US Politics

I do not think he is staying there for selfless reasons. Being a politician is the only thing he has been doing for 50+ years. If he is not doing politics he would get depressed, a bit like if Coyote catches the Road Runner.

I actually think that the likes of him, Feinstein, Biden, Bernie etc do not retire cause being a politician is the only thing they know how to do.
It isn't just a political thing I have found. I have thought the same thing at work when there are guys way past retirement age with plenty of money and I can't fathom why they still want to come in. Then they finally retire, and we hear not 2-3 years later they died or severely debilitated. Never getting to enjoy your retirement just seems crazy to me if you can afford to retire.
It isn't just a political thing I have found. I have thought the same thing at work when there are guys way past retirement age with plenty of money and I can't fathom why they still want to come in. Then they finally retire, and we hear not 2-3 years later they died or severely debilitated. Never getting to enjoy your retirement just seems crazy to me if you can afford to retire.
I think this happens in many positions of power.

To be fair, as unthinkable it might be, they probably very much enjoy their work. So the causation arrow might be reversed, that they die or get disabled cause they do not get much joy in their life after getting retired.

I would definitely retire right now if I could though.
It isn't just a political thing I have found. I have thought the same thing at work when there are guys way past retirement age with plenty of money and I can't fathom why they still want to come in. Then they finally retire, and we hear not 2-3 years later they died or severely debilitated. Never getting to enjoy your retirement just seems crazy to me if you can afford to retire.

Plausibly them retiring and not having anything else is what caused them to die.
Absolutely. Absolutely bonkers.
Is it though? I would say it is absolutely a feature and not a bug of “the other” based politics. There are countless examples in American history of the rich and powerful convincing people, usually poor white people, to vote against their own self interest because it will help another group at their expense. Politics is not a zero sum activity, but it has been sold as such to many people.
Is it though? I would say it is absolutely a feature and not a bug of “the other” based politics. There are countless examples in American history of the rich and powerful convincing people, usually poor white people, to vote against their own self interest because it will help another group at their expense. Politics is not a zero sum activity, but it has been sold as such to many people.
It’s a bonkers feature
It's posts like this that highlight large...large sections of America just have no clue what happens around the world.

There are a lot of black people in Mississippi, white people in that state won't have "the others" benefit from medicaid expansion as well.

Another example of how big a joke Michigan GOP is, and why they get crushed in elections, imagine having this as your campaign strategy.

But i guess they want to beat Arizona GOP over which state party that gets to be the biggest joke in the nation.
Another example of how big a joke Michigan GOP is, and why they get crushed in elections, imagine having this as your campaign strategy.

But i guess they want to beat Arizona GOP over which state party that gets to be the biggest joke in the nation.
You should follow the tweets of the New Hampshire libertarian party
Is it though? I would say it is absolutely a feature and not a bug of “the other” based politics. There are countless examples in American history of the rich and powerful convincing people, usually poor white people, to vote against their own self interest because it will help another group at their expense. Politics is not a zero sum activity, but it has been sold as such to many people.
Agree with your points, but the whole rigged game will never not be bonkers to me. In the south it is far more prevalent imo.

Basically LBJ had it correct.
A lot of people don't think the government assistance they get is not the "bad" kind either. One guy at work has family chicken farms in deep red states. He would go on and on about subsidies you get for certain amounts of chickens and eggs blah blah. Not only does he make 6 figures from his day job but he also has family farm subsidies as well.

But he would be the first one talking about Blue cities and his tax dollars unironically I might add going to "people that don't work" as if that is the only category of people that need assistance at some point of their lives.
"I need to ask the obvious question - what was Obama like on crack?" :lol:

:lol: Tucker looks like he's banging one out under his desk.

You’d think Trump promising to jail his political opponents if he gets back in office would end his hopes, but here we are.

Apparently the midterm “red wave” didn’t materialize because January 6th so repulsed the moderates that they came out to vote in much larger numbers than usual for a midterm.

Surely the turn out to vote against Trump will be even greater than the effort to reject his acolytes. Who all lost if I’m not mistaken.
Most people may not like what Tuberville is doing, but he is quite popular in Alabama, which is all that matters at the end of the day, they dont mind him doing this, in fact, they probably love it.
Most people may not like what Tuberville is doing, but he is quite popular in Alabama, which is all that matters at the end of the day, they dont mind him doing this, in fact, they probably love it.

It's pissing off quite a few brass in DoD but he's probably safe in an ass-backwards, clueless state like Alabama. It's not just the USMC without a full-time named commandant but also a feck ton of general officer promotions being held up. The wing commander at the location I'm presently assigned on my current temp duty has been selected but stuck at colonel until this nonsense gets sorted.