US Politics

I have a close friend who just joined a pharma startup and was telling me how impressed she was with their commitment to open research and not profiting off stuff or whatever, and next day this article (about its parent company) showed up in my feed:

Genentech weighs slow-walking ovarian cancer therapy to make more money under drug pricing reform
the law’s new Medicare negotiation program could encourage Genentech to slow-walk research on how a drug could treat diseases with smaller populations in favor of making sure diseases with larger patient populations are the first to market. That would mean the company would sell more medicines in the window before Medicare is allowed to negotiate prices, because the clock for when discounts can kick in is based off of when the drug first goes on the market.
I get the social studies from GOP POV, but why science? Is it because Fauci bad so science bad, or because our Lord Jesus Christ does not want kids to learn about science?
A bit of both.

Don’t ever forget about ‘woke-ism.’ Toss in CRT & you have two stock, ready made talking points that can be used by the Repubs to answer nearly everything asked by the press regardless the suitability.
A bit of both.

Don’t ever forget about ‘woke-ism.’ Toss in CRT & you have two stock, ready made talking points that can be used by the Repubs to answer nearly everything asked by the press regardless the suitability.
Yeah but science (as in math, physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy etc) has nothing to do with ‘woke-ism’, CRT, gender theory and other social sciences.

GOP have been anti-science for a long time but I guess covid-vaccines have make them even more insane and now all science = bad that must be avoided.

If it was to them, we would go to dark ages again.
Yeah but science (as in math, physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy etc) has nothing to do with ‘woke-ism’, CRT, gender theory and other social sciences.

GOP have been anti-science for a long time but I guess covid-vaccines have make them even more insane and now all science = bad that must be avoided.

If it was to them, we would go to dark ages again.
It may not have anything to do with the discipline directly in the eyes of a rational human, but the 'science is woke' crowd does exist laughably enough...

Wokeness is making war on science — and even math | Washington Examiner
It may not have anything to do with the discipline directly in the eyes of a rational human, but the 'science is woke' crowd does exist laughably enough...

Wokeness is making war on science — and even math | Washington Examiner
To be fair, there has been some left-wing bullshit politics being mixed in the science too, with the most serious ones being in New Zealand where Māori legends are being put in classes as alternative explanations to science, which is similar to right-wing push in teaching creationism/intelligent design in US. There also have been calls in removing/minimizing from history books the contributions of scientists who were not nice people (e.g., Pearson, the guy who made the Pearson’s correlation). Which I completely disagree with.

Saying that, jumping from ‘science is woke’ to let’s not learn science at all, is an insane jump, even for the very-low GOP standards.
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I have a close friend who just joined a pharma startup and was telling me how impressed she was with their commitment to open research and not profiting off stuff or whatever, and next day this article (about its parent company) showed up in my feed:

Mob tactics from big Pharma? I’m shocked.

I work with the rank and file (VP’s and lower) at big Pharma every day and most are awesome people committed to bettering the world. The executives though? To a person they have all been slimy, narcissistic, and egotistical ass holes.

Feinstein, McConnell, Biden... Pete as Gorbachev? Vivek as Yeltsin?

There was a really funny scene in Werner Herzog's Gorbachev documentary when senile Brezhnev and infirm Andropov and Chernenko all died within 4 years of each other and all had funerals attended by the same western leaders. Perfect 3 minute encapsulation of how decrepit it was.
Just cap the electability to 70 at the end of the term. Is just sad and not good for the country
Just cap the electability to 70 at the end of the term. Is just sad and not good for the country
Basic health checks for conditions that impare mental faculties (and maybe even IQ tests) are all that's needed. Plenty of people maintain their sharpness well into their 70s, so disbarring them from office would be arbitrary at best.
Basic health checks for conditions that impare mental faculties (and maybe even IQ tests) are all that's needed. Plenty of people maintain their sharpness well into their 70s, so disbarring them from office would be arbitrary at best.

plenty are, but plentier younger are capable too and is time to pass the torch. And in 4 years at these ages, you can rapidly decline as we have seen
No love for this POS, but do feel for him. He is clearly going through something traumatic.

I wonder why he is not stepping aside?

Sence of duty and him feeling like his is a guard against some of the loons in the GOP? Or just cant let go of his position of power and influence?
Combination of all of those things I would say, who would replace him though, most of the front runners would likely be nuttier than a fruitcake
No love for this POS, but do feel for him. He is clearly going through something traumatic.

I wonder why he is not stepping aside?

Sence of duty and him feeling like his is a guard against some of the loons in the GOP? Or just cant let go of his position of power and influence?

The latter, I'd imagine. If he had any sense of duty he would have made sure that Trump got convicted in the last impeachment.
No love for this POS, but do feel for him. He is clearly going through something traumatic.

I wonder why he is not stepping aside?

Sence of duty and him feeling like his is a guard against some of the loons in the GOP? Or just cant let go of his position of power and influence?

Whatever it is, feck him.
No love for this POS, but do feel for him. He is clearly going through something traumatic.

I wonder why he is not stepping aside?

Sence of duty and him feeling like his is a guard against some of the loons in the GOP? Or just cant let go of his position of power and influence?
I fecking don’t. Not one bit. The man is an evil piece of shit. He’s dedicated his life to blocking gun legislation, just think how many innocent little children could have been spared from being obliterated by semi automatic assault rifles had he not been filling his pockets with NRA money.

I hope his death is most unpleasant and I can tell you the pleasure of saying that is worth any sort of petty warning it might bring be on here. I wouldn’t piss on him if he was on fire, I’d take a shit on him instead.
Biden, McConnell, and Feinstein Proof that you can only go so far. Time for term limits
No love for this POS, but do feel for him. He is clearly going through something traumatic.

I wonder why he is not stepping aside?

Sence of duty and him feeling like his is a guard against some of the loons in the GOP? Or just cant let go of his position of power and influence?
He has been one of the most destructive forces the US has ever had. While right now he is better than the MAGA republicans but he has been such a divisive figure during the Obama administration that maybe without him there wouldn’t be MAGA cultists in the first place.

As the old saying goes, feck him.
He has been one of the most destructive forces the US has ever had. While right now he is better than the MAGA republicans but he has been such a divisive figure during the Obama administration that maybe without him there wouldn’t be MAGA cultists in the first place.

As the old saying goes, feck him.

I agree. As i say, he is a POS. I know his record.

Regardless of that, i think it is an interesting discussion as to why he would stay on when he is clearly impaired.
I agree. As i say, he is a POS. I know his record.

Regardless of that, i think it is an interesting discussion as to why he would stay on when he is clearly impaired.
Same as Fienstien. They’re just the electable corpse that is being Weekend at Bernie’d by their spads as they carry out all their donors requests.
I agree. As i say, he is a POS. I know his record.

Regardless of that, i think it is an interesting discussion as to why he would stay on when he is clearly impaired.
I do not think he is staying there for selfless reasons. Being a politician is the only thing he has been doing for 50+ years. If he is not doing politics he would get depressed, a bit like if Coyote catches the Road Runner.

I actually think that the likes of him, Feinstein, Biden, Bernie etc do not retire cause being a politician is the only thing they know how to do.
I imagine it's hard to admit to yourself that you no longer have the mental acuity to do your job as an elected official.

In some cases it may not even be possible to consider it anymore.
Maybe but would the nutters' support him - doubtful
McConnell won pretty easily against Scott. I think Thune would win too. Although it is hard to say if he can keep such a strong grip in GOP Senators as McConnell was able to.
I do not think he is staying there for selfless reasons. Being a politician is the only thing he has been doing for 50+ years. If he is not doing politics he would get depressed, a bit like if Coyote catches the Road Runner.

I actually think that the likes of him, Feinstein, Biden, Bernie etc do not retire cause being a politician is the only thing they know how to do.

I think Bernie is pretty sharp still. He is probably the US Senator most passionate about making change. I can understand why he may want to die on the job.
I think Bernie is pretty sharp still. He is probably the US Senator most passionate about making change. I can understand why he may want to die on the job.
Bernie definitely looks completely sharp. Feinstein is elderly abuse. Biden and McConnell somewhere in between, they seem to be able to go from lucid to not understand speech in an instant.
Bernie definitely looks completely sharp. Feinstein is elderly abuse. Biden and McConnell somewhere in between, they seem to be able to go from lucid to sharp in an instant.

If Biden started powering down like Mitch has been doing, then The Dems would be in serious trouble.

Would Harris beat Trump?
If Biden started powering down like Mitch has been doing, then The Dems would be in serious trouble.

Would Harris beat Trump?
Probably she wouldn’t. She is not that strong candidate, even Tulsi killed her in the debates.