U.S. Presidential Race: Official Thread

Obama or McCain/Democrat or Republican..you decide

  • McCain

    Votes: 14 7.5%
  • Obama

    Votes: 173 92.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
She's just made me laugh (with her) twice in a few minutes! Think she's having quite a strong period during this debate - and to be fair its been more of a debate than I thought it would be - and that's probably playing quite well to America. There's no way she's winning the debate on policy and content, but I reckon Republican poll ratings will be recovering some tomorrow morning

Of course, they'll fall again the next time McCain has to go against Obama...
I think she did well out of the blocks but has steadily faded since. Biden has been fairly consistent throughout. It's hard to say if there is a clear winner. McCain and Palin needed a performance that can slow Obama's recent momentum. This probably wont change anything.
I didn't get to see the whole thing, seen about half. I think it was pretty even. Palin did dance around a couple answers but Biden seemed to try to hard make it about Bush a couple times. Nothing overly exciting from either side.
She recited her speeches, it looked painfully obvious she crammed really hard for this.

Btw, new-cu-lear is now an official pronunciation or what?
The low expectations placed on Palin was absolutely critical in this debate.

That and her ability to connect with the average American should see a decent improvement in the polls for the republicans.

The initial post debate polling suggests that Biden has helped his ticket add undecideds. Palin did a good job of improving her credibility which will probably change her narrative from Katie Couric to her debate with Biden. That said, she didn't do anything to stop McCain's slide.
The initial post debate polling suggests that Biden has helped his ticket add undecideds. Palin did a good job of improving her credibility which will probably change her narrative from Katie Couric to her debate with Biden. That said, she didn't do anything to stop McCain's slide.

Completely, agrees...

But I'll be laughing about the Katie Couric shit for months past the election, as we all will be enjoying her stupidity.
She recited her speeches, it looked painfully obvious she crammed really hard for this.

Btw, new-cu-lear is now an official pronunciation or what?

I really had a hard time listening to her while she was blabbering her memorized fluff lines. I'm sure everyone that has already decided to vote for Obama was expecting this, but I sure hope the undecided voters caught on. I know if I was one of them I would feel incredibly insulted that she and her campaign thought I was dumb enough to believe all the crap she spews out.

That said, there's plenty of things in the past that I've hoped my fellow Americans would catch on to only to find that they were completely oblivious.

By the way the Associated Press has a pretty good fact checking article out.


Edit: And seriously. NU-CLE-AR or NU-CLEAR if you're in a hurry. It's not even a hard word. No silent or extra letters. It's basic phonics. You just have to sound it out. A first grader could pull it off.
Idiots the lot of them, sad story with these four running for Prez and VP
After 90 minutes of debate, I struggle to recall one issue in which Palin gave an answer that any substance, Smiled, she winked, she talked about "Joe Six-pack" and "Hockey moms", and John NcCain's "Team of Mavericks", and "straight talk". Barely a single detail relating to policy, or even to substance of any kind. Just endless cliches and well-rehearsed talking points, usually not even relating to the questions she had been asked. Because obviously you can't prep her to be able to talk sensibly about a variety of issues, but if she answers every question with the same irrelevant shit, her handlers reasoned, we could stretch out for 90 minutes, with no dead air after tough questions. Brilliant!

Pathetic. Actually I do now recall one matter of substance. The Governeor wants more power for the office of the Vice-President, after eight years of Cheney becoming the most powerful veep in history, and being very successful at dramatically expanding the role of the Executive Branch in all other aspects of governance. And fecking up nearly every major initiative while doing so. Thanks but no thanks, Governor. The would-be emperor has no clothes at all. Or at least his pathetic little lapdog doesn't.
Idiots the lot of them, sad story with these four running for Prez and VP

Just cause you're righty candidates are absolute jokes, doesn't mean you can bag on the other side. Seriously, Republicans should be ashamed of themselves for putting up these two retards.
I don't think it was even close, the fact that Republicans think that it was good has to do with initial below-par expectations and, of course, Palin connecting on the personal level with me. Awww

In fact Palin was horrible. And the Republican issues, from what I understand are as follows:

Tax cuts for the people who earn more than 250k per year in hopes that this will fix the economy, when it hasn't really worked so far. No mentioning of balancing the books
Market is self-correcting (I guess that's why the govt is buying up these failing banks :rolleyes:)

Drill more oil that can be used 10 years from now, even though US has only 3% of reserves while it uses 25%. This is going to eliminate our oil dependance

Stay in Iraq, dump 10 billion/ month there

"War on Terror" + Iran issue
Work with allies (even though allies won't work with you because they're not lapdogs and you haven't tried diplomacy), don't bother with diplomacy

Genocide in Durfur
"We love Israel, let's prevent second genocide there by the Supreme Ayatollah Ahmadinejad"

Replace the current system with lousy $5000 tax credit.

Fighting Corruption
Give more power to the vice-president.

You honestly have to be a complete moron or very very rich to vote for those two
I don't think it was even close, the fact that Republicans think that it was good has to do with initial below-par expectations and, of course, Palin connecting on the personal level with me. Awww
In fact Palin was horrible. And the Republican issues, from what I understand are as follows:

Tax cuts for the people who earn more than 250k per year in hopes that this will fix the economy, when it hasn't really worked so far. No mentioning of balancing the books
Market is self-correcting (I guess that's why the govt is buying up these failing banks :rolleyes:)

Drill more oil that can be used 10 years from now, even though US has only 3% of reserves while it uses 25%. This is going to eliminate our oil dependance

Stay in Iraq, dump 10 billion/ month there

"War on Terror" + Iran issue
Work with allies (even though allies won't work with you because they're not lapdogs and you haven't tried diplomacy), don't bother with diplomacy

Genocide in Durfur
"We love Israel, let's prevent second genocide there by the Supreme Ayatollah Ahmadinejad"

Replace the current system with lousy $5000 tax credit.

Fighting Corruption
Give more power to the vice-president.

You honestly have to be a complete moron or very very rich to vote for those two

Great analysis, but what was that introduction...

Taping the debate on your DVR, then pausing Sarah with her mouth wide-open, and then masterbating to her image is hardly a connection.
Not quite the same thing and I think the depression talk is a bit of scare tactics. I'm not saying it would be easy but the government always fecks things up.

That's just libertarian silliness, a slogan in place of analysis.

And now were expecting them to buy up all these bad loans and then do something right a few years from now. Relying on government is what got us into this mess in the first place and now we expect them to fix it? Not a good idea.

That's a strange analysis. It wasn't relying on the Govt that got us into this mess. What got us into this mess was lending to people who couldn't afford it.

The fact is these loans have gone bad and there are only a few ways you can deal with that. Doing nothing is far, far too risky.
That's just libertarian silliness, a slogan in place of analysis.

That's a strange analysis. It wasn't relying on the Govt that got us into this mess. What got us into this mess was lending to people who couldn't afford it.

The fact is these loans have gone bad and there are only a few ways you can deal with that. Doing nothing is far, far too risky.

Take it easy on my friend from Cali, he prolly had a rough night at the Grill with the boys and isn't commenting with his A-Game.
Biden looked like he was ready to be President if needed.....and Palin looked like she was already a parrot.....

With 110% honest seriousness..

Palin is not ready or would be ready within the next 10 years, to be serving at the White House. Anyone that places a vote for McCain/Palin will be looked upon as an idiot, just as people see those that voted for GW.
That's just libertarian silliness, a slogan in place of analysis.

No, it's the truth and better than the two fecked up parties running this country. Neither of which give a shit about anything but their next election. The markets will/would adjust and in time things will be fine. Instead I'll get Pelosi spinning her magic. Wonderful.

That's a strange analysis. It wasn't relying on the Govt that got us into this mess. What got us into this mess was lending to people who couldn't afford it.

The fact is these loans have gone bad and there are only a few ways you can deal with that. Doing nothing is far, far too risky.

How wasn't it? Two gov't backed organizations Freddie and Fannie bought up all these completely doomed loans. Again, no personal accountability. And don't give me any the canned repubs fault BS, this is everyday Americans fault. You'd have to be a complete idiot to think you can afford a home that costs $350,000 and you have a household income of $75,000.
Biden looked like he was ready to be President if needed.....and Palin looked like she was already a parrot.....
I stayed up to watch rictus smile folksy automaton Palin nervously fail to answer even a single question. She is now deemed to have done "quite well" because she was expected to self destruct..
You deserve better, citizens of the U.S.
Joe Biden is to my mind a good running mate for Obama, calm, experienced and logical.
This thread has crossed into The Twighlight Zone [/Serling]. I feel like Keith Olberman has taken over some of the demo posters on this forum. Both candidates were good. Biden did well AND Palin did well.

And really, Biden "calm, experienced and logical"? Even some demos must be snickering at that.
Biden was very effective...and he looked like he could easily be the President if called to do so...his job was basically to ignore Palin...who is a non factor....and to attack McCain which he did very well...

Palin....oh FFS....for the first twenty minutes......she was nervous as heck....and on at least two occasions she looked like a deer in headlights...and I thought she may just start blubbering......
she then warmed up and avoided every question she could while she read like a parrot on what she had her head filled with...

I certainly did not expect her to implode....the bar was so low for her...you would have to dig to find it.....

Ok what did we find out?.....she can regurgitate whatever she has been pumped full of and she....is been asked to over reach anything she was cut out to be....

dont worry...only 31 days for this ridiculous campaign of the GOP to be buried and forgotten......

...at least hopefully for the Republicans....
what was that thing she said about the VP and the leader of the Senate?
did I imagine she said that? didn't catch the whole debate btw.
what was that thing she said about the VP and the leader of the Senate?
did I imagine she said that? didn't catch the whole debate btw.

...she basically thinks Chenny 'expanding' his powers...is fine....Biden said Chenney was the most dangerous VP ever....and quoted article one of the consitution....Palin wants even greater powers.....laughable really.....utter ignorance....these people just want power....service?

the GOP is a totally bankrupt party.....
Not sure what you're asking. Both candidates were asked about comments that they had made before either were tapped for the veep nomination. Palin said she didn't even know what the role of the veep was. Probably a tounge in cheek remark and Biden said he wouldn't accept a role as VP. The VP is the "leader" in that they are the pres of the senate.
...she basically thinks Chenny 'expanding' his powers...is fine....Biden said Chenney was the most dangerous VP ever....and quoted article one of the consitution....Palin wants even greater powers.....laughable really.....utter ignorance....these people just want power....service?

the GOP is a totally bankrupt party.....

Ok, its one thing to say she performed above expectations and held her own, which isn't difficulty given the level of expectation so was being judged against. But I've watched a CBS reaction webcast, and Major Juliani and now some other old distuguished looking bloke are claiming it was the best vice presidential performance they've ever seen

She wasn't even as good as the guy stood a few feet away from her for crying out loud...

Those immediate polls make me wonder if the press don't go overboard with their portrayals of the public as thicko's. Yes Palin didn't feck up, but she clearly wasn't answering questions asked, and was merely reeling off pre prepared spiel, with no capacity to expand upon these spiels when questioned further. And the polls I've seen gave it to Biden 2 to 1, because people must have recognised this

She seems a nice enough woman, and quite intellectual - she's obviously playing to a certain demographic that Republicans feel McCain doesn't speak too. Debating clearly isn't her strength. But my word, imagine if this woman was President...
she was clearly reading and most of her "answers" weren't addressing the points that were raised by the questions.

she's clearly an idiot and has no idea what she's saying.
Appearantly not everyone thinks she's an idiot. According to one poll (not by Fox news) 84% of the people thought she did better than expected. I guess of the other 16% some thought she did as they expected and the rest, of whom are probably LABOB, AlwaysRedwood, Brad, Red Dreams and VidaRed, she did poorly. She was obviously decent, not great, just decent. both veeps did fine and neither have anything to be concerned about. In the end these people could have only hurt the candidate, not helped.

EDIT: forgot the link.

Appearantly not everyone thinks she's an idiot. According to one poll (not by Fox news) 84% of the people thought she did better than expected. I guess of the other 16% some thought she did as they expected and the rest, of whom are probably LABOB, AlwaysRedwood, Brad, Red Dreams and VidaRed, she did poorly. She was obviously decent, not great, just decent. both veeps did fine and neither have anything to be concerned about. In the end these people could have only hurt the candidate, not helped.

EDIT: forgot the link.


It depends what she's being judged by. If these people are using her Katie Couric interviews as a baseline then of course her debate performance might be perceived as better than average. That doesn't mean she's not ignorant about most issues other than the limited skills she picked up dealing with Alaska related issues. She's not good enough to do anything beyond her current position.
Appearantly not everyone thinks she's an idiot. According to one poll (not by Fox news) 84% of the people thought she did better than expected. I guess of the other 16% some thought she did as they expected and the rest, of whom are probably LABOB, AlwaysRedwood, Brad, Red Dreams and VidaRed, she did poorly. She was obviously decent, not great, just decent. both veeps did fine and neither have anything to be concerned about. In the end these people could have only hurt the candidate, not helped.

EDIT: forgot the link.


"Better than expected" isn't necessarily "Good". She'd pretty much sent expectations plummeting in the lead up to the debate, so a lot of people were probably expecting her to break down and start drooling. When those are the standards, getting through the whole thing dry is "better than expected".