US Politics

Yeah I can see that. So far I guess even a half senile Biden is far less dangerous and damaging than another Trump period so fingers crossed for 2024. I'm curios as who the next candidates will be. Now with Biden and esp Trump it all seems a bit tragic but I'm not clued up enough on US politics to properly judge it.

Here's a few...

There are some good ones lining up who are in the right age, Whitmer, Beshear, Shapiro, and i guess Newsom, to name a few.
Yeah I can see that. So far I guess even a half senile Biden is far less dangerous and damaging than another Trump period so fingers crossed for 2024. I'm curios as who the next candidates will be. Now with Biden and esp Trump it all seems a bit tragic but I'm not clued up enough on US politics to properly judge it.

He's not senile though, you can literally find 40 year old videos of him mixing up his words. He was always gaffe prone but well liked and astute at the bi-partisan stuff. He's doddery that's for sure, but that shouldn't rule him out of being a leader. The Pope is pretty doddery too but he's one of the better leaders the Catholic church has had that I know of. Obviously it makes for easy attack videos but they're just that, clickbait shite.
For what it's worth listened to a podcast with David Brooks, who is a conservative, who has been interviewing Biden for 40 odd years, and said he's slowed down, but nowhere near how it's portrayed in the media.
For what it's worth listened to a podcast with David Brooks, who is a conservative, who has been interviewing Biden for 40 odd years, and said he's slowed down, but nowhere near how it's portrayed in the media.

I really don't understand America and its system that means it relies on the Senate to vote a couple of times a year otherwise it just runs out of money. Just strikes me as a stupid way of doing things.
It would be a stupid system but that's not what actually happens
Jason Miller tried to criticize Joe Biden for the upcoming visit in support of UAW while spouting the same usual shit against EVs and eco-friendly measures. Look at Brian Tyler Cohen's reply though.

Derp, derpity, derp, derp...:lol::lol::lol:

He should have been ditched a long time ago, when the first suspicions of bribery flew around. He definitely won't show up in 2024, but he will leave behind quite a mess for the next Democratic candidate to clean up.

Hopefully the charges stick this time.

He's going for reelection. New Jersey is a blue state but the national party doesn't need to waste money backing up an unpopular Menendez when those resources could be used elsewhere.

I wonder if deep down inside, in that tiny little dot that remains of John Robers soul, he is regretting his comments in Shelby vs. Holder that the country "has changed, and while any racial discrimination in voting is too much, Congress must ensure that the legislation it passes to remedy that problem speaks to current conditions"
DoD should withdraw all federal military services from the state and close up shop there. Offer a one-time option for guard and reserve personnel to find a new unit to transfer to if desired. Feck 'em until they remove that simpleton. Let all senators see you're not going to feck our national defense over bullshit.

And all quiet along the "we support our troops and nation" mouthbreathers front in the Republican base. Imagine the uproar if a Democrat was holding up promotions and whatnot related to DoD. Fox et al would be claiming treason and act of war against the nation.