US Politics

Can't watch CNN anymore, not after they legitimized Trump, just won't do it.
I really can’t wait to hear the Biden Impeachment story through the prism of Suedesi
Genuinely feel a bit bad for Biden. Will be one of the tiny number of Presidents who have to go through an impeachment inquiry. Absolutely disgusting that - despite literally appointing someone to look into this for 3 years - they've found nothing, and so are just making theatre out of it. It's all the GOP have, and they still get half the votes.

I suspect every Democratic president for a while is going to be impeached.
Pity that Romney will retire, policy wise he is not good, but he is one of a select few elected republicans that actually seems to be a decent person.

Was polling quite well in the primaries recently too, but i guess he is just tired of it all.
Pity that Romney will retire, policy wise he is not good, but he is one of a select few elected republicans that actually seems to be a decent person.

Was polling quite well in the primaries recently too, but i guess he is just tired of it all.
Maybe hindsight is 20/20 but I still think we would have been in a way better position til this day had he become President at the time. The whole "binders full of women" thing is so laughably innocent after the shit shows we've had since. I even think he might have come up with a more robust version of the ACA.
Maybe hindsight is 20/20 but I still think we would have been in a way better position til this day had he become President at the time. The whole "binders full of women" thing is so laughably innocent after the shit shows we've had since. I even think he might have come up with a more robust version of the ACA.

We will never know, perhaps Trump would have won the republican primaries in 2020 instead then? He seemed eager to run regardless.

Now, i do think it was important, that Obama won re-election, after all the hatred and racism he had to put up with from republicans, it would have been a sad day for race relations if they had gotten their way, even if Romney himself wasn't part of the ugly part of the GOP.

Having said that, Romney would have been less naive on Russia, thats a big failing on Obama's part in hindsight, would Romney have allowed Russia to take Crimea? If not, perhaps Putin would not feel like he could have gotten away with invading Ukraine years later.

Lots of "ifs" and "buts" in this equation.
I suspect every Democratic president for a while is going to be impeached.
I doubt it, it's debatable the current lot have enough votes to impeach him currently, there are plenty of Republican's who know if they vote for this they'll get ousted in 2024
Strange that its Noem. I would've expcted KellyAnne to be a leading contender. Especially given her divorce with George.
These rumors have been around for a minute, a pro-Trump website outed them a couple of years ago iirc. Weird that such a website would do such.
He ll probably get tired of her once the large amount of cosmetic surgery and makeup she has wont keep her looking young. Considering Hope Hicks was his thing before.
He ll probably get tired of her once the large amount of cosmetic surgery and makeup she has wont keep her looking young. Considering Hope Hicks was his thing before.
I have always thought HH looks much older than she actually is.