US Politics

Hypothetically, can’t Schumer just call the Senate back for a special session in which the debate and vote for every single one of these? It will take weeks, but I am guessing at some point there will be internal GOP pressure on Dumbass to relent.
Hypothetically, can’t Schumer just call the Senate back for a special session in which the debate and vote for every single one of these? It will take weeks, but I am guessing at some point there will be internal GOP pressure on Dumbass to relent.
In theory he could but it sets a bad precedent, you just know the tactic will get used again for different things

Now closing down AL military bases might make them sit up and think twice
In theory he could but it sets a bad precedent, you just know the tactic will get used again for different things

Now closing down AL military bases might make them sit up and think twice
See, I’ve heard this, but is it actually true? Right now Dumbville is single-handedly doing this. There will be no consequences for him, because Alabama, and no one is holding the GOP accountable for his actions. If you bring everyone back and make them sit through hundreds of hours procedure he will either break or all the confirmations happen. I think Schumer is not doing this not because he’s actually worried about precedent, but because he thinks he can gain political capital from it and also because they are all too damn lazy to actually do work.
Imagine trying to convince people to become a part of... Idaho. Hard sell that.
Anyone with a hankering for white supremacy would move there in absolute droves.

Idaho has long been a nexus for the white power ilk & that ideological movement extends into rural eastern Oregon. That would be fertile ground for them.
Anyone with a hankering for white supremacy would move there in absolute droves.

Idaho has long been a nexus for the white power ilk & that ideological movement extends into rural eastern Oregon. That would be fertile ground for them.

Any idea what Rocky Mountain Montana (flathead lake and north) is like for that sort of thing? Looks beautiful but....
Any idea what Rocky Mountain Montana (flathead lake and north) is like for that sort of thing? Looks beautiful but....
Defo some.

I'd gather the further white supremacists went in Montana, the more amenable the mindset would become.
See, I’ve heard this, but is it actually true? Right now Dumbville is single-handedly doing this. There will be no consequences for him, because Alabama, and no one is holding the GOP accountable for his actions. If you bring everyone back and make them sit through hundreds of hours procedure he will either break or all the confirmations happen. I think Schumer is not doing this not because he’s actually worried about precedent, but because he thinks he can gain political capital from it and also because they are all too damn lazy to actually do work.
TBH both could be true, but I imagine the other nuttier senators will be looking in to what they could do to hold something else that might reflect badly on Biden, lets face it, they blocked a SC appointment and rushed thru another, there's bound to be something else
TBH both could be true, but I imagine the other nuttier senators will be looking in to what they could do to hold something else that might reflect badly on Biden, lets face it, they blocked a SC appointment and rushed thru another, there's bound to be something else
Maybe, but explain how letting this continue is NOT accomplishing the same thing.

This logic just makes no sense: Hey guy's, if we give in and stop this guy from doing a horrific thing he is just going to do it again so it's better we keep letting him do a horrific thing.
Anyone with a hankering for white supremacy would move there in absolute droves.

Idaho has long been a nexus for the white power ilk & that ideological movement extends into rural eastern Oregon. That would be fertile ground for them.
Sometimes I forget that people who don't exist in my world exist outside of that world. You're probably right. The thought is sad though.

(I know people disrespect living in a "bubble", but the older I get the more I'm convinced controlling your "bubble" is one key to keeping one's sanity).
I feel horrible for the migrants and great hatred for the scumbag politicians who put them in this position, which ironically will lead them to their worst fear of Trump being re-elected.

By declaring themselves a sanctuary city and using buzz phrases like “no human is illegal” you gave people the false impression that if they got to the US they’d be taken care of. So they understandably came, many giving up everything and putting themselves in danger and these poor people are sleeping on the streets and relying on social services which is stretched thin for American citizens. Had they been honest and not worried about looking like the perfect liberal we wouldn’t be in this mess. Even more scummy is these politicians particularly in New York and Chicago are now flip flopping and demonizing the migrants.

So brave.

I know several people who are close to the more reasonable/moderate side of the RNC here in Michigan (which let's just say has been quite extreme and crazy in recent times) - and they all think McCarthy is a total cnt without a spine they expected to do this just to shore up his support with the crazies. Trump continues to wield control of that party even now and it's absolutely bonkers. No wonder they re trying to weaken education (even more).
I know several people who are close to the more reasonable/moderate side of the RNC here in Michigan (which let's just say has been quite extreme and crazy in recent times) - and they all think McCarthy is a total cnt without a spine they expected to do this just to shore up his support with the crazies. Trump continues to wield control of that party even now and it's absolutely bonkers. No wonder they re trying to weaken education (even more).
I was unaware that the Michigan GOP currently has a moderate side.
Genuinely feel a bit bad for Biden. Will be one of the tiny number of Presidents who have to go through an impeachment inquiry. Absolutely disgusting that - despite literally appointing someone to look into this for 3 years - they've found nothing, and so are just making theatre out of it. It's all the GOP have, and they still get half the votes.

America needs something genuinely radical to happen, or it's just going to fall apart, which really isn't good for the rest of us.

I can't tell if the GOP/Fox ecosystem is the symptom or the cause, I really can't. McCarthy is a f*cking joke though, and I hope history remembers his name.
Genuinely feel a bit bad for Biden. Will be one of the tiny number of Presidents who have to go through an impeachment inquiry. Absolutely disgusting that - despite literally appointing someone to look into this for 3 years - they've found nothing, and so are just making theatre out of it. It's all the GOP have, and they still get half the votes.

America needs something genuinely radical to happen, or it's just going to fall apart, which really isn't good for the rest of us.

I can't tell if the GOP/Fox ecosystem is the symptom or the cause, I really can't. McCarthy is a f*cking joke though, and I hope history remembers his name.

Both I think. They form this continual negative feedback loop that just continually reinforces itself in this spiral of idiocy.
Genuinely feel a bit bad for Biden. Will be one of the tiny number of Presidents who have to go through an impeachment inquiry. Absolutely disgusting that - despite literally appointing someone to look into this for 3 years - they've found nothing, and so are just making theatre out of it. It's all the GOP have, and they still get half the votes.

America needs something genuinely radical to happen, or it's just going to fall apart, which really isn't good for the rest of us.

I can't tell if the GOP/Fox ecosystem is the symptom or the cause, I really can't. McCarthy is a f*cking joke though, and I hope history remembers his name.
The name “ McCarthy” is already remembered in the US for all the wrong reasons.
Genuinely feel a bit bad for Biden. Will be one of the tiny number of Presidents who have to go through an impeachment inquiry. Absolutely disgusting that - despite literally appointing someone to look into this for 3 years - they've found nothing, and so are just making theatre out of it. It's all the GOP have, and they still get half the votes.

America needs something genuinely radical to happen, or it's just going to fall apart, which really isn't good for the rest of us.

I can't tell if the GOP/Fox ecosystem is the symptom or the cause, I really can't. McCarthy is a f*cking joke though, and I hope history remembers his name.

Eh, it will backfire on the GOP, almost for sure though.

Even McCarthy knows this is stupid, but its the deal he made to become speaker, so he has to play along or be removed.