US Politics

For whatever reason, I don't think anything will come out of this whole saga. The Dems and the left will keep crying foul but the Republican establishment have the whole game rigged and the supporters will likely dismiss this as "locker room talk".

We will definitely see Kavanaugh as a supreme court justice.
For whatever reason, I don't think anything will come out of this whole saga. The Dems and the left will keep crying foul but the Republican establishment have the whole game rigged and the supporters will likely dismiss this as "locker room talk".

We will definitely see Kavanaugh as a supreme court justice.
Let’s hope your username checks out on this assertion :smirk:
"What boy hasn't done this in high school?"

Am I right? I think my dick was out for my entire school career. Who cares about a little rape, boys will be boys!

That's their defense? How the feck is this possible. Louis CK was practically burned at the stake for masturbating in front of someone. This guy attempts to rape someone and dangles his ivy league dick in front of someone's face and should be appointed to the supreme court for life? Are you fecking kidding me? Even if he is somewhat innocent, don't you want the supreme court's image to be immaculate? I wouldn't take any chances with these for life appointments.

Don't get me started on the for life thing to begin with. Fecking shambles of a country :lol:
The allegations in Avenatti's email are horrible...but sadly unsurprising.
I guess that all hope is on Collins and Murkowski to be rational. I doubt that any of the other Republicans won't vote for Kavanaugh even if someone shows a tape of him raping women.
"What boy hasn't done this in high school?"

Am I right? I think my dick was out for my entire school career. Who cares about a little rape, boys will be boys!

That's their defense? How the feck is this possible. Louis CK was practically burned at the stake for masturbating in front of someone. This guy attempts to rape someone and dangles his ivy league dick in front of someone's face and should be appointed to the supreme court for life? Are you fecking kidding me? Even if he is somewhat innocent, don't you want the supreme court's image to be immaculate? I wouldn't take any chances with these for life appointments.

Don't get me started on the for life thing to begin with. Fecking shambles of a country :lol:

It's truly despicable. Those people need to be publicly shamed for having the audacity to say that.

It's amazing this guy has 65 women and a bunch of calendars ready to vouch for him back in 1982.

This Avenatti tweet suggests that his client and this other person aren't the same. So it's now 4 women.

Yes it looks like its 4. The strategy at this point is to get as many accusers to come out so the Thursday hearing doesn't take place until there's an FBI investigation (which won't happen) and eventually Trump will just drop him in favor of another nominee.
Yes it looks like its 4. The strategy at this point is to get as many accusers to come out so the Thursday hearing doesn't take place until there's an FBI investigation (which won't happen) and eventually Trump will just drop him in favor of another nominee.

I wonder if Kavanaugh will have to pay back the $200,000 if he drops him for another nominee.

"I'm Spartacus!"
"I'm Spartacus and so is my husband!"
Turns out the woman are more so GOP women with ties to the party than ordinary Republican voting middle America voters.
Forgive my ignorance but why is a President who is currently under investigation allowed to nominate for this position? Will Kavanaugh and Trump's other appointee be forced to recuse themselves in the event of proceeding being brought against Trump? Seems to me that a President under investigation should be unable to make these type of appointments until the investigation findings are complete. What happens to Trump's appointees if he ends up being found guilty and impeached? Does America carry on having two Supreme Court judges who were appointed by a criminal?
Forgive my ignorance but why is a President who is currently under investigation allowed to nominate for this position? Will Kavanaugh and Trump's other appointee be forced to recuse themselves in the event of proceeding being brought against Trump? Seems to me that a President under investigation should be unable to make these type of appointments until the investigation findings are complete. What happens to Trump's appointees if he ends up being found guilty and impeached? Does America carry on having two Supreme Court judges who were appointed by a criminal?

Well nobody (Founding Fathers) really planned for this scenario and how could they? What they did assume is that the Congress would contain people of honour who would do the right thing. Sadly they were too optimistic.
He is claiming in that Fox Interview ,that he was a virgin till he was 20.
He is claiming in that Fox Interview ,that he was a virgin till he was 20.

Because his sexual assaults were unsuccessful apparently

I think its clear now this guy is dirty and should be withdrawn. But Trump can't withdraw because of his ego. The smarter tactical move is to withdraw and just nominate someone else but Trump can't do that. So this is going to end up helping the Dems a lot more than originally thought.