U.S. Presidential Race: Official Thread

Obama or McCain/Democrat or Republican..you decide

  • McCain

    Votes: 14 7.5%
  • Obama

    Votes: 173 92.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
It depends what she's being judged by. If these people are using her Katie Couric interviews as a baseline then of course her debate performance might be perceived as better than average. That doesn't mean she's not ignorant about most issues other than the limited skills she picked up dealing with Alaska related issues. She's not good enough to do anything beyond her current position.

Fair enough, but she didn't set those expectations. Others set them and by that standard people under estimated her. If you also go out and look at different polls many say Biden did better than expected. Which means what? I'm not to the point where I'd be ready to say she definately is or is not ready to be the president. There have been so many veeps that were not ready. Cheney, not ready. Gore at the time, not ready. Quale, not ready and IMO, Biden, not ready. I don't question if she's ignorant to the issues, I question her depth of knowledge though. I watched the debate, I know what I saw, she did fine. Biden did better but for christs sake he better have. He's a career politician. Which of course could lead to the question about Obama wanting to change the DC norm. But that's a whole other debate.
"Better than expected" isn't necessarily "Good". She'd pretty much sent expectations plummeting in the lead up to the debate, so a lot of people were probably expecting her to break down and start drooling. When those are the standards, getting through the whole thing dry is "better than expected".

Well considering 36% in that poll thought she did a better job than Biden people had a bit higher expectation than you think.
Appearantly not everyone thinks she's an idiot. According to one poll (not by Fox news) 84% of the people thought she did better than expected. I guess of the other 16% some thought she did as they expected and the rest, of whom are probably LABOB, AlwaysRedwood, Brad, Red Dreams and VidaRed, she did poorly. She was obviously decent, not great, just decent. both veeps did fine and neither have anything to be concerned about. In the end these people could have only hurt the candidate, not helped.

EDIT: forgot the link.


You can't be, for real...

Think about the position we have found ourselves, domestically and internationally.

She did better than expected, yes.

That being said, any top-rate politician would be a fool to include her in any serious discussion about policy within our borders or beyond. She is a goofy foolish person, that leaves one shaking one's head in disgust.

Cali Red,

Please pull yourself together and understand that the USA needs to try something different for a few years. If it doesn't work, the Neo-Cons will be slotting someone for the next election. I believe most people are at this point... come along and give yourself a break.
Fair enough, but she didn't set those expectations. Others set them and by that standard people under estimated her. If you also go out and look at different polls many say Biden did better than expected. Which means what? I'm not to the point where I'd be ready to say she definately is or is not ready to be the president. There have been so many veeps that were not ready. Cheney, not ready. Gore at the time, not ready. Quale, not ready and IMO, Biden, not ready. I don't question if she's ignorant to the issues, I question her depth of knowledge though. I watched the debate, I know what I saw, she did fine. Biden did better but for christs sake he better have. He's a career politician. Which of course could lead to the question about Obama wanting to change the DC norm. But that's a whole other debate.

Trust me on this one - She is viscerally unready to be anything more than what she's doing right now. No other previous VP candidate compares to her. She makes Dan Quayle look like Socrates.
Just to embellish my point - anyone who talks like this is not ready to be Vice President of the Untied States. Yes I know Dubya can't talk well either - and that's my point.

Verbatim Excerpt -

PALIN: The, the al -- As I say, inaction is not an option. We have got to shore up our economy. This is crisis moment for America, really the rest of the world also, looking to see what the impacts will be if America were to choose not to shore up what has happened on Wall Street because of the- the ultimate adverse effects on Main Street and then how that affects this globalization that we're a part of, in our world. So, the rest of the world really is looking at John McCain, the leadership that he's going to provide through this, and if those provisions in the proposal can be implemented and make this proposal better, make it make more sense to taxpayers, then again, John McCain is going to prove his leadership.
PALIN: But ultimately, what the bailout does is help those who are concerned about the health care reform that is needed to help shore up our economy. Um, helping the- it's got to be all about job creation too, shoring up our economy and putting it back on the right track.

Katie Couric: What do you think is the best and worst thing that Dick Cheney has done as vice president?

Sarah Palin: Worst thing, I guess that would have been the duck-hunting accident, where you know, that was an accident. And that I think that was made into a caricature of him. And that was kind of unfortunate.

Couric: What other Supreme Court decisions do you disagree with?

Palin: Well, let's see. There's, of course in the great history of America there have been rulings, that's never going to be absolute consensus by every American. And there are those issues, again, like Roe v. Wade, where I believe are best held on a state level and addressed there. So you know, going through the history of America, there would be others but …

Couric: Can you think of any?

Palin: Well, I could think of … any again, that could be best dealt with on a more local level. Maybe I would take issue with. But, you know, as mayor, and then as governor and even as a vice president, if I'm so privileged to serve, wouldn't be in a position of changing those things but in supporting the law of the land as it reads today.
Trust me on this one - She is viscerally unready to be anything more than what she's doing right now. No other previous VP candidate compares to her. She makes Dan Quayle look like Socrates.

*No Joke*

Sad truth, that...

*Acceptance is the key to your sanity... Give it up Cali-Red


I'm just wondering if middle-America is ready to stop the press from calling them ignorant and idiots, by excersizing common sense.
Ok, we've heard many times that if G.W.Bush can be president, anybody can be president. But this time, I mean really, really anybody with average education and common sense would be able to do the VP job not only at the same level but even better than her. Complex issues have to be explained to her like to a child! Reading those posts is so embarrassing, it makes you almost kind of uncomfortable reading or watching it, it's so horrible.
Appearantly not everyone thinks she's an idiot. According to one poll (not by Fox news) 84% of the people thought she did better than expected. I guess of the other 16% some thought she did as they expected and the rest, of whom are probably LABOB, AlwaysRedwood, Brad, Red Dreams and VidaRed, she did poorly. She was obviously decent, not great, just decent. both veeps did fine and neither have anything to be concerned about. In the end these people could have only hurt the candidate, not helped.

EDIT: forgot the link.


you have missed the point we are making.....
as sarcastic as I have been about her...I dont think she is an idiot....I think she would make an excellent mayor of a small town......
she is totally out of her depth for the job she is interviewing for...that is not her fault...that is entirely McCain's fault...and that is just one of many mistakes McCain has made in this campaign....

McCain is running at a time where his biggest weakness is being exposed.....as he was honest enough to admit...he does not know anything about economics....and in that statement was also McCain's strength...his honesty...because as much as I disagree with almost all of McCain's policies...he did have credibility with the American people....with the toxic campaign he has chosen to run.....he has totally undercut his own message of being the 'straight talk' guy.....with the Palin pick he is now seen as just another politician.....

.....for the enormous problems we are facing...Obama is the only candidate who can steer this country with his calmness and intelligence.
Ok, we've heard many times that if G.W.Bush can be president, anybody can be president. But this time, I mean really, really anybody with average education and common sense would be able to do the VP job not only at the same level but even better than her. Complex issues have to be explained to her like to a child! Reading those posts is so embarrassing, it makes you almost kind of uncomfortable reading or watching it, it's so horrible.

The point being George W. Bush can't really be the President. His performance has proven this. The public should set a much higher standard than the likes of Dubya and Sarah Palin. Being able to articulate and intelligently expound on positions should be a fundemental skill that each candidate possesses. Sadly, Palin isn't even close in this regard.
The point being George W. Bush can't really be the President. His performance has proven this. The public should set a much higher standard than the likes of Dubya and Sarah Palin.Being able to articulate and intelligently expound on positions should be a fundemental skill that each candidate possesses. Sadly, Palin isn't even close in this regard.

if we go back as far as JFK...who imo was the best President who exemplifies that statement.....we also had Reagen and Clinton....who was a darn good President btw....

Obama imo will be the equal of President Kennedy...st least.
The electoral college arithmetic looks stark for McCain.
Obama has pretty much sewn up the following:

New England (MA,CT,ME,NH,RI,VT) 34 votes
(NH not quite certain, but almost, and it's only 4 votes anyway)

Pacific (CA,WA,OR,HI) 77 votes

North Central (IL,WI,MN,IA) 48 votes

North East (NY,NJ,MD,DC,DE) 62 votes

Add PA,MI,NM 43 votes (McCain just pulled his campaign team out of Michigan)

That's 264 of the 270 needed to win.

He just needs one of FL,VA,OH,CO and is looking good in all of them. Plus he has decent chances in several others.
Here's some fact checking on Yahoo. As any person with an open mind might suspect, both parties lie and mislead.

If they each got five facts wrong, that doesn't mean they were equally misleading. Because with five wrong, Biden would have been right 45 out of 50 times. Meanwhile Palin batted about 2 for 7. Hard to be wrong when you're winking, aw shucksing, by goshing, and there ya go again joeing. Aw gee.

90 minutes of cliches, fake folksiness, memorized talking points, and not even being able to answer questions asked by anyone else - only those she asked herself, because outside of the lines the McCain campaign staff drilled into her heard, she knows absolutely nothing about anything not related to Wasilla, or Alaska. Team of Mavericks my ass. She would be severely out of her depth even being governor of a more populous state, let along a 72-year-old heartbeat away from the presidency of the United States.

And one more thing. If a man gave that performance, he'd be fecking eviscerated the next day by everyone, press included. And rightfully so - she is an embarassment. But smile at the camera enough and pretend you're a loveable hockey mom and the evisceration that is hers by right does not come to pass. Speaking of hockey moms, I was convinced by her performance last night that if my kid were playing hockey, and her son were on the same team, I'd feel very comfortable with Little H riding to their next tournament in Mrs. Palin's minivan, because I know she'd be a responsible guardian in situ if I couldn't make it. But really, that's about all I'd ask of her. McCain has trotted out someone for Veep whose main qualifications are being young, endearing and folksy, without even pretending that she has the brain, the stomach, or the balls to do any kind of job in Washington that doesn't involve standing behind the counter at Starbucks. And yet he still expects us not to see that the emperor has no fecking clothes, none at all. Hate to steal someone else's line here, but it makes me want to vomit in my own mouth.
Couric: What other Supreme Court decisions do you disagree with?

Palin: Well, let's see. There's, of course in the great history of America there have been rulings, that's never going to be absolute consensus by every American. And there are those issues, again, like Roe v. Wade, where I believe are best held on a state level and addressed there. So you know, going through the history of America, there would be others but …

Couric: Can you think of any?

Palin: Well, I could think of … any again, that could be best dealt with on a more local level. Maybe I would take issue with. But, you know, as mayor, and then as governor and even as a vice president, if I'm so privileged to serve, wouldn't be in a position of changing those things but in supporting the law of the land as it reads today.
fecking. Embarrassment. She knows absolutely, positively, not a god damned thing about anything at all.

Aw shucks.
One thing that bothers me about media during this election is the "heartland" values, or small town values/morals whatever those are. They have got to stop shoving down my throat the nonsense that some people who have never read a book and have no education past the 8th grade are more moral/ better than people like me. You would think the media would crack down on this nonsense since the Democratic candidates obviously can't, but no, they continue to suck up to these people
One thing that bothers me about media during this election is the "heartland" values, or small town values/morals whatever those are. They have got to stop shoving down my throat the nonsense that some people who have never read a book and have no education past the 8th grade are more moral/ better than people like me. You would think the media would crack down on this nonsense since the Democratic candidates obviously can't, but no, they continue to suck up to these people

Unless I'm misunderstanding "these people" make up about half this country.
The electoral college arithmetic looks stark for McCain.
Obama has pretty much sewn up the following:

New England (MA,CT,ME,NH,RI,VT) 34 votes
(NH not quite certain, but almost, and it's only 4 votes anyway)

Pacific (CA,WA,OR,HI) 77 votes

North Central (IL,WI,MN,IA) 48 votes

North East (NY,NJ,MD,DC,DE) 62 votes

Add PA,MI,NM 43 votes (McCain just pulled his campaign team out of Michigan)

That's 264 of the 270 needed to win.

He just needs one of FL,VA,OH,CO and is looking good in all of them. Plus he has decent chances in several others.

I'll say it again. If this race is this close that actually speaks volumes about Obama. Hell, I'd bet if me and LABOB went out and put on signs that said "We're not George Bush", this election would have been over long ago.
...And one more thing. If a man gave that performance, he'd be fecking eviscerated the next day by everyone,...

Bullshit. John Edwards did the exact same thing she did. That good old boy southern drawl about how he relates to 'mericans and he was treated with complete kid gloves in both go arounds. Not to mention all the while cheating on his wife. How much did wehear about that? Absolutly nothing.
.....for the enormous problems we are facing...Obama is the only candidate who can steer this country with his calmness and intelligence.

I don't feel I'm missing your point, I just don't agree with it. And considering I don't see anyway he loses this election unless he gets caught live on tv, with 5 hookers smoking crack passing the pipe to Osama Bin Laden while shouting "I'm Rick James Beotch". And then it's would still be a maybe. So I hope you're right.

On a side note considering I work in biofuels an Obama victory would be better for me professionaly.
Unless I'm misunderstanding "these people" make up about half this country.

But why is the media catering to them and making them better than people who live in cities? I can understand the politicians sucking up, but not the reporters.
But why is the media catering to them and making them better than people who live in cities? I can understand the politicians sucking up, but not the reporters.

I don't think they are catering to them, unless you're talking about numbskulls like Hannity or Limbaugh and they don't matter. I think the big thing is that they are pointing out the differences of how many Americans talk and think versus what politicians seem to think. And for the record no politicians are "in touch" with common Americans. I mean to me, when any of these four start talking I start thinking "where the feck do they get this shit"? If you listen to McCain/Obama/Biden/Palin you'd think every American was going to bed wondering if he'll have his job in the morning and if they'll be food on the table. I'm sure some do but most do not. When I go to bed tonight I'll be wondering will Fergie start Fletch and Ando or will he go with Giggs and O'Shea? Or can I get some off my wife or is she too tired?
I'll say it again. If this race is this close that actually speaks volumes about Obama. Hell, I'd bet if me and LABOB went out and put on signs that said "We're not George Bush", this election would have been over long ago.

It's easy to say that, but of course you guys gave Bush a second term so I'm not going to take anything for granted.
I'll say it again. If this race is this close that actually speaks volumes about Obama. Hell, I'd bet if me and LABOB went out and put on signs that said "We're not George Bush", this election would have been over long ago.


Bullshit. John Edwards did the exact same thing she did. That good old boy southern drawl about how he relates to 'mericans and he was treated with complete kid gloves in both go arounds. Not to mention all the while cheating on his wife. How much did wehear about that? Absolutly nothing.

Woah, buddy...

I might have mentioned I would possibly be interested in joining you and the Coto Bar & Grill gang for a few drinks, but having you as my VP is where I draw the line.


John Edwards is where on the political radar...

Palin should be sharing a seat on that bus to nowhere with Johny. But seriously, Edwards was worlds more articulate than Palin... I remember one reporter (Granted he was from Rolling Stone Mag. - Mr. Taibi reporting from the Bill Mahr Show) said, ' Edwards is the only politician that holds the attention of the reporters in a way that captures belief in a new direction for America'.

Try again, Edwards was impressive. I understand that he repulsed you on every issue, but that didn't make him any less articulate.
Bullshit. John Edwards did the exact same thing she did. That good old boy southern drawl about how he relates to 'mericans and he was treated with complete kid gloves in both go arounds. Not to mention all the while cheating on his wife. How much did wehear about that? Absolutly nothing.
Yes, he drawled and batted his eyelids. He could also talk about issues without having memorized a cliched set of talking points the night before. As for the media "not talking" about his infidelity when he was a vice-presidential candidate, it's hard for the media to talk about it when they find out two years later, or whenever it was. And if you wanted more coverage of it during the primaries, why bother? He was politically dead by then anyway, if I remember correctly. And it was still front-page, top of the hour news on CNN.
When I go to bed tonight I'll be wondering will Fergie start Fletch and Ando or will he go with Giggs and O'Shea?
We're in the minority on this one, I doubt many candidates will speak to our fears on the matter.
Or can I get some off my wife or is she too tired
As Bill Clinton would say, I feel your pain.
Bullshit. John Edwards did the exact same thing she did. That good old boy southern drawl about how he relates to 'mericans and he was treated with complete kid gloves in both go arounds. Not to mention all the while cheating on his wife. How much did wehear about that? Absolutly nothing.

That's not a good example. Edwards is articulate and could speak about all of the issues ad nauseum. Palin is incapable of speaking about anything outside Alaska without significant coaching. I could speak about international relations at Palin's current level when I was in high school.
This thread has crossed into The Twighlight Zone [/Serling]. I feel like Keith Olberman has taken over some of the demo posters on this forum. Both candidates were good. Biden did well AND Palin did well.

And really, Biden "calm, experienced and logical"? Even some demos must be snickering at that.
You're a Republican and you have the gall to mention "snickering", whatever that is, probably a confectionary based comment.
Palin is a coached moron.
Biden has a brain which sometimes misfires when in use.
Just to embellish my point - anyone who talks like this is not ready to be Vice President of the Untied States. Yes I know Dubya can't talk well either - and that's my point.

Verbatim Excerpt -

PALIN: The, the al -- As I say, inaction is not an option. We have got to shore up our economy. This is crisis moment for America, really the rest of the world also, looking to see what the impacts will be if America were to choose not to shore up what has happened on Wall Street because of the- the ultimate adverse effects on Main Street and then how that affects this globalization that we're a part of, in our world. So, the rest of the world really is looking at John McCain, the leadership that he's going to provide through this, and if those provisions in the proposal can be implemented and make this proposal better, make it make more sense to taxpayers, then again, John McCain is going to prove his leadership.
PALIN: But ultimately, what the bailout does is help those who are concerned about the health care reform that is needed to help shore up our economy. Um, helping the- it's got to be all about job creation too, shoring up our economy and putting it back on the right track.

Katie Couric: What do you think is the best and worst thing that Dick Cheney has done as vice president?

Sarah Palin: Worst thing, I guess that would have been the duck-hunting accident, where you know, that was an accident. And that I think that was made into a caricature of him. And that was kind of unfortunate.

Couric: What other Supreme Court decisions do you disagree with?

Palin: Well, let's see. There's, of course in the great history of America there have been rulings, that's never going to be absolute consensus by every American. And there are those issues, again, like Roe v. Wade, where I believe are best held on a state level and addressed there. So you know, going through the history of America, there would be others but …

Couric: Can you think of any?

Palin: Well, I could think of … any again, that could be best dealt with on a more local level. Maybe I would take issue with. But, you know, as mayor, and then as governor and even as a vice president, if I'm so privileged to serve, wouldn't be in a position of changing those things but in supporting the law of the land as it reads today.

That is really tragic. The S word needs to be used.
Appearantly not everyone thinks she's an idiot. According to one poll (not by Fox news) 84% of the people thought she did better than expected.
After Katie Couric, 98% of the populace expected a complete train wreck. Compared to that, driving drunk and sideswiping a pedestrian or two is exceeding expectations. Keep grasping though, eventually you'll hit straw.
I don't feel I'm missing your point, I just don't agree with it. And considering I don't see anyway he loses this election unless he gets caught live on tv, with 5 hookers smoking crack passing the pipe to Osama Bin Laden while shouting "I'm Rick James Beotch". And then it's would still be a maybe. So I hope you're right.

On a side note considering I work in biofuels an Obama victory would be better for me professionaly.

Obama...Obama please help keep Cali Red in employment :)
You're a Republican and you have the gall to mention "snickering", whatever that is, probably a confectionary based comment.
Palin is a coached moron.
Biden has a brain which sometimes misfires when in use.

I not a repub. Repubs digsut me equally as much as demos. Both ae by definition leeches on the teat that is the government. Both saying that they do everything for the people when in fact they do it for themselves. I'm registered as a Libertarian but don't really fall into any pary completely. I understand the need for political organization but to fall in line with people just because of party affiliation and then despise anything outside that party just because they are outside that party is just really really stupid in my opinion.

Oh and Palin is inexperienced.
Biden is over experienced.
Woah, buddy...

I might have mentioned I would possibly be interested in joining you and the Coto Bar & Grill gang for a few drinks, but having you as my VP is where I draw the line.


John Edwards is where on the political radar...

Palin should be sharing a seat on that bus to nowhere with Johny. But seriously, Edwards was worlds more articulate than Palin... I remember one reporter (Granted he was from Rolling Stone Mag. - Mr. Taibi reporting from the Bill Mahr Show) said, ' Edwards is the only politician that holds the attention of the reporters in a way that captures belief in a new direction for America'.

Try again, Edwards was impressive. I understand that he repulsed you on every issue, but that didn't make him any less articulate.

And here I thought we'd made so much progress. :p
That's not a good example. Edwards is articulate and could speak about all of the issues ad nauseum. Palin is incapable of speaking about anything outside Alaska without significant coaching. I could speak about international relations at Palin's current level when I was in high school.

I'll give you it's not a perfect example but it is similar. The comment is that Palin relates to "common Americans", whatever that means, and Edwards had the same quality and could only speak on domestic issues, he was clueless on foreign policy. I do however think he was a better prospect for veep than Biden. He just had a couple problems really connecting because his rhetoric didn't match his lifestyle.
I'll give you it's not a perfect example but it is similar. The comment is that Palin relates to "common Americans", whatever that means, and Edwards had the same quality and could only speak on domestic issues, he was clueless on foreign policy.
Palin can't speak on any issue not relating to the running of a small town in a remote wilderness area, and Alaska's oil and natural gas reserves. Not even generael
Alaskan matters, as we saw when she talked about Putin "rearing his head" and flying over Alaska, despite the fact that Moscow is about as far from Wasilla (4300 miles) as it is from New York City(4700 miles). You know, there's being unqualified to speak well about foreign policy, and then there's being really, really, really...just no, please, no. She's in the second category.

Scratch that, she is the second category.