nasty little twerp with crazy bitter-man opinions
resistance hero ted lieu
I don't know how many ways to put this.
Hillary's performance among independents was better than Obama's, and she lost and he won. Her campaign was centred around moderate Republicans and ideological moderates uniting for an already-great America against Trump's uncouth anger.
It failed to turn out base voters, notably African-American turnout went down in swing states, and union households went 50-50 for her and Trump.
Its important to remember that independents are not necessarily "centrists" or in the middle between Dem and Rep. They represent by far the widest range of individual beliefs to the far left and far right of either party on some issues. You have some independents that are more progressive than Bernie, some independents that are libertarians and some with just a mix of beliefs that don't coincide with either party platforms.
Its important to remember that independents are not necessarily "centrists" or in the middle between Dem and Rep. They represent by far the widest range of individual beliefs to the far left and far right of either party on some issues. You have some independents that are more progressive than Bernie, some independents that are libertarians and some with just a mix of beliefs that don't coincide with either party platforms.
For instance I have one friend who believes it should be over 60% tax rate for anyone with net worth over 10 million but also strongly opposes unions among other eccentric beliefs. I have another who strongly supports most progressive issues but is also a hardcore defender of gun rights. Will never vote for gun control.
There is no "average independent" or "median independent" if that makes sense.
Right but the people more progressive than bernie will never vote for a republican. So maybe we need a better term for the different groups but the point is that any group of people willing to vote for either party is ideologically in between the two parties.
Agreed...independents can literally be anywhere on the map (although they frequently seem to coagulate in the middle because they could vote for either party).
Another misperperction is that Sanders voters in 2016 were Dem base voters - when the reality is that traditional Dem base voters (a coalition of largely women and minorities) are different from the liberal/progressives who emerged in Sanders' camp in 2016. The latter may become the Dem base going forward but they weren't the base in the last general election and for all the general elections going back since Bill Clinton won in 92.
Little Marco v Alex Jones (round 1)
Mostly agree with this but I'd say Obama's coalition differed in some very significant ways to Clinton in 1992 but I'll have to get back to this later
Anybody watching the Obama speech right now?
Tearing repubs apart right now.Yep. Suddenly feels like its 2015 again
Anybody watching the Obama speech right now?
Can't wait until Dolan catches the bait and unloads on twitter![]()
"If you thought elections don't matter I hope these last two years have corrected that impression"![]()
Guess they are tired of going so high that their heads are/were in the cloudsVery surprised he was that forthright in his criticism.
Very surprised he was that forthright in his criticism.
Where's Obama's presidential library going to be located? Honolulu?
Very surprised he was that forthright in his criticism.
Where's Obama's presidential library going to be located? Honolulu?
I knew someone would say itNairobi
what will it take for Perez to say the DNC is for single payer?
Imagine thinking the only working class in America is flyover racist factory workers.
The poor under-eulogised black, hispanic, Arab, gay and trans people living in constant tangible fear for their rights (nay lives) under an openly White Nationalist Presidency, should’ve thought about that before they recklessly expected Bernie Bro ideologues to give a shit...