US Politics


retirees and trustfund kids... welcome to the resistance

It’s bizarre. When you think about it, half of America cheered Lincoln’s death and now they are fecking mourning in unison for John fecking McCain.
Don't worry it will die down soon and be put to rest.

What @Raoul said.

How about including Primaries that weren't rigged by its own party against the candidate the people wanted and how about then backing said candidate with the full financial backing and then see how it turns out?

This is fecking boring everyone to death and you just don't seem to be able to grasp what others keep saying. It's not just about the fact Hillary won, it's how. If Bernie had been treated fairly by the Dems and they hadn't sided with Hillary then he would have trounced her. That is a fecking fact!
There we go with the alternative facts favored by the Bernie bros.

Anyway it’s all been debated over and over for 2 years. No one is about to change their mind, let’s just leave it at that.
Just flicked on CNN and it's still all McCain. I'm hoping he'll come back from the dead and say "Enough already".
CNN was grilling the Gillum on his policies and everything on their show, state of the union. It was almost like he was on Tucker's show on fox.

CNN do hate Bernie Sanders's wing of democrat, don't they?
CNN was grilling the Gillum on his policies and everything on their show, state of the union. It was almost like he was on Tucker's show on fox.

CNN do hate Bernie Sanders's wing of democrat, don't they?

Watched it earlier. Didn't think it was particularly tough. They are just asking him the same sort of questions as most politicians get. Gillum will have to answer for his policies, how to pay for them, as well as about the guy from his campaign that just got in trouble.
Watched it earlier. Didn't think it was particularly tough. They are just asking him the same sort of questions as most politicians get. Gillum will have to answer for his policies, how to pay for them, as well as about the guy from his campaign that just got in trouble.
He will have to for sure. But, I just feel like they don't like those candidate too much to promote them. I generally don't think the way they go on does not seem to help the cause considering the other guy running for it in this case.
He will have to for sure. But, I just feel like they don't like those candidate too much to promote them. I generally don't think the way they go on does not seem to help the cause considering the other guy running for it in this case.
It's not their job to promote them. I want progressive candidates to win but they have to be able to defend their policies against scritiny.
It's not their job to promote them. I want progressive candidates to win but they have to be able to defend their policies against scritiny.
I think their policy needs to give a bit of time and space to see how it works. All I see from the likes of CNN is that they are trying to ask some generic questions to get easy and quick answers while knowing well that it won't happen. The woman was asking one question again and again about if he was going to raise the tax without listening much to what he had to say.
I think their policy needs to give a bit of time and space to see how it works. All I see from the likes of CNN is that they are trying to ask some generic questions to get easy and quick answers while knowing well that it won't happen. The woman was asking one question again and again about if he was going to raise the tax without listening much to what he had to say.

She gave him all kinds of softball questions - such as "how will you deal with racist attacks" ? etc.

She gave him all kinds of softball questions - such as "how will you deal with racist attacks" ? etc.

Racism and corruption questions might be pretty important in normal situations. I don't mean it is not now. But, look at who is the top at this moment and do people care? At least in that kind of states?

The tax question is a very big issue with these candidates. Unless you are going to get a good town hall debate or 20 mins interview with them, I don't see a point of it and it certainly does not help when you don't even listen and kept asking a very generic question again and again. Even the show host seemed to get some facts wrong or deliberately left things out to point out that it won't work awhile ago no?

And, I find it weird that they do that on these progressive candidates who are against some right wing nuts and not against some centrist corp Democrats.
CNN was grilling the Gillum on his policies and everything on their show, state of the union. It was almost like he was on Tucker's show on fox.

CNN do hate Bernie Sanders's wing of democrat, don't they?

because cnn and msnbc are capital and their programming is in the service to capital. they are more opposed to politicians that threaten their paychecks even a tiny amount than they are to politicians who cause millions of people to die overseas in war after war after war
this is the person who constantly interrupted gillum and misrepresented facts just a couple days ago. its disgraceful. the media has a cult around a racist piece of shit like john mccain who is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths and untold human suffering and they only challenge politicians who threaten capital

Racism and corruption questions might be pretty important in normal situations. I don't mean it is not now. But, look at who is the top at this moment and do people care? At least in that kind of states?

The tax question is a very big issue with these candidates. Unless you are going to get a good town hall debate or 20 mins interview with them, I don't see a point of it and it certainly does not help when you don't even listen and kept asking a very generic question again and again. Even the show host seemed to get some facts wrong or deliberately left things out to point out that it won't work awhile ago no?

And, I find it weird that they do that on these progressive candidates who are against some right wing nuts and not against some centrist corp Democrats.

Yeah thats true but he knew what he was getting into by going on a Sunday show. The segments are only a few minutes and you have to expect some uncomfortable questions. Her asking him about how to pay for his policies is nothing compared to what someone like DeSantis would've gotten for his monkey comment and moderating a casually racist FB group.
jesus christ. it wasnt about bernie or hillary at all. my comment was comparing trump to pence. you are the one who made it about hillary and bernie, yet again.

just go away
Feel free to use ignore function, in fact, PLEASE DO!
She gave him all kinds of softball questions - such as "how will you deal with racist attacks" ? etc.

I only watched the medicare bit via the video below, she did a terrible job.

On another note, I just realised this was a thing:

Good grief. Or rather, laughable grief.
It must be sexism!
*crosses fingers*