Unpopular Opinions Thread

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OK this one is hard to admit, to myself as much as anyone. I would take Moyes over Martinez right now at Everton.
Carrick is overrated now and will be a liability this season.

Blind will be our best defensive player along with Darmian.

Playing hardball with DDG will bring more negatives than positives. His new contract should have been a priority ages ago, not last season.

Trying to quickly bring United back to the pinnacle of world football is a wrong strategy which may backfire financially. It's far better to build the foundations of a new great team by smartly investing in youngsters and finding the new Ronaldo, Rooney, Evra, Vidic etc and not by buying too expensive (ADM) or already over the hill stars (Schweini).

Unpopular or not I mostly agree with you. Strong chance Carrick won't play many games this season, he's at the age his legs will suddenly go. Blind will play more than than him, and I mean as a DM. It hasn't taken folk long to forget he was one of our best players in the darkest days of last season, in that role.
Ok, im going to say it.

I like the cheverolet logo on our shirt, particularly the new home kit.

The gold goes well with the utd badge.

There i said it. Just imagine if the cheverolet logo was blue?
I think our rivalry with Arsenal in the 2000s was our best rivalry and got the emotions flowing better than any other match in world football at the time.
Dimitar Berbatov took more criticism than he deserved.

He had huge opportunities to shine for us in 2010 when Rooney got hurt. He didn't produce the goods.

He was great the next season and was unfairly benched for the CL final. We needed something different in that game and his composure could have helped a completely overwhelmed side. He should have at least made an appearance.
Berbatov cost us the league in 2010 with a truly pathetic performance away at Blackburn. He also scuffed a couple of sitters the following year at Wembley in the FA Cup semi against City. That performance I think is what convinced Fergie that Berba was not mentally cut out for the biggest of stages for a club as ambitious as United.
I think he's an ok player, nothing special and too much will expected from him by the fans. A lot of people are deluding themselves.

good player in tiki taka system which utilized his few qualities, remove him from the system and he will be bang average....feck he even struggles in Barca after the change of the system and they are still the closest thing to the tiki taka.
We need someone with Pace and the skills and balls to take players on, go past them and either score or set up goals. Pedro has this, Young does not. The sooner we play with Pedro and Memphis as wingers (which looks very good on paper) the better.
We need someone with Pace and the skills and balls to take players on, go past them and either score or set up goals. Pedro has this, Young does not. The sooner we play with Pedro and Memphis as wingers (which looks very good on paper) the better.

Don't think this is a very unpopular opinion. I would bet most agree.
OK this one is hard to admit, to myself as much as anyone. I would take Moyes over Martinez right now at Everton.
I`ve got a few mates that support Everton that agree with you , Moyes did a good job at Everton and they were always a tough team to beat .
I`ve got a few mates that support Everton that agree with you , Moyes did a good job at Everton and they were always a tough team to beat .

In his first season Martinez was a bit of a revelation. I think suddenly they played this really good attractive football which under Moyes it never really was. Trouble is I get the impression with Martinez that sometimes it's possession for the sake of it?! And there's no real plan b which every manager needs.

An unpopular opinion... But bear with me is that maybe Martinez would be a good replacement for LVG? I'm not saying that's what I want and I'm not saying he'd be good or successful but they both put real importance on keeping possession.

When it works it's a joy to see. The passing is crisp, players are played in to acres of space, the opposition are given the run around. Lots of chances are then created as well. Trouble is when it doesn't work it's incredibly frustrating to watch and laboured and kind of pointless.

Moyes did a great job at Everton. The fans I'm sure miss him because you really knew what you were getting from his teams. But all clubs eventually have to progress and move on. Did Moyes take Everton as far as he could? I think so.
Berbatov cost us the league in 2010 with a truly pathetic performance away at Blackburn. He also scuffed a couple of sitters the following year at Wembley in the FA Cup semi against City. That performance I think is what convinced Fergie that Berba was not mentally cut out for the biggest of stages for a club as ambitious as United.

A big warning sign was that penalty he missed on the FA Cup semi against Everton. He was more worried about looking cool than actually scoring. In the end he looked like a complete tit.
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I think our rivalry with Arsenal in the 2000s was our best rivalry and got the emotions flowing better than any other match in world football at the time.
For me, forget at that time, I haven't felt a football match as personally much as those encounters. It was the best head to head football rivalry I've seen. The last 10 years of premier league football have offered nothing in comparison. The two teams detested each other.
Even though he isnt a starter at Barcelona, Pedro will instantly become on of our best players if we sign him.
Definitely this. My only wonder if it's because
A) barca attack is just that good
B) because ours is just that shite
C) all of the above
If we win nothing with van gaal but do with his successor then it will only be down to that manager and not actually have anything to do with some incredible foundation work van gaal did.
our club is turning into real madrid... hyper-commercialism is turning our brand into a club that is slowly losing it's soul with big name signings that feel they are being made for the sake of a big name signing, while pushing our youth down the pecking order.

... that's not necessarily how i feel all the time. but at my worst, it certainly is.
I'm quite frankly getting annoyed at our apparant lack of speed and urgency when it comes to us completing transfers. If we miss out on Otamendi and/ or Pedro to Citeh then I will be p*ssed off.
I'm quite frankly getting annoyed at our apparant lack of speed and urgency when it comes to us completing transfers. If we miss out on Otamendi and/ or Pedro to Citeh then I will be p*ssed off.
1. we are doing our transfer really well, fast and without anyone knowing the detail, especially english media don't know a think. We were linked with Darmian by Di Marzio, 3 days later he signed for us, Bild had seriously linked us with Bastian just 2 days before he signed, English media were writting articles that we are not after Schneiderlin because we signed Schweinsteiger at the time he was doing medical at Carrington. It was the same last year, when we make a move it is fast.

2. you need to know how media work. It is clear we don't give them any info and they are desperate. If they would not post transfer articles about Manchester United they will lose huge amount of people because United have such huge fanbase. So they invent stories, they look at who are the possible targets and write their guesswork as it is true. Then they link the same targets, usually with Liverpool and City to get more atention from United fans and atention from the other clubs fans.

3. and third point, which is kinda linked with second one. I believe we are after Pedro but the Otamendi rumors could be just the invetion from the media. And even if we are interested in both we as a club know what price we are prepared to pay for the players and if other club ask to much we are right to turn away. As Woodward said, we have list of targets for the positions we want to add new players, Otamendi could be on that list, probably after Hummels and Ramos but if we wouldn't sign him we clearly don't value him as much as Valencia is asking.

If we don't sign Pedro or Otamendi it will not be because we are to slow in the market but because of one of those reasons:
1. they are really not our targets
2. we don't value them as much as the selling club want
3. they will rather join other clubs
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1. we doing our transfer really well, fast and without anyone knowing the detail, especially english media don't know a think. We were linked with Darmian by Di Marzio, 3 days later he signed for us, Bild has seriously linked us with Bastian just 2 days before he signed, English media were writting articles that we are not after Schneiderlin because we signed Schweinsteiger at the time he was doing medical at Carrington. It was the same last year, when we make a move it is fast.

2. you need to know how media work. It is clear we don't given them any info adn they are desperate. If they would not post transfer articles about Manchester United they will lose hugh amount of people because United have such huge fanbase. So they invent stories, they look at who are the possible targets and write their guesswork as it is true. Then they link the same targets, usually with Liverpool and City to get more atention from United fans and atention from the other clubs fans.

3. and third point, which is kinda linked with second one. I believe we are after Pedro but the Otamendi rumors could be just the invetion from the media. And even if we are interested in both we as a club know what price we are prepared to pay for the players and if other club ask to much we are right to turn away. As Woodward said, we have list of targets for the positions we want to add new players, Otamendi could be on that list, probably after Hummels and Ramos but if we wouldn't sign him we clearly don't value him as much as Valencia is asking.

I we don't sign Pedro or Otamendi it will not be because we are to slow in the market but because of one of those reasons:
1. they are really not our targets
2. we don't value them as much as the selling club want
3. they will rather join other clubs

That's bullshit. It is slow. The glazer must have been skint and our formal bid got lagged behind because we used dialup instead of broadband. Lol

I agree. We were decisive this season, we probably going to sign someone we never heard the rumor about. Cough.. Messi
1. we doing our transfer really well, fast and without anyone knowing the detail, especially english media don't know a think. We were linked with Darmian by Di Marzio, 3 days later he signed for us, Bild has seriously linked us with Bastian just 2 days before he signed, English media were writting articles that we are not after Schneiderlin because we signed Schweinsteiger at the time he was doing medical at Carrington. It was the same last year, when we make a move it is fast.

2. you need to know how media work. It is clear we don't given them any info adn they are desperate. If they would not post transfer articles about Manchester United they will lose hugh amount of people because United have such huge fanbase. So they invent stories, they look at who are the possible targets and write their guesswork as it is true. Then they link the same targets, usually with Liverpool and City to get more atention from United fans and atention from the other clubs fans.

3. and third point, which is kinda linked with second one. I believe we are after Pedro but the Otamendi rumors could be just the invetion from the media. And even if we are interested in both we as a club know what price we are prepared to pay for the players and if other club ask to much we are right to turn away. As Woodward said, we have list of targets for the positions we want to add new players, Otamendi could be on that list, probably after Hummels and Ramos but if we wouldn't sign him we clearly don't value him as much as Valencia is asking.

I we don't sign Pedro or Otamendi it will not be because we are to slow in the market but because of one of those reasons:
1. they are really not our targets
2. we don't value them as much as the selling club want
3. they will rather join other clubs

Good post :) i was getting a bit annoyed there so it's amazing what a bit of logical thinking does. Thank you :D some good food for thought.
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