US Politics


Seriously though, this sad spectacle has to stop for sanity's sake. Americans have the right to have people capable of working for them.
Here’s the thing though, because of the ridiculous rules of the Senate, even if she retired and an appointment was in place before the next session I do not think she would be replaced on the judiciary committee unless the GOP approved. It highlights the insanity of placing her on such an important committee.
Here’s the thing though, because of the ridiculous rules of the Senate, even if she retired and an appointment was in place before the next session I do not think she would be replaced on the judiciary committee unless the GOP approved. It highlights the insanity of placing her on such an important committee.
Not being wholly familiar with Senate rules, why does the GOP need to approve a replacement, they aren't in charge of the Senate
Here’s the thing though, because of the ridiculous rules of the Senate, even if she retired and an appointment was in place before the next session I do not think she would be replaced on the judiciary committee unless the GOP approved. It highlights the insanity of placing her on such an important committee.

Interesting point. Is it within the rules of the Senate for the Reps to refuse the Dems making another appointment in her place should DiFi be replaced as a US Senator by Governor Newsom if she resigned?
But the process of replacing Feinstein, 89, on the high-profile panel, like much of Senate procedure, is fairly arcane and — adding to the trouble — has precious little precedent.
According to Senate sources, Schumer next week will bring up a resolution that would call for a temporary replacement for Feinstein’s slot. He will first try to do so via unanimous consent, meaning a single senator can object and block the effort.
If that happens, the resolution would be subject to a filibuster and need to win 60 votes, including at least 10 Republicans.
A big reason for the complicated process is that committee assignments are handed out at the beginning of every Congress as part of an organizing resolution between the majority and minority parties determining the formation of each panel.
This came up earlier this year when she had health troubles. Due to senate rules Sinema and Manchin once again who have refused to change filibuster rules for any reason. Would make it so GOP votes would be needed for her replacement to be seated in committee.
Please keep thinking like this…

She isn't wrong though, it is their crowning achievement since the 90s, but it doesn't mean that achievement is good for the people though, so it says a lot about the GOP that this is what they are all about.
She isn't wrong though, it is their crowning achievement since the 90s, but it doesn't mean that achievement is good for the people though, so it says a lot about the GOP that this is what they are all about.
And that’s why I want her to continue to trumpet the Dobbs decision as positive, as something around which to rally. Let it be the clarion call for the conservatives over the next two years to try to motivate that part of the base & keep drafting draconian bills into law.
And that’s why I want her to continue to trumpet the Dobbs decision as positive, as something around which to rally. Let it be the clarion call for the conservatives over the next two years to try to motivate that part of the base & keep drafting draconian bills into law.

Wouldn't mind, dems needs a perfect storm next year, due to this rigged election system they are up against.

NC has been close, hopefully their recent abortion laws flips it in 2024, as an example.
Wouldn't mind, dems needs a perfect storm next year, due to this rigged election system they are up against.

NC has been close, hopefully their recent abortion laws flips it in 2024, as an example.
There’s becoming a pathway to retain the Senate. It’ll be tough, but there is a path.

And yet when you or I do but one part of one of those things we ll likely get fired. I'm not stupid to think people never trying to get some perks from their jobs but there is a difference between taking a free dinner or going to a useless conference in Vegas and being that egregious. Especially when you are supposed to be the ultimate bastion of ethics. We d demand our local politicians step down for way way less.

I don't care if you have to pay them a million a year to keep them on the straight and narrow really. Those things should never be acceptable for any judge, let alone one serving a lifetime on the Supreme Court.
So he doesnt even live in Alabama, can't blame him honestly, but he still managed to cost Alabama the Space Force Command center with his stonewalling. Floridians strike again.
So he doesnt even live in Alabama, can't blame him honestly, but he still managed to cost Alabama the Space Force Command center with his stonewalling. Floridians strike again.
Nah, where he lived in Auburn is better than 98% of the rest of the US.