US Politics

@nimic I really like living in the greater Tampa area. The weather is amazing from October into April. Politics in the state do suck but living in the bigger city is not bad at all, bar the cost of living going sky high the past 2-3 years (but that's across the spectrum not just limited to Florida).
Why would anyone willingly remain in Florida at this point if they have the means to leave? I guess the same is also becoming true for most of the south. Again.

This American Life did an episode on people moving to Florida because of the politics there.
Why would anyone willingly remain in Florida at this point if they have the means to leave? I guess the same is also becoming true for most of the south. Again.

A week or so before the school year begins… with schedules already made for students and teachers.

Can’t make this shit up
A week or so before the school year begins… with schedules already made for students and teachers.

Can’t make this shit up

I've said this before I think, but it must be a nightmare being a teacher in some parts of the US right now. I've always heard stories of teachers buying their own supplies (including for the classroom), but I am sure that's not common, and it's also a funding problem more than anything else. This is a straight-up ideological takeover of the education system.

How do you fight that? I know you have teachers unions still, but clearly they don't have the power to stop this. Is it a question of numbers? In Norway most teachers in the entire country are part of the same union, and negotiate under an even larger umbrella organization (and the negotiations happen at the same time with the other teacher unions and their umbrella organizations, and they usually follow each other). That sometimes means teachers strike for policemen and nurses, and the other way around.
@nimic I really like living in the greater Tampa area. The weather is amazing from October into April. Politics in the state do suck but living in the bigger city is not bad at all, bar the cost of living going sky high the past 2-3 years (but that's across the spectrum not just limited to Florida).

Do you have any concerns about the future?
How do you fight that? I know you have teachers unions still, but clearly they don't have the power to stop this. Is it a question of numbers?
My state doesn’t allow actual teacher unions. We don’t have the right to collectively bargain.
I've always heard stories of teachers buying their own supplies (including for the classroom), but I am sure that's not common, and it's also a funding problem more than anything else.
Regarding that stuff, we’ve always gotten a check for $275 for supplies for the school year. This year it got raised to $350 for the year. Anything you want / need beyond that will have to come out of your own pocket.
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"Chairman Glenn Thompson said during a farm bill listening session in Redwood County, Minnesota, that a U.S. Supreme Court ruling upholding Prop 12 in May left open an opportunity for Congress to overturn the law."
Brought to you by the Pro Life christian party. The cruelest, most spiteful and hateful people I have met in my life have all professed to be “devout christians”.

Yep. Words just cannot describe how much and why I despise such people.
Brought to you by the Pro Life christian party. The cruelest, most spiteful and hateful people I have met in my life have all professed to be “devout christians”.
I found out last week one of students where I work came out as gay to her family. She lives with her grandmother, who is known for being very christian and being involved in loads of community and church events that, to be honest, to a lot of good things.

Well, she just kicked her granddaughter out because of this...
"death traps to kill migrants" is quite hyperbolic, isn't it? I mean a trap is something deceptive, that catches and holds something/someone. It's more like the opposite: a clear deterrent.
"death traps to kill migrants" is quite hyperbolic, isn't it? I mean a trap is something deceptive, that catches and holds something/someone. It's more like the opposite: a clear deterrent.
Imagine people trying to cross a river at night, with children, in a place they don't know while being terrified of being caught. I don't think calling these traps is that far off.
Imagine people trying to cross a river at night, with children, in a place they don't know while being terrified of being caught. I don't think calling these traps is that far off.
They are located at easy points to cross the Rio Grande. People are having to cross the river at far more dangerous locations. The two deceased apparently tried to cross at a different location, died, & their corpses floated into the buoys & got snagged. So these are more of a deterrent than a trap.

Everyone on the Mexican side knew about the buoys while they were being deployed, they're not much of a trap as they are almost a fifth of a mile long.
They are located at easy points to cross the Rio Grande. People are having to cross the river at far more dangerous locations. The two deceased apparently tried to cross at a different location, died, & their corpses floated into the buoys & got snagged. So these are more of a deterrent than a trap.

Everyone on the Mexican side knew about the buoys while they were being deployed, they're not much of a trap as they are almost a fifth of a mile long.
I dunno, something designed to hurt people in a stressful situation is sketchy at best.
I dunno, something designed to hurt people in a stressful situation is sketchy at best.
Yep, they are abhorrent. They remind me of something that the Nazis would have deployed on the Normandy beachhead.

This is raw MAGA politics at play in a distilled form. This is what will be further normalized if Trump returns to office.

I never thought I would say this. But I am a bit concerned with him retiring only to make some extreme MAGA or spineless coward like the house leader become a Republican leader in the Senate. Not that this guy is anywhere near being decent. It is more like the devil, you know.
It probably was bipartisan hate in the chants. Democrats want him gone due to his intransigence and damage he has done to the country. And MAGA people want him out because he isn't a full throated Trump butt kisser. Despite helping him politically all these years and advancing his judges and "policies" while in office.

I hold the Dems partially responsible for this. If this was really as important as they say then Schumer should have canceled recess and had them in session 7 days a week till this was done. Either it would get done the long way or Tubby would cave/be forced to cave. The Dems are both too lazy and too cynical to actually fix this.
I hold the Dems partially responsible for this. If this was really as important as they say then Schumer should have canceled recess and had them in session 7 days a week till this was done. Either it would get done the long way or Tubby would cave/be forced to cave. The Dems are both too lazy and too cynical to actually fix this.
Maybe but by doing that they're giving him a win as well