U.S. Presidential Race: Official Thread

Obama or McCain/Democrat or Republican..you decide

  • McCain

    Votes: 14 7.5%
  • Obama

    Votes: 173 92.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

How could this be a bad choice ?
McCain seems to have a thing for former beauty pageant contestants, being married to one and choosing another for his VP.
Palin shouldn't be slagged off for her lack of experience. Let the people decide what they think about her. Her pro-gun/hunting, pro-life platform may resonate in conservative Alaska, but may be percieved as archaic by independent women who McCain needs to reach out to.
Palin shouldn't be slagged off for her lack of experience. Let the people decide what they think about her. Her pro-gun/hunting, pro-life platform may resonate in conservative Alaska, but may be percieved as archaic by independent women who McCain needs to reach out to.

God Danmit'!!! Now ya done it!!!

Stop it before McCain catches wind of it, and changes his mind.:p
Could an Obama or a McCain have risen to Prime Minister in the UK through the current system of party politics? I doubt it very much.

What difference is their between Tony Blair and Obama?

I have lived through elections in UK and US, and the US Presidential election is a fecking joke of the highest order. A huge number of people focus on stupid things like is Obama a Muslim. FFS, who cares what religion he is.

If the US system nominates and then votes for two terms of GW Bush it shows what a flawed feck up it is, and how clueless the US people are. Case closed.

BTW - I am a Conservative/Republican.
What difference is their between Tony Blair and Obama?

I have lived through elections in UK and US, and the US Presidential election is a fecking joke of the highest order. A huge number of people focus on stupid things like is Obama a Muslim. FFS, who cares what religion he is.

If the US system nominates and then votes for two terms of GW Bush it shows what a flawed feck up it is, and how clueless the US people are. Case closed.

BTW - I am a Conservative/Republican.

mjs is antiAmerican biggot, feck America this, feck America that. If it's so bad here and the people are so moronic why don't you get the feck out.
mjs is antiAmerican biggot, feck America this, feck America that. If it's so bad here and the people are so moronic why don't you get the feck out.

I don't remember mjs's other posts, but why is this one anti-American? He speaks the truth, and most sensible Americans agree that the entire election process is a joke.

Forcing the candidates to bowl, play basketball, eat fattening cakes so that they can validate fat asses and other petty things is laughable. Not to mention that the election process started two years ago.
mjs is antiAmerican biggot, feck America this, feck America that. If it's so bad here and the people are so moronic why don't you get the feck out.

this is the issue....we can agree to disagree without saying someone is anti-American....no one party has the monopoly on patriotism or the flag....this is a tactic the Republicans have used in the past...people are not buying into it anymore....

imo it is anti American to ignore the plight of Americans who are suffering through this 'wonderful economy' and a senseless war that the Bush administration has fostered on us....

so who is the real traitor?
I don't remember mjs's other posts, but why is this one anti-American? He speaks the truth, and most sensible Americans agree that the entire election process is a joke.

Forcing the candidates to bowl, play basketball, eat fattening cakes so that they can validate fat asses and other petty things is laughable. Not to mention that the election process started two years ago.

Because 90% of his posts have digs at Americans, which he is himself, he thinks he is on some sort of ivory tower because he is also British
this is the issue....we can agree to disagree without saying someone is anti-American....no one party has the monopoly on patriotism or the flag....this is a tactic the Republicans have used in the past...people are not buying into it anymore....

imo it is anti American to ignore the plight of Americans who are suffering through this 'wonderful economy' and a senseless war that the Bush administration has fostered on us....

so who is the real traitor?

I dont think most Americans are morons and that's what he is trying to say
that is his opinion...it does not make him anti American.....

I am more concerned about how we conduct ourselves at home and in the world....I want to see us respected as we were not so long ago....not be seen as the neighborhood bully....

it does make him look like a moron though
The bitch wants to drill in Alaska. I hate her already
A sign of things to come ??

Palin booed for mentioning Hillary Clinton

Palin is praising Clinton on the trail as the GOP woos the New York senator’s supporters.

WASHINGTON, Pennsylvania (CNN) – This might not be the best way to reach out to those disillusioned Hillary Clinton supporters.

In just her second appearance on the campaign trail with John McCain, newly-minted GOP running mate Sarah Palin was showered with boos on Saturday for attempting to praise Clinton’s trail-blazing bid to become the first female president.

As she did at in her debut speech in Ohio yesterday, Palin appealed to the women in the crowd here in Pennsylvania with a political shout-out to Geraldine Ferraro, who preceded Palin as the first women to be tapped as a vice presidential candidate.

But in contrast with the mild reception that greeted her comments at the Ohio event, when Palin praised Clinton here for showing “determination and grace in her presidential campaign,” the Alaska governor was met with a noisy mix of boos, groans and grumbles around the minor league ballpark where the “Road to the Convention Rally” was held.

Palin quickly recovered, promising the audience that female candidates weren’t yet finished, and that she and McCain were on their way to victory in November.
Palin like McCain does not 'get it'...this bimbo is so out of touch its ridiculous.....
great ticket...two out of touch nuts....

the boos confirm that Hillary would have energized the GOP base further...and lost a lot of independents...
Palin like McCain does not 'get it'...this bimbo is so out of touch its ridiculous.....
great ticket...two out of touch nuts....

the boos confirm that Hillary would have energized the GOP base further...and lost a lot of independents...

I think McCain is gambling that her gender and conservative background will serve to draw both women, social conservatives, and pro-gun types to his ticket. It may or may not work depending on whether the public warms to her. In 1988 George H.W. Bush picked Dan Quayle who at the time was almost univesrally regarded as an inexperienced muppet - and still won the election by a sizeable margin.
I think McCain is gambling that her gender and conservative background will serve to draw both women, social conservatives, and pro-gun types to his ticket. It may or may not work depending on whether the public warms to her. In 1988 George H.W. Bush picked Dan Quayle who at the time was almost univesrally regarded as an inexperienced muppet - and still won the election by a sizeable margin.

Palin energizes the 'earth is flat' base ...the morons to be exact....she will not bring in the independents...these are the voters who determine elections.....it is not a matter of experience....the key issue is change...that is what will determine the election....and the fact McCain had a senior moment in picking this bimbo is not change....it just is further evidence he has lost it....

Obama is hitting hard on health insurance,education and jobs at his events....the bread and butter issues...totally ignoring Palin...he is reinforcing his speech on Thursday....

and his base is energized like heck after that speech....

baring a huge 'october surprise' Obama will be president.
Palin energizes the 'earth is flat' base ...the morons to be exact....she will not bring in the independents...these are the voters who determine elections.....it is not a matter of experience....the key issue is change...that is what will determine the election....and the fact McCain had a senior moment in picking this bimbo is not change....it just is further evidence he has lost it....

Obama is hitting hard on heath insurance,eduction and jobs at his events....the bread and butter issues...totally ignoring Palin...he is reinforcing his speech on Thursday....

and his base is energized like heck after that speech....

baring a huge 'october surprise' Obama will be president.

She is highly rated in the evangelical christian community, which is one third of the traditional conservative base. McCain needs to galvanize traditionally republican voters. He'll do well with military and fiscal Republicans, but desparately needs Evangelicals to be energized before the election. The same problem Obama has with blue collar Dems, McCain has with the religious right. There are plenty of independents up for grabs, who in the end will be split quite evenly between the candidates. On the other hand, if Obama can win over most of Hillary's voters, he will win quite comfortably. McCain is going to have to go negative between now and then to plant doubt in voters minds that Obama might be too young and experienced to be President - which will be more difficult since he's chosed someone younger and less experienced to be his VP.
half the country voted for him...they are not all morons.....

My post was not meant to be serious, simply a reply to Alex's suggestion that I think Americans are morons.

But seeing as you brought it up GW Bush received 62 million votes in 2004, which is about 20% of the population. ;)
My post was not meant to be serious, simply a reply to Alex's suggestion that I think Americans are morons.

But seeing as you brought it up GW Bush received 62 million votes in 2004, which is about 20% of the population. ;)

But just over 50% of the voter population.
But just over 50% of the voter population.

OK if you want an accurate number:

Voting-age population: 221,256,931
Voter turnout: 122,294,978

G W. Bush: 62,040,610
John Kerry: 59,028,444

GW % of eligible voters = 28%
OK if you want an accurate number:

Voting-age population: 221,256,931
Voter turnout: 122,294,978

G W. Bush: 62,040,610
John Kerry: 59,028,444

GW % of eligible voters = 28%

Eligible voters is irrelevant in this case since not all of them vote. Of those who voted Bush got over 50%.
Eligible voters is irrelevant in this case since not all of them vote. Of those who voted Bush got over 50%.

OMFG...ffs, In this debate we are talking about how many Americans are morons, so the percentage of the entire population is the relevant number.

A number of between 20-30% would seem about right from my observations of the US population, and the same goes for the UK for that matter. Now what percentage actually voted for GW is not something we could substantiate.
She is highly rated in the evangelical christian community, which is one third of the traditional conservative base. McCain needs to galvanize traditionally republican voters. He'll do well with military and fiscal Republicans, but desparately needs Evangelicals to be energized before the election. The same problem Obama has with blue collar Dems, McCain has with the religious right. There are plenty of independents up for grabs, who in the end will be split quite evenly between the candidates. On the other hand, if Obama can win over most of Hillary's voters, he will win quite comfortably. McCain is going to have to go negative between now and then to plant doubt in voters minds that Obama might be too young and experienced to be President - which will be more difficult since he's chosed someone younger and less experienced to be his VP.

I have a problem with your theory on evangelicals....these people are not immune to the economy...so how energized will they be by this nobody.....in any case voters vote top of the ticket....and before Palin a number of the Bush voters were peeling away just because they realized there was not much difference between McCain and Bush....Palin merely reinforces the ties...not weaken them....therefore weakening the independent vote attraction.....and picking an ideologue does not give credence to his 'maverick' angle....only more of the same....btw on this eunuchs like Brokow and David Gregory need to work a little harder...these lazy bastards are not fit to clean Russet's shoes.....
It was such a calculated move that I think it's going to turn people off. People don't like that kind of shit.
I have a problem with your theory on evangelicals....these people are not immune to the economy...so how energized will they be by this nobody.....in any case voters vote top of the ticket....and before Palin a number of the Bush voters were peeling away just because they realized there was not much difference between McCain and Bush....Palin merely reinforces the ties...not weaken them....therefore weakening the independent vote attraction.....and picking an ideologue does not give credence to his 'maverick' angle....only more of the same....btw on this eunuchs like Brokow and David Gregory need to work a little harder...these lazy bastards are not fit to clean Russet's shoes.....

This year may be a case wherein Evangelicals are split based on income brackets, with traditional upper middle class and above right wing nutters voting Republican no matter what, and middle class and below evangelicals not being sufficiently energized by McCain's lack of religious credentials, combined with lingering dissatisfaction with Bush's ineptness that they decide to stay home on election day.
It should be purely about Obama vs McCain. The VEEP will spend his/her days attending state funerals overseas or yawning all day in the senate. If voters based their preferences on Biden vs Palin they are seriously out of touch. I just don't see why these Hillary voters would go Republican.
The sentiment through out this thread of non Americans knowing what's best for the United States is very funny. Please continue, your arrogance is amusing.
It should be purely about Obama vs McCain. The VEEP will spend his/her days attending state funerals overseas or yawning all day in the senate. If voters based their preferences on Biden vs Palin they are seriously out of touch. I just don't see why these Hillary voters would go Republican.

The trouble is with McCain's age and past health, there is a good chance she could be President. What a scary thought! However, I cannot see her appealing to the independent voters who are in the middle. She will shore up the Republican base which was not a great fan of McCain and may have stayed home, but I just can't see the swing voter going for someone like her. Also the GOP has prided itself on being the protector of America and tough on terror. I think they have lost that claim with her a "heart beat away" rather than Biden.