U.S. Presidential Race: Official Thread

Obama or McCain/Democrat or Republican..you decide

  • McCain

    Votes: 14 7.5%
  • Obama

    Votes: 173 92.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Troopergate protests!

By Kyle Hopkins | Anchorage Daily News

ANCHORAGE — A protest rally blasting Gov. Sarah Palin's handling of the state's so-called troopergate investigation -- and calling for the attorney general to resign -- drew 1,000 or more people in Anchorage on Saturday.

Protesters chanted "Recall Palin!" as organizers told the crowd to push state legislators to keep after their investigation into the governor's firing of Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan.

The investigator hired by the Legislature is scheduled to present his report on Oct. 10.

"This report needs to be released. Not just for us ... it needs to be released for all those people in the Lower 48 who are going to make a decision on Nov. 4," Democratic blogger Linda Kellen Biegel told hundreds of protesters.

Earlier, hundreds of people lined a nearby street, waving signs that said "Steady on her heels, wobbly on her words" and "Tina Fey would do a better job" at passing cars. A group calling itself Alaskans for Truth organized the event, which at times resembled a Barack Obama campaign rally.

Anchorage singer-songwriter Libby Roderick led the crowd in a chorus of "We're gonna keep on moving forward" and "Stand tall for Obama," while Obama volunteers signed up supporters under a nearby tent.

Next to the Obama fliers sat petitions calling for Attorney General Talis Colberg to be removed from his job.

On July 28, the Legislative Council -- a bipartisan group of 12 state lawmakers -- voted to launch an abuse-of-power investigation into Palin's firing of Monegan.

Palin initially said she'd cooperate with the investigation. Presidential candidate Sen. John McCain announced Palin as his running mate Aug. 29, and the McCain camp has argued that the investigation became a partisan witchhunt spurred by Democrats.

Colberg is suing to quash the Legislature's subpoenas of Palin aides in what's become a turf battle between the state's executive and legislative branches of government.

Nicole McCullough came to the rally with her grand-niece and grand-nephew -- twins born the day before Palin's youngest son, Trig. McCullough wore a pitbull mask with large red lips, a reference to a Palin's joke about hockey moms at the Republican National Convention.

A Hillary Clinton supporter earlier in the election, McCullough called Palin "a female Dan Quayle" and carried a sign that read: "Gov. Pitbull, call off your McCain dogs.

It's a reference to the McCain spokespeople and attorneys, including the self-described "Truth Squad" that's been defending the governor in regular Anchorage press conferences.

"She's had a lot of outside lawyers coming into the state ... and I think they're just being in the way of our legislative process," McCullough said.
the simple fact is McCain for all his talk actually votes against military personal...McCain was against the Webb bill that passed......

very true. However as a person who wasnt eligible for the GI bill It kinda chaps my hide. You see Reagan was president when they changed the educational benefit system to the joke that is and was VEAP. The GI bill was a water shed bill that helped thousands of troops returning from ww2 go to college.

Unfortunately it cost too much so guess who cut it down? There are literally dozens of other examples of republican tinkering with the defense budget so that it took away benefits for the soldier,airman,seaman or marine all the while giving away contracts worth billions to build weapon systems that the military didnt want.

And yet much like most of the rural south military people vote for the republicans in large numbers even though it flies in the face of their own economic reality.

Im not saying that mccain didnt serve his country with honor in vietnam, i am saying his service since then is questionable at best and all of this straight talk bull shit is just that bull shit.
very true. However as a person who wasnt eligible for the GI bill It kinda chaps my hide. You see Reagan was president when they changed the educational benefit system to the joke that is and was VEAP. The GI bill was a water shed bill that helped thousands of troops returning from ww2 go to college.

Unfortunately it cost too much so guess who cut it down? There are literally dozens of other examples of republican tinkering with the defense budget so that it took away benefits for the soldier,airman,seaman or marine all the while giving away contracts worth billions to build weapon systems that the military didnt want.

And yet much like most of the rural south military people vote for the republicans in large numbers even though it flies in the face of their own economic reality.

Im not saying that mccain didnt serve his country with honor in vietnam, i am saying his service since then is questionable at best and all of this straight talk bull shit is just that bull shit.

wonderful post.....thank you for your service.

The republicans have for too long painted Democrats as anti military and even unpatriotic.....Obama is fighting that....and hopefully with his Presidency we will throw out these Republican lies that has been spread since that idiot Reagan.....you know at that time I thought we would never get a dumber president.....then we got Dubya....
wonderful post.....thank you for your service.

The republicans have for too long painted Democrats as anti military and even unpatriotic.....Obama is fighting that....and hopefully with his Presidency we will throw out these Republican lies that has been spread since that idiot Reagan.....you know at that time I thought we would never get a dumber president.....then we got Dubya....

... & with all the dumb shit that we've seen from McChicken-Shit, this past week, I'm beginning to think he could possibly be the dumbest person to ever come so close to being president.
Pakistani soldiers fired at American reconnaissance helicopters that were escorting Afghan and U.S. ground troops along the volatile border Thursday, sparking a five-minute ground battle between the countries which have been allies in the war on terrorism, officials said.

Attempting to play down the incident — the first serious exchange with Pakistani forces acknowledged by the U.S.


what an idiot :rolleyes:

and obama with a 4 point lead .. hope he opens that up soon .. 4 points can turn around very easily

Yeah, I guess you've missed the previous few weeks reports where the militias and tribal Pakistanis were the ones engaging the US helicopters. :rolleyes:

And it still doesn't change the fact that Pakistanis can't bring their own country in line and the US will go into those tribal areas anyways.
... & with all the dumb shit that we've seen from McChicken-Shit, this past week, I'm beginning to think he could possibly be the dumbest person to ever come so close to being president.

Here's a question, would you take Palin or Bush if you had no other choice and had to pick one?
Here's a question, would you take Palin or Bush if you had no other choice and had to pick one?

Dumb question - not even a gay dude would choose Bush. At least Palin can wear a mini-skirt around the Oval Office on Fridays, whilst she does her little cutsie routines. If I had Bush, I'd be looking out the window all day trying to figure out how to climb the Washington Monument and jump to my death.
Isn't it amazing how John McCain tried his best to blame Obama and the democrats for bi partisanship that allegedly failed the bail out deal, in a bi-partisan speech?

From what I've seen and read, it's mostly the Republican's fault, yet, many Democrats voted the bill down, as well.

Here's my list of blame and shame:

1. FOX News for spewwing the misinformation about the intent and nature of the Bill. This causes lots of stupid people that believe FOX is 'Fair and Balanced' to call & write their congressmen (and women) to apply undo pressure.
*The frightening thing is that Rupert Murdoc owns the Wall Street Journal, as well. - I blame him as number #1 problem maker.

2. The Republicans, Yesterday, was the first day a Republican got in front of the cameras to try to sooth the storm of angry voters and investors, and they still weren't offering anything as far as a solution. It's clear to me, they are doing all they can to crash the market with great purpose, I am not sure what their political agenda is... but that's the direction they're taking this.

3. The Democrats, (ten paces closer to the solution... not saying much, though) The only saving grace is that you see a team of Democrats furiously attempting to fix the problem.

4. The stupid voters that believe the lies from FOX News make it on the list because if there weren't so many of them threatening to get rid of their congressmen over this, it might go through.
I never had FOX news before, but I've had it now for a few months. So I was watching this O'Reilly character last night, and he came across as an absolute cnut. So I read up on him, and it turns out he actually IS an absolute cnut. In fact, he is so classless, that I refuse to take FOX News seriously with such a lowlife on the roster.
From what I've seen and read, it's mostly the Republican's fault, yet, many Democrats voted the bill down, as well.

Here's my list of blame and shame:

1. FOX News for spewwing the misinformation about the intent and nature of the Bill. This causes lots of stupid people that believe FOX is 'Fair and Balanced' to call & write their congressmen (and women) to apply undo pressure.
*The frightening thing is that Rupert Murdoc owns the Wall Street Journal, as well. - I blame him as number #1 problem maker.

2. The Republicans, Yesterday, was the first day a Republican got in front of the cameras to try to sooth the storm of angry voters and investors, and they still weren't offering anything as far as a solution. It's clear to me, they are doing all they can to crash the market with great purpose, I am not sure what their political agenda is... but that's the direction they're taking this.

3. The Democrats, (ten paces closer to the solution... not saying much, though) The only saving grace is that you see a team of Democrats furiously attempting to fix the problem.

4. The stupid voters that believe the lies from FOX News make it on the list because if there weren't so many of them threatening to get rid of their congressmen over this, it might go through.

Do you actually believe the shit you post? So it's Fox News, repubs and the voters fault and by the saving grave of demos we'll get this done? Put down the cool aid dude.
Stupid voters! If only you could make all the decisions Bob ;)

It would great, wouldn't it?


Cali Red...

It was Starbucks Extra Bold blend, this morning when I posted that.

Maybe you can explain why the Republicans have been so quiet about this economic crisis. The only one I've seen is Bohner, the best he had to say is that the Dem's plan stinks.

Maybe the Democrats are good actors and actresses, by the looks in their eyes, that of great urgency. The few Republicans, that have reared thier heads from the Neo-Con bunker are layed back with their attitude and as smarmy as ever.

btw... 90-something Democrats share the blame of the House Republicans, as they voted against the plan, as well.

Who knows - maybe it's a bad plan - maybe all sides are to blame because they each want their pound of fleshy earmark - I'd like to believe that the few that keep popping up saying, 'We're tirelessly attempting to stop the blood-letting...' are truely doing as they say.

That's just me... the optimist. :D


Its a sad state of affairs when Comedians don't have to write any material, but instead use the verbatim transcript of the person their mocking.
Cali Red...

It was Starbucks Extra Bold blend, this morning when I posted that.

Maybe you can explain why the Republicans have been so quiet about this economic crisis. The only one I've seen is Bohner, the best he had to say is that the Dem's plan stinks.

Maybe the Democrats are good actors and actresses, by the looks in their eyes, that of great urgency. The few Republicans, that have reared thier heads from the Neo-Con bunker are layed back with their attitude and as smarmy as ever.

btw... 90-something Democrats share the blame of the House Republicans, as they voted against the plan, as well.

Who knows - maybe it's a bad plan - maybe all sides are to blame because they each want their pound of fleshy earmark - I'd like to believe that the few that keep popping up saying, 'We're tirelessly attempting to stop the blood-letting...' are truely doing as they say.

That's just me... the optimist. :D

Sometimes the Tazo China Green Tips does it for me. ;)

But I think the vote says pretty much everything. A pretty good divide on both sides says this bill was rushed to a vote. And the way you've phrased it seems like you're making it sound like it's a bad thing the bill was voted down. I don't know enough about the specifics but whats being reported sounds like there were a few things poorly negotiated. Not enough protection for current homeowners, not enough to hold top execs accountable (golden handshakes) and lack of over sight. BTW, there are some out there saying let the market correct itself and keep government out, I'm not so sure I don't agree with that point of view.
BTW, there are some out there saying let the market correct itself and keep government out, I'm not so sure I don't agree with that point of view.

Euphemism for 'let's cause a Depression'.

You can let fires burn themselves out too, but most people prefer to call the fire brigade.
Sometimes the Tazo China Green Tips does it for me. ;)

But I think the vote says pretty much everything. A pretty good divide on both sides says this bill was rushed to a vote. And the way you've phrased it seems like you're making it sound like it's a bad thing the bill was voted down. I don't know enough about the specifics but whats being reported sounds like there were a few things poorly negotiated. Not enough protection for current homeowners, not enough to hold top execs accountable (golden handshakes) and lack of over sight. BTW, there are some out there saying let the market correct itself and keep government out, I'm not so sure I don't agree with that point of view.

EEEEEEasy there, CR,

We are almost sounding as if we are in agreement on this. Who knows, when I move back out to Marina Del Rey this winter, I just might get an invite to the Coto Bar & Grill.
EEEEEEasy there, CR,

We are almost sounding as if we are in agreement on this. Who knows, when I move back out to Marina Del Rey this winter, I just might get an invite to the Coto Bar & Grill.

I'd always share a pint with a reds fan. We just might fight in the parking lot afterward. :lol:
Euphemism for 'let's cause a Depression'.

You can let fires burn themselves out too, but most people prefer to call the fire brigade.

Not quite the same thing and I think the depression talk is a bit of scare tactics. I'm not saying it would be easy but the government always fecks things up. And now were expecting them to buy up all these bad loans and then do something right a few years from now. Relying on government is what got us into this mess in the first place and now we expect them to fix it? Not a good idea.
Not quite the same thing and I think the depression talk is a bit of scare tactics. I'm not saying it would be easy but the government always fecks things up. And now were expecting them to buy up all these bad loans and then do something right a few years from now. Relying on government is what got us into this mess in the first place and now we expect them to fix it? Not a good idea.

this is simply about liquidity.....individuals and businesses cannot get loans for day to day issues...car loans or student loans...payroll...Everyone is affected not just the people who defaulted on their loans.....

result will be job losses and more forclosures and bankruptcies....

simply a crisis of confidence...if the government does not stand behind this, those not directly involved in this will also be affected...and we will be in a depression...

this is what bad government can do....and the Republicans must take the blame squarly...they were in power for 12 years....

this is what continued deregulation does to an economy.....
the crooks were allowed to run wild....

Oh, apparently she's never seen Russia after all.
More Palin comedy on the CBS Evening News tonight...

I'm starting to feel a bit sorry for her, she's out of her depth at the moment. But that's dangerous... despite feeling sorry for her, I know I'd still vote for the person most capable of serving my country as President (Prime Minister in my case). With Americans, you can't be so sure. It wouldn't suprise me if this all starts to tip the other way - folk feel sorry for her, start rooting for the underdog, and as she gets better through the campaign, the Republican momentum builds again towards election day

That or the Democrats run away with it anyway!
I'm starting to feel a bit sorry for her, she's out of her depth at the moment. But that's deangerous... despite feeling sorry for her, I know I'd still vote for the person most capable of serving my country as President (Prime Minister in my case). With Americans, you can't be so sure. It wouldn't suprise me if this all starts to tip the other way - folk feel sorry for her, start rooting for the underdog, and as she gets better through the campaign, the Republican momentum builds again towards election day

That or the Democrats run away with it anyway!

I find her to be quite likable. The trouble is, she's not ready to be VP of the United States. The scrutiny she is receiving from the media is spot on given the broad reaching impact the Presidential election will have on U.S. policy and world events over the next 4 years. McCain made a naive and irresponsible decision in choosing her which will probably lead many undecideds to question his ability to make rational decisions as Commander in Chief.
Palin is small minded, corrupt and petty....not to mention pretty lowly educated this person as a VP?

she will make Bush look like a genius....

George Bush is a genius just not in the conventional sense
I'm starting to feel a bit sorry for her, she's out of her depth at the moment. But that's dangerous... despite feeling sorry for her, I know I'd still vote for the person most capable of serving my country as President (Prime Minister in my case). With Americans, you can't be so sure. It wouldn't suprise me if this all starts to tip the other way - folk feel sorry for her, start rooting for the underdog, and as she gets better through the campaign, the Republican momentum builds again towards election day

Nah, this election is over. The guy leading in October always wins.

If you love Politics but don't love Sarah Palin then you've got a hole in your soul.

THAT is retarded...

More like, if you love your country and use the words 'politics' and 'Palan' in a single sentence then you're got a hole in your soul and you have surpassed your stupidity by voting for Georgie Bush.... twice.

Even more, when Congress is done fecking around with this economic Bill... they should pass a law forbidding people to use those two words together, punishable by forcing violators to live with Sarah and her fecked up children at her mountain lodge for one year.:wenger:

And you will have to suffer everday as Sarah points to her pitcure window and says, 'Thhhat's Russia outside thhhat wind0000w.', all day long - only you will not be expecting it. Trust me - it will be worse than chinese water-torture.

No chance of sentence reduction!:p