US Politics

Harvard finally getting called out over this

The group that has sued, seems to be be against affirmative action itself. I think the key issue here should be if Harvard is discriminating Asian americans as compared to the white ones. I can imagine more asian americans qualifying for Harvard, after affirmative action has taken place to grant admissions to eligible minorities, than the ones that are finally admitted. A number of them being denied due to maintain some kind of unsaid "quota" for caucassian students.
Amazon seems to have the better argument here.

They will be on the losing end of the PR side of this one. Sanders is publicly calling them out and since millions follow him, it will have an adverse effect on public perception of the brand - from convenient one stop shopping to mean company whose employees can't afford to pay their rent while the owner is worth more than many countries.

Of course Bernie's calls for taking Amazon off "corporate welfare" isn't going anywhere in the near term either - but it will bring income disparity into the public spotlight which will in turn help Dems undergird their economic arguments in the next two cycles.
Nope, its Amazon that is intentionally off base by not including temps (40%) of their workers.
As far as I understood, they said 'part-time' workers, not 'temp' workers. If they are not including temp workers then Sanders point stands, otherwise, it doesn't.
Ex-Budget Director Stockman Calls Trump a 'Neanderthal on Trade' and an 'Ignoramus'

I had the same impression too, to be fair, and I have been critical of Amazon in the past. Sanders - while he has a point - seems to have been totally off on the average salary, for example.

I posted a link about how the Amazon statement is misleading - the ast majority of workers in their warehouses are temporary, and their salaries weren't included in the Amazon average.

edit -

Amazon’s temps are paid less. The get “up to $12.00/hr” in Chattanooga and “up to $11.25/hr” in Columbia, SC, for instance. Emphasis on the “up to.” Check out these listings. /3
For $11.25/hr in Columbia, “you must be able to lift up to 49 pounds … stand/walk for up to 10-12 hours, and be able to frequently push, pull, squat, bend, and reach.” /4
With all this talk about the average I'd like to point out that Amazon was talking of the median. The average can be considerably lower than the median, and with them not stating the average I'd wager it definitely isn't higher.

Edit: I'm wrong. The average is very likely to be higher.
A good effort from Sanders although good luck getting it passed in this GOP congress and Trump.

Why is Sanders going against someone who’s anti-Trump? The enemy of my enemy...
good then stop posting bullshit and we dont have to go in circles again and again and again
I’ve posted facts: Hillary got million more votes in the primary.

You’ve posted unproven opinions: Bernie would have won.

Spot the difference
I’ve posted facts: Hillary got million more votes in the primary.

You’ve posted unproven opinions: Bernie would have won.

Spot the difference

Its not just an unproven opinion. There were many polls before the primary was decided showing head to heads with the main candidates, which showed that Bernie would have performed considerably better than Hillary in the rust belt.
Its not just an unproven opinion. There were many polls before the primary was decided showing head to heads with the main candidates, which showed that Bernie would have performed considerably better than Hillary in the rust belt.

The polls also had Hillary winning the election and that did not work out so well either so why selectively pick them to prove a point?
The polls also had Hillary winning the election and that did not work out so well either so why selectively pick them to prove a point?

This isn't actually true. The idea that the polls all said Hillary had it in the bag, doesn't actually stand up to scrutiny. The polls showed her winning the popular vote, which she did, but there were plenty of polls in the final month showing Trump as the likely winner, and because state by state polling is usually such a crapshoot, it wasn't nearly as cut and dried as just 'the polls were all wrong'.
This isn't actually true. The idea that the polls all said Hillary had it in the bag, doesn't actually stand up to scrutiny. The polls showed her winning the popular vote, which she did, but there were plenty of polls in the final month showing Trump as the likely winner, and because state by state polling is usually such a crapshoot, it wasn't nearly as cut and dried as just 'the polls were all wrong'.

The most conservative poll I saw was 538 giving her a 70% chance to winning the electoral on the day of the election, everyone else had her as the perceived winner at > 90%.
I’ve posted facts: Hillary got million more votes in the primary.

You’ve posted unproven opinions: Bernie would have won.

Spot the difference

You realise the primary and main vote are different things, right? Yeah?
Bernie should move to Europe, he'd find more people receptive to his ideas here.
We don't even know for sure if Bezos is Trump's enemy. Behind all these soundbites, they both could be in a league together.

I don't think he is his enemy. Trump simply likes to lash out at any media outlet that doesn't give him favorable coverage. Bezos may be the whipping boy from time to time when a Wapo story comes out , but the "failing" NY Times, Fake News CNN etc also routinely get it.
Its not just an unproven opinion. There were many polls before the primary was decided showing head to heads with the main candidates, which showed that Bernie would have performed considerably better than Hillary in the rust belt.
Polls didn't mean much vs Trump. Hillary was defeating him in every poll which was done. Even Silver's poll which was less optimistic than all others gave her 2/3 chance of winning it.
Polls didn't mean much vs Trump. Hillary was defeating him in every poll which was done. Even Silver's poll which was less optimistic than all others gave her 2/3 chance of winning it.

Silver got 45 out of 50 states correct (47 if you consider that FL and NC were more or less toss ups going into election day).
Bernie should move to Europe, he'd find more people receptive to his ideas here.
Boh, he'll probably be center-right here. Most European states have things like free medcare, near free education, minimum wage, no ruffles and so on, regardless of where does the party stands on political spectrum. I mean, is there much difference in policies between an 'extreme leftist' like Bernie and a center right politician like Angela Merkel.
Silver got 45 out of 50 states correct (47 if you consider that FL and NC were more or less toss ups going into election day).
He was still giving to her a very good chance of winning though (circa 2/3) which made many people nervous cause everyone was expecting her to win easily. Clearly, a lot of Trump voters were too shamed to say that they were going to vote him and lied on polls. As far as I can remember, there hasn't ever been an entire polling process that was so wrong, not even Brexit.
He was still giving to her a very good chance of winning though (circa 2/3) which made many people nervous cause everyone was expecting her to win easily. Clearly, a lot of Trump voters were too shamed to say that they were going to vote him and lied on polls. As far as I can remember, there hasn't ever been an entire polling process that was so wrong, not even Brexit.

That was based on her winning the three to five states she lost. If Hillary couldn't muster the needed turnout on election day then that is not Silver's problem, its hers.
Polls didn't mean much vs Trump. Hillary was defeating him in every poll which was done. Even Silver's poll which was less optimistic than all others gave her 2/3 chance of winning it.

This has been done to death, but the pollsters mostly got the vote percentage right - Hilary did beat out Trump in the end. What they underestimated was his ability to win certain key swing-states, and the extent to which he'd won them.

Bernie was polling ahead of Trump to a point where that wouldn't have even remotely been a problem.

There is, of course, the question as to whether he'd have been able to retain those polling figures when under scrutiny during the final race, but that's an entirely different matter and not relevant to the figures he was polling against Trump pre-the main race in comparison to Hilary. He was doing far, far better than her in that regard.