US Politics

Republicans not even trying to pretend they carea about democracy.

They are welcome to try it though, the governor will just appoint her, or someone else again, nothing they could do about it, so i doubt they are that stupid.

If they really want to lose Wisconsin big next year, this is the way for them to go, but i guess the plan would be to drag things out so there is no new congressional map for 2024.
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Have any of y’all listened to the right wing viral hit “Rich men north of Richmond”?
Yeah, decent song, good hook. The lyrics aren't that subtle or interesting aside from a line or two, but right-leaning art tends to be outright cringe and hamfisted, which this isn't IMO.
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She is a moron.

But why is Biden saying "no comment" when asked about Maui? Bit of an own goal.
Didn’t he just spell out the feds response re: Maui in the press conference prior to getting in the car?

Poor choice of words, no doubt.
Didn’t he just spell out the feds response re: Maui in the press conference prior to getting in the car?

Poor choice of words, no doubt.

Unfortunately the actual response becomes politically irrelevant as we know the Right Wing media will focus in on that "no comment" remark for days.

This is what i mean about Biden putting his foot in it.
Unfortunately the actual response becomes politically irrelevant as we know the Right Wing media will focus in on that "no comment" remark for days.

This is what i mean about Biden putting his foot in it.

It would have been ok if Biden had gone down to Hawaii and thrown paper towels out to the crowd. Fallen out with their governor and had a massive hissy fit about it to the point he purposely blocked and held back disaster relief funds.

It was a shocker of a comment really from Biden, but I put it down to him being tired or not hearing properly rather than intending to be rude.

However, as pointed out he has spoken in depth and laid out what his planned response will be. Of course the one off $700 payment is being ripped apart by those who are saying people have lost their homes and $700 is an insult and no way near enough... These are the same people who want to refund and disband government agencies and despise big government and communism and socialism. They are also the ones claiming the USA has become a fascist state and a communist state.

All this does is show how uneducated that portion of the population is. They just throw around buzzwords they hear because they think it makes them sound big and clever. Yet ask them the definition of the words and they haven't got a fecking clue. Woke, fascist, socialist/ism, Marist/isn and communist/ism being the prime examples.

They are so convinced they are holier than thou they can't see the hypocrisy and if they do they actually don't care. They also vote purely on selfish and religious reasons. Anti abortion, pro 2A and pro death penalty, and the more well off vote for the tax breaks and financial benefits. The sad part is the majority are completely voting against their own and everyone elses best interests based on values and opinions they absolutely put above everything else

The evidence is clear when they fall on hard times and look to blame everyone else but especially the Democrats.
It would have been ok if Biden had gone down to Hawaii and thrown paper towels out to the crowd. Fallen out with their governor and had a massive hissy fit about it to the point he purposely blocked and held back disaster relief funds.

It was a shocker of a comment really from Biden, but I put it down to him being tired or not hearing properly rather than intending to be rude.

It was a shocker. Unfortunately, it will get used against him and be remembered by some more than any good work he does do help the people of Maui.

However, as pointed out he has spoken in depth and laid out what his planned response will be. Of course the one off $700 payment is being ripped apart by those who are saying people have lost their homes and $700 is an insult and no way near enough... These are the same people who want to refund and disband government agencies and despise big government and communism and socialism. They are also the ones claiming the USA has become a fascist state and a communist state.

Agree re the hypocrisy from Republicans. But $700??? What are they thinking?

There are 4,500 people displaced. Many of whom could be dead. The government manage to find a paltry $3million to give to them.

Yes, other aid is being sent, but the amount of $700 is so feeble, that they would be better off not giving any at all.

If Trump had given same, he would be lambasted by CNN and MSNBC and righty so.

Another own goal.

All this does is show how uneducated that portion of the population is. They just throw around buzzwords they hear because they think it makes them sound big and clever. Yet ask them the definition of the words and they haven't got a fecking clue. Woke, fascist, socialist/ism, Marist/isn and communist/ism being the prime examples.

They are so convinced they are holier than thou they can't see the hypocrisy and if they do they actually don't care. They also vote purely on selfish and religious reasons. Anti abortion, pro 2A and pro death penalty, and the more well off vote for the tax breaks and financial benefits. The sad part is the majority are completely voting against their own and everyone elses best interests based on values and opinions they absolutely put above everything else

The evidence is clear when they fall on hard times and look to blame everyone else but especially the Democrats.

Agree. The Republicans have got their voters right where they want them. Voting against their own interest.
They have their electorate voting on for these "hot button" topic like abortion and guns, but they dont really matter to the big money GOP donors. It is all about lower taxes and less regulation for big business.
@gaff Yeah the $700 is a strange and also miniscule amount to people who have lost their homes and all their possessions, worse for those who have lost family members too. It's especially ridiculously bad optics on a day when it was announced another $10 billion was being sent to Ukraine.

It was a bit surreal yesterday listening to a cnn panel discuss how horrible conditions in that jail are, not because they were concerned about the people there, but wondering how seeing it might affect trump.