US Politics

Polls didn't mean much vs Trump. Hillary was defeating him in every poll which was done. Even Silver's poll which was less optimistic than all others gave her 2/3 chance of winning it.

Actually there were a few rare ones that used new modeling methods instead of the older methods and predicted Trump win like the USC/LA Times Poll that reflected a wave of Trump supported after the 3rd debate

The more crucial point was that the poll correctly detected Trump's appeal to a key bloc of voters: conservative whites who had sat out the 2012 election but intended to vote this year. That group strongly favored Trump, the poll found.

The poll's ability to pick up those voters, Kapteyn said, stemmed from its approach, which differs notably from the one used by most major surveys.

Instead of asking people to simply choose between the candidates, the Daybreak survey asked respondents to rate, on a scale from 0 to 100, their chance of voting for Trump, Clinton or some other candidate. The poll also asked people to use the same 0-100 scale to rate their likelihood of voting.

Moreover, by asking participants to rate their chance of voting, the (USC) poll could take advantage of information from everyone in its sample group, rather than cast aside those who do not meet a test for being a "likely voter," as most traditional surveys do.

"One of the ways in which other polls may have gone wrong is that they have a hard time defining who is going to vote," he said. Polling firms "should look at their likely voter model" and think about whether they are excluding too many potential voters, he said...

Unlike many pollsters, Kapteyn, 70, is neither a political scientist nor a political activist. His work on predicting election results is an outgrowth of his main research interest on how people make decisions on their finances.
He was still giving to her a very good chance of winning though (circa 2/3) which made many people nervous cause everyone was expecting her to win easily. Clearly, a lot of Trump voters were too shamed to say that they were going to vote him and lied on polls. As far as I can remember, there hasn't ever been an entire polling process that was so wrong, not even Brexit.

Off the top of my head, the polling in the lead-up to the 2015 UK election vastly underestimated the extent to which the Tories would win the popular vote. Similarly, a lot of pollsters underestimated Corbyn ahead of 2017.

In the US, back in 1980 a lot of polls underestimated the extent to which Reagan would beat Carter. They got the result right, but the margin was wildly off.
He was still giving to her a very good chance of winning though (circa 2/3) which made many people nervous cause everyone was expecting her to win easily. Clearly, a lot of Trump voters were too shamed to say that they were going to vote him and lied on polls. As far as I can remember, there hasn't ever been an entire polling process that was so wrong, not even Brexit.

Read the article I posted above. The polling wasn’t nearly as wrong as you might think.
Most of the national polls seemed to be accurate within the margin of error on the final popular vote count (which Hillary won by 2.1%).
Its not just an unproven opinion. There were many polls before the primary was decided showing head to heads with the main candidates, which showed that Bernie would have performed considerably better than Hillary in the rust belt.
There were also many more polls which showed that Hillary would have won. Are you seriously going to base everything on polls?
Obviously it's a sombre occasion but, my god, American politicians take themselves seriously. There's a sometimes-desperate strainng for grandeur and gravitas that, in many cases, isn't appropriate. For example, it's always troubled me that Ted Kennedy was somehow transformed from the wretch who left a young woman to die to the sanctified 'lion of the Senate'; he bloody 'sacrificed' someone to save his political career, FFS...
People take these things way too seriously. CNN interprets an impromptu rainstorm as angles crying - another anti-McCain outlet (like RT) could've just as easily framed it as heaven pissing on his casket. CNN in particular need to chill with this kind of nonsense.
I'm getting really fecking bored of all this McCain coverage.

Don't worry it will die down soon and be put to rest.

Why is Sanders going against someone who’s anti-Trump? The enemy of my enemy...

What @Raoul said.

Here’s another one:

Primaries lost to Hillary Clinton:
Bernie Sanders 1
Barack Obama 0

How about including Primaries that weren't rigged by its own party against the candidate the people wanted and how about then backing said candidate with the full financial backing and then see how it turns out?

This is fecking boring everyone to death and you just don't seem to be able to grasp what others keep saying. It's not just about the fact Hillary won, it's how. If Bernie had been treated fairly by the Dems and they hadn't sided with Hillary then he would have trounced her. That is a fecking fact!
How about including Primaries that weren't rigged by its own party against the candidate the people wanted and how about then backing said candidate with the full financial backing and then see how it turns out?

This is fecking boring everyone to death and you just don't seem to be able to grasp what others keep saying. It's not just about the fact Hillary won, it's how. If Bernie had been treated fairly by the Dems and they hadn't sided with Hillary then he would have trounced her. That is a fecking fact!

Too complex for Cal.
Jared & Ivanka turned up at the funeral, apparently.
Showed up to embezzle their respects.
CNN: Former President Barack Obama spoke of the present moment, where "so much of our politics, our public life, our public discourse can seem small and mean and petty. Trafficking in bombast and insult. Phony controversies and manufactured outrage. It's a politics that pretends to be brave and tough, but in fact is born of fear."
CNN: Former President Barack Obama spoke of the present moment, where "so much of our politics, our public life, our public discourse can seem small and mean and petty. Trafficking in bombast and insult. Phony controversies and manufactured outrage. It's a politics that pretends to be brave and tough, but in fact is born of fear."

Both Meghan McCain and Obama got their snide comments in rather nicely.
I find this recent white washing of Bush to spite Trump ridiculous. The invasion of Iraq, his ownership in Carlyle Group, Dick Cheney's position in Halliburton, the KBR story, the consequences that has followed - it all tops anything the orange one has done or will do.

If Drumpf or even Putin put someone with the amount of personal interest like Cheney as their VP everyone would be livid.
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I find this recent white washing of Bush to spite Trump ridiculous. The invasion of Iraq, his ownership in Carlyle Group, Dick Cheney's position in Halliburton, the KBR story, the consequences that has followed - it all tops anything the orange one has done or will do.

If Drumpf or even Putin put someone with the amount of personal interest like Cheney as their VP everyone would be livid.

Ya, there was a post getting big likes/retweets on twitter about how "cute Bush gave Michelle Obama candy and I miss having these people in office" and the whole thing is so stupid.
Ya, there was a post getting big likes/retweets on twitter about how "cute Bush gave Michelle Obama candy and I miss having these people in office" and the whole thing is so stupid.

Just goes to show people have selective memories and forget about all the extremely dodgy stuff that Adminstration had done, also don't forget Bush had way worse approval ratings than Drumpf pre 9-11 and after it stayed in the high 60's / 70's because Patriotism.
Bush Chenney were a disaster.
But this moron makes them seem reasonable.

No, not at all. You are misled by idiotic things as tourettes on Twitter and MAGA. What Bush and Cheney did was next level corruption and exactly what Eisenhower and McCain warned against.
No, not at all. You are misled by idiotic things as tourettes on Twitter and MAGA. What Bush and Cheney did was next level corruption and exactly what Eisenhower and McCain warned against.

Thats what I meant.

They were were totally corrupt. But so is Trump. He is just obnoxious to boot.
As for McCain. He was a war monger and sided with Both of them pretty much. The fact he was a war hero does not absolve him of anything he did.
Thats what I meant.

They were were totally corrupt. But so is Trump. He is just obnoxious to boot.
As for McCain. He was a war monger and sided with Both of them pretty much. The fact he was a war hero does not absolve him of anything he did.

McCain came around in the end though and asked for investigations into the congress\government and millitary industrial complex interweb.