, affairs, husband and child issues etc, but the fact this is just so fecking childish and tacky it's definitely worthy of the publicity it's getting.

She's dressed up with her fake titties on show and they are being groped while sat in open view in a packed theatre where everyone has gone to see Beetlejuice. Her skirt/dress combo is more nightclub wear IMHO, but each to their own. It's more the fact that her fella is so handsy all the time and acting like a fecking horny teenager. It's definitely not what she portrays when pontificating about high standards and family values and when she's constantly trashing the Dems for their liberal lifestyles.

Being an absolute hypocrite is standard behaviour for nearly all Republicans, be it voters or elected officials. But to be so trashy and disrespectful combined with the vaping and her clearly intoxicated behaviour that got her removed, then to kick off and be rude, arrogant and disrespectful topping it all off with the classic 'Dont you know who I am?' bullshit, just shows her real side and what an absolute fraud she really is.

The only question really is, will it make any difference to Republicans and voters?:sadly I don't think it will at all.
As many things boebert is scum, seems like no one here had been gropy with a date ever in different scenarios
As many things boebert is scum, seems like no one here had been gropy with a date ever in different scenarios

Lots of times. Just not while sat right next to other people and when surrounded by kids. Also, I'm not an elected government official, especially one who constantly berates others for lacking morals and for having poor family values.

It's really not something you can compare.
Lots of times. Just not while sat right next to other people and when surrounded by kids. Also, I'm not an elected government official, especially one who constantly berates others for lacking morals and for having poor family values.

It's really not something you can compare.
She wasnt jailed by the way. Just thrown out. Just like many others who caught with indecent act in public spaces.

Sure. Maybe we all did that once.. but dont cry if you got repimanded.

Agreed and agreed,

but she had been called other things for what she did that I don't think is warranted as for the act itself. So many puritans arounds it seems
Agreed and agreed,

but she had been called other things for what she did that I don't think is warranted as for the act itself. So many puritans arounds it seems
She's a massive cnut as a baseline & cnutish instances like these will only raise the vitriol even more. And rightfully so.
Agreed and agreed,

but she had been called other things for what she did that I don't think is warranted as for the act itself. So many puritans arounds it seems

in what universe is fondling tits and rubbing cock surrounded by other people not even an arms length away not seen as trashy? Puritan my ass.

in what universe is fondling tits and rubbing cock surrounded by other people not even an arms length away not seen as trashy? Puritan my ass.


To be fair there appear to be two large shirtless fellas nearby. Are we sure this wasn't at St. James' Park?
in what universe is fondling tits and rubbing cock surrounded by other people not even an arms length away not seen as trashy? Puritan my ass.


That's why I said they should have taken the action to the most isolated toilet cabin in the bathroom if they couldn't hold it.

Party of family values, really?

To be fair there appear to be two large shirtless fellas nearby. Are we sure this wasn't at St. James' Park?
:lol: :lol:
To be fair it is more than just pearl clutching. On top of her being pure trash and a massive hypocrite. She lied and said she didn't vape which is what the official reason she was kicked out of the play was. They didn't say anything about her and her date being all over each other grabbing each other in public. She called the pregnant woman that complained about her vaping next to her a "sad and miserable person" according to her. She and her reps claimed she was not vaping.

They released the video to prove she WAS it just so happened that she was also getting felt up in it as well. She did this to herself both by being a trashy low class idiot. And by not just saying sorry and moving on.
in what universe is fondling tits and rubbing cock surrounded by other people not even an arms length away not seen as trashy? Puritan my ass.


It's trashy as hell and behavior you might expect from a teenager, not a congresswoman in her mid thirties. It's not more than that, though. It's not like she's done something illegal, and it's not even infidelity.
in what universe is fondling tits and rubbing cock surrounded by other people not even an arms length away not seen as trashy? Puritan my ass.


Yes, you are ass is puritan
You don't say...

Meanwhile true corruption continues to get away and walk away with things in this country. It's incredibly depressing. I had a feeling before the Rs in Texas only did this to help him stay in power by giving him a "clean slate" - knowing how much dirt there is with this guy. The fact he s been totally acquitted only seems to support that theory.
A sad day for Texas: Acquitting Ken Paxton condones corruption, abuse of power
Opinion By The Fort Worth Star-Telegram Editorial Board
September 16, 2023 12:51 PM

By voting to acquit Ken Paxton and allow him to continue as attorney general, senators sent unmistakable messages Saturday — and none of them are good for Texas.

Their verdicts on 16 articles of impeachment say that a small group of hotheaded political warriors can intimidate elected officials away from doing the right thing. For lack of courage from all but a few members of the Republican majority in the Senate, we have a clear verdict that politics trumps right and wrong.

They say that state employees who witness serious wrongdoing at the highest levels better look the other way, or their careers and reputations will never recover. They say that law enforcement and prosecutors are not to be trusted and can be targeted and denigrated for doing their jobs.

And worst of all, they say that a state official can bend his or her public office to benefit one person. He can disrupt usual procedures to help his friend. He can marshal taxpayer resources for someone, give that person broad access to his office at a time when that person is helping you conceal an extramarital affair — as long as there isn’t a “smoking gun” to prove bribery.

That’s what Ken Paxton did. He bent the attorney general’s office in outrageous ways to the benefit of developer Nate Paul.

That’s the most outrageous outcome here: The verdict normalizes behavior that every reasonable person should recognize as an inappropriate twisting of the voters’ sacred trust. It tells people with access to state officials that favors are readily available, as long as the officials they solicit are as ethically compromised as Paxton.

The standard to evict Paxton did not have to be whether he broke the law. Senators were called to vote on whether, based on the conduct outlined, Paxton was fit to continue in high public office. They failed the test.

The denigration of law enforcement Paxton’s defenders engaged in to win his acquittal will have lasting effects. Even a decorated Texas Ranger had to be thrown under the bus because he testified to Paxton’s wrongdoing.

Judges, officers and prosecutors everywhere should feel a chill; Paxton revealed a willingness to meddle in federal cases on behalf of those under investigation. Republicans who bought these claims can no longer credibly campaign with the “back the blue” slogan. To protect politicians as contemptible as Donald Trump and Ken Paxton, the GOP backs away from backing the blue.

Or at least a portion of it does. The trial was inherently political. Republican senators, with an assortment of political ambitions, did not want to alienate the core base of the party. Voters who consider themselves Republicans or just lean conservative — still a solid majority of the state — should ask themselves whether these activists represent their interests.

If they do, there may still be a reckoning for Paxton. It could also come from criminal courts. Paxton still faces long-delayed charges of securities fraud, and the FBI is investigating the Nate Paul allegations.

Paxton defense attorney Tony Buzbee, in his scattershot closing arguments Friday, suggested that the House impeachment team thought that the charges alone would chase Paxton out of office.

“They assumed that this man would quit. They assumed that this man would run and hide,” Buzbee said. “But guess what? This man did not resign; he is ready to go back to work.”

He’s right, but not for the reason he thinks. It’s because Paxton is apparently incapable of shame for obvious malfeasance.

And the Texas Senate just endorsed his behavior.