U.S. Presidential Race: Official Thread

Obama or McCain/Democrat or Republican..you decide

  • McCain

    Votes: 14 7.5%
  • Obama

    Votes: 173 92.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The sentiment through out this thread of non Americans knowing what's best for the United States is very funny. Please continue, your arrogance is amusing.

Well if you insist on discussing the US elections on a predominantly foreign site you might not like the opinions put forward.

Incidentally, the UK media are actually covering the presidential elections quite closely. My relatives over there are sick to death of seeing it on their daily news. That is a stark difference to the US media's coverage of world events, where we don't even know the name of the leader of the opposition in the UK.
The trouble is with McCain's age and past health, there is a good chance she could be President. What a scary thought! However, I cannot see her appealing to the independent voters who are in the middle. She will shore up the Republican base which was not a great fan of McCain and may have stayed home, but I just can't see the swing voter going for someone like her. Also the GOP has prided itself on being the protector of America and tough on terror. I think they have lost that claim with her a "heart beat away" rather than Biden.

What Sarah does succeed in doing is, as you mentioned, shore up McCain with the Evie-jeebies on the religious right (anti-abotion and born again theology) allowing him to revert to the maverick who has always done well with the independents and moderates. Palin also quells some of the feminist tirade against the GOP regardless of political stripe because she is, in fact, a female running for a high position. While not necessarily changing female Democrats minds about the presidential race, she does put a damper on their attacks and their funding of anti-GOP ticket advertisements.
I might note, as a former Alaskan who grew up 30 miles from Wasilla, she will be far tougher on terror and a better "protector" of America than some spineless professional politician from Delaware whose sole recommendation for the office is that he's never had a real job other than the US Senate. Any girl who hunts moose in the dead of winter, in the dark, before school, has more balls than Joe Biden ever thought of having.

But--since that's only the underticket in the general election, I still think Obama has the upper hand in the main event.
What Sarah does succeed in doing is, as you mentioned, shore up McCain with the Evie-jeebies on the religious right (anti-abotion and born again theology) allowing him to revert to the maverick who has always done well with the independents and moderates. Palin also quells some of the feminist tirade against the GOP regardless of political stripe because she is, in fact, a female running for a high position. While not necessarily changing female Democrats minds about the presidential race, she does put a damper on their attacks and their funding of anti-GOP ticket advertisements.
I might note, as a former Alaskan who grew up 30 miles from Wasilla,she will be far tougher on terror and a better "protector" of America than some spineless professional politician from Delaware whose sole recommendation for the office is that he's never had a real job other than the US Senate. Any girl who hunts moose in the dead of winter, in the dark, before school, has more balls than Joe Biden ever thought of having.

But--since that's only the underticket in the general election, I still think Obama has the upper hand in the main event.


Oh FFS....you mean she will be almost as bone headed as Bush.....this woman is a hail mary pass by McCain....yeah Americans will be a lot more comfortable with this joke of a VP than Biden......McCain has had no real job you mean....Biden may not have a filter between his brain and mouth...but he is plenty reliable....and a lot more honest than 7 to 12 houses McCain...

Obama and Biden are not going to make Palin an issue...so as you say...it will be a straight choice between Obama and McCain...
Given Republican miscalculations on terrorism issues over the past 5 years (namely Iraq), it would be risky to think that Palin would do any better, as she appears to have the same world view as Bush.
The sentiment through out this thread of non Americans knowing what's best for the United States is very funny. Please continue, your arrogance is amusing.

Without necessarily agreeing with anyone in particular I think Americans often forget how much US politics affects us all and therefore we have an opinion. If we were talking about the President of Burkina Faso I would be far less interested.
The same statements can be made about British elections. How many people vote according to policy or according to the Party leader's soundbites/personality/appearance? People vote by proxy for PM in constituency based elections.

Also, the Prime Minister is no longer a 'minister amongst equals', with large amounts of executive power now sitting in a relatively undefined, supreme office. The President of the US is accountable to the Congress for his actions.

Add to that the fact that in Britain there is an unelected upper chamber as well as large amounts of corrupt patronage.

Could an Obama or a McCain have risen to Prime Minister in the UK through the current system of party politics? I doubt it very much. The United States, for all its flaws, did the one thing that the UK never managed. It actually listened to those people who fought against the King in the name of Parliament, and it instituted their ideas into a political system.

I often find it ironic how much US politics gets criticised. All you need to do is read Private Eye to see how insular and backward the Westminster village can be in comparison.

Good post.

The sentiment through out this thread of non Americans knowing what's best for the United States is very funny. Please continue, your arrogance is amusing.

The arrogance is in telling you how to vote. There's no arrogance in foreigners thinking they know what's best for the United States. Some of them are right. Recent history bears this out.

Besides, the United States tells other people they know best all the time. Sometimes you are even right.

Given Republican miscalculations on terrorism issues over the past 5 years (namely Iraq), it would be risky to think that Palin would do any better, as she appears to have the same world view as Bush.

Hard to tell. There's not much information available about her views.
An interesting take on Palin from some of her fellow Alaskans....

McCain Defends Sarah Palin as Some Alaskans Question His Choice

Aug. 31 (Bloomberg) -- Senator John McCain defended Sarah Palin, his vice presidential choice, as a ``soul mate'' who will take on corruption in Washington, even as a growing chorus in the Alaska governor's home state questioned her credentials.

``She's a reformer,'' McCain, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, said today on Fox News Sunday. ``I have watched her for many years; I've seen her take on her own party.'' Asked whether Palin is the best person for the job, he said, ``Oh yeah.''

McCain and Palin will accept the presidential and vice presidential nominations at the Republican National Convention, which begins tomorrow in St. Paul, Minnesota.

``This is a person that will help me reform Washington,'' McCain said, adding, ``What this brings is a spirit of reform and change that is vital.''

Still, some Alaskans -- including a supporter of Palin's 2006 run for governor and a former staff member -- expressed reservations about the choice.

``She's not qualified, she doesn't have the judgment, to be next in line to the president of the United States,'' Larry Persily, who until June worked in the governor's Washington office as a congressional liaison, said in a phone interview yesterday.

A supporter of Palin's campaign for governor, Jim Whitaker, the Republican mayor of Fairbanks, also questioned Palin's readiness to serve as vice president in a phone interview yesterday.

`Avid Supporter'

Whitaker said that while he is ``still an avid supporter'' of Palin as governor, he will continue to back Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama.

Palin, 44, is less than halfway through her first term as governor. Before her election to that post, she served on a state commission that regulated the energy industry and was mayor of the town of Wasilla, which had an estimated population in 2007 of 9,780, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

Persily, who worked for three different governors in the state's Washington office, said he left the job on good terms with Palin. He said he left out of frustration because the state was ``fighting the same old wars'' on trying to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil development.

`He Created Her'

Persily said Palin owed her election to the unpopularity of then-Governor Frank Murkowski, whom Palin defeated in the Republican primary by running on a platform of overhauling state government. ``He created her,'' Persily said. Murkowski declined to comment.

Two McCain backers who were mentioned as possible choices for the vice-presidential nomination expressed support for Palin today.

Connecticut Senator Joseph Lieberman, an independent, said on CBS's ``Face the Nation'' program that McCain made a ``bold choice'' in selecting Palin. ``This is about changing Washington so it works again,'' he said. ``John McCain has found a maverick who has done exactly the same thing at the state level that he's done at the federal level.''

McCain adviser Carly Fiorina said of Palin on CBS: ``This is a person of great accomplishment. I have heard from many women and they are truly excited about this pick.''

McCain contrasted what he said was Palin's willingness to take on senior Alaskan Republicans like Murkowski and Senator Ted Stevens with Obama's record.

A phone call to Palin spokesman Sharon Leighow requesting comment wasn't immediately returned.

`Executive by Nature'

Alaska Lieutenant Governor Sean Parnell defended Palin's readiness to serve as vice president. ``Of course she is,'' he told reporters on an Aug. 29 conference call. ``She is an executive by nature.''

Palin spokesman Bill McAllister said on the same call that Palin is older than John F. Kennedy was when he ran for president in 1960 and that ``of four people on two national tickets, she is the only one with executive experience.''

McCain, on Fox today, also sought to contrast Palin with his Democratic rival.

``Senator Obama has never taken on the leaders of his party,'' McCain said. ``She's been an independent spirit that has taken them on at every opportunity.''

Home-state newspapers have questioned McCain's choice. An Aug. 29 editorial in the Fairbanks News-Miner newspaper also raised questions about Palin's readiness for national office.

``Most people would acknowledge that, regardless of her charm and good intentions, Palin is not ready for the top job,'' the newspaper wrote. ``McCain seems to have put his political interests ahead of the nation's when he created the possibility that she might fill it.''

The Anchorage Daily News, the state's largest paper, noted in an editorial that Palin is enmeshed in a legislative investigation of her July 11 firing of the state's public safety commissioner, Walt Monegan. He has since asserted that he received pressure from Palin's family and administration to fire a state trooper involved in a contentious divorce from Palin's sister.
Here's my contribution:

The US elections are in fact 100% rigged, since the state of affairs is not controlled by the President but by a secret Illuminati-like organisation which uses the President as a puppet to enforce its on aims and agenda.

Take the 2000 election when Al Gore was supposedely the statistical winner, yet Bush in the end won due to a revising of the votes cast in Florida. What really happened was that the Illuminati chose to embrace Bush as their tool....I mean he's an idiot below human standards - the perfect puppet. Its the same reason why Bush was surprisingly victorious in the 2004 election gaining him a second term.

So for the same reason I believe it will be McCain who the illuminati will chose to use this time around. Why - because he's old and senile meaning he will be more easily controllable than an intelligent and idealistic man like Obama, who may very well break away from their clutches. And since McCain is also at the old age of 72, with a history of bad health...should his death come then the next president in line would be Sarah Palin....a frickin WOMAN! I mean all the illuminati have to do is bribe her with shopping vouchers and a new ironing board and she'll be sold.
Oh, and RedKaos, you won't be taken seriously until you post YouTube videos that support your position whilst implying that a Jewish cabal are running the media.
:lol: This seemingly insignificant situation obviously wasn't on the radar of McCain's VP screeners.

You couldn't make this up. McCain's VP and the hurricane have taken all the focus off him in what should be his big moment. Obama must be loving it.
'God hates the Republicans...' quote from Micheal Moore on CNN.

Only fitting that on all the news channels, they're showing a sliced up screen, with live footage of New Orleans, as the Republican National Convention begins, under an enormous deluge from Hurricane Gustav.

Besides the Chinese, the Republicans are amongst the worst violators to the environment.
Here's my contribution:

The US elections are in fact 100% rigged, since the state of affairs is not controlled by the President but by a secret Illuminati-like organisation which uses the President as a puppet to enforce its on aims and agenda.

Take the 2000 election when Al Gore was supposedely the statistical winner, yet Bush in the end won due to a revising of the votes cast in Florida. What really happened was that the Illuminati chose to embrace Bush as their tool....I mean he's an idiot below human standards - the perfect puppet. Its the same reason why Bush was surprisingly victorious in the 2004 election gaining him a second term.

So for the same reason I believe it will be McCain who the illuminati will chose to use this time around. Why - because he's old and senile meaning he will be more easily controllable than an intelligent and idealistic man like Obama, who may very well break away from their clutches. And since McCain is also at the old age of 72, with a history of bad health...should his death come then the next president in line would be Sarah Palin....a frickin WOMAN! I mean all the illuminati have to do is bribe her with shopping vouchers and a new ironing board and she'll be sold.

:lol: :lol: kinel.......
'God hates the Republicans...' quote from Micheal Moore on CNN.

And Americans hate Moore. What a tool.

Only fitting that on all the news channels, they're showing a sliced up screen, with live footage of New Orleans, as the Republican National Convention begins, under an enormous deluge from Hurricane Gustav.

Besides the Chinese, the Republicans are amongst the worst violators to the environment.

:rolleyes: Them and Al Gore.
A 17-year-old, unmarried and five months pregnant.....great family values, she raised them well. :rolleyes:

The 17-year-old unwed daughter of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is five-months pregnant, Palin and her husband, Todd Palin, said Monday in a written statement.


:lol: This seemingly insignificant situation obviously wasn't on the radar of McCain's VP screeners.


You couldn't make this up. McCain's VP and the hurricane have taken all the focus off him in what should be his big moment. Obama must be loving it.

Sorry, why is the baby a big deal? Doesn't it show she's pro-choice? And since the daughter is going to marry (shotgun?) the father, doesn't that indicate desirable family values?
Sorry, why is the baby a big deal? Doesn't it show she's pro-choice? And since the daughter is going to marry (shotgun?) the father, doesn't that indicate desirable family values?

The pregnancy doesn't bother me one bit.

I think her decision to jump into the public limelight knowing this skeleton was in the closet was poor judgement. Her young daughter is obviously not getting proper parenting at home, possibly because her mother is a highly ambitious woman. When the call came she put her own political ego above her family and the republican party.
The pregnancy doesn't bother me one bit.

I think her decision to jump into the public limelight knowing this skeleton was in the closet was poor judgement. Her young daughter is obviously not getting proper parenting at home, possibly because her mother is a highly ambitious woman. When the call came she put her own political ego above her family and the republican party.

So then a 17 year old getting pregnant is the mothers fault? It's not a skeleton. She has a daughter that showed poor judgement (probably) and nothing more. Getting a blow job from an aid in the oval office or chasing around some skirt while your wife has cancer, that's poor judgement.
The pregnancy doesn't bother me one bit.

I think her decision to jump into the public limelight knowing this skeleton was in the closet was poor judgement. Her young daughter is obviously not getting proper parenting at home, possibly because her mother is a highly ambitious woman. When the call came she put her own political ego above her family and the republican party.

It is irrelevant in the long term though. such things have no bearing on whether someone would make a good President. McCain knew of the pregnancy, so obviously it doesn't matter too much.

That said, the thing that concerns me is that Palin is a creationist who home schooled her kids, so I am wondering whether she made the link between evolution = abortion/murder/nihilism/homosexuality. Those views I don't want anywhere near the White House or influencing decisions.

Fair point about poor judgement. I know that US politics hinge on this kind of interpretation, and that's exactly what the Obama campaign will say, and it will work, too. However, it's bollocks, plain and simple. As we all know, sometimes kids do stupid things and it's not necessarily the fault of the parents. Saying she's a poor parent based on this is pretty much evidence free.

Disclaimer: I do think she's a poor parent, but based on her fundagelical silliness on stuff like abortion and intelligent design. At least it's something she said.
So then a 17 year old getting pregnant is the mothers fault? It's not a skeleton. She has a daughter that showed poor judgement (probably) and nothing more. .

I actually have experience of a VERY similar situation. My father was a very successful businessman with political connections when I was growing up. He was approached several times by senior members of the conservative party about pursing a political career. He was also head hunted by companies all over the world.

One such opportunity occurred at the same time my 16 year old sister became pregnant. She, and I, went through some difficult years because my father was basically never at home because his career came first. So basically my sister went off the rails because of bad/neglectful parenting. When he was offered a safe Tory seat and a promise of a senior role in the goverment he decide at that time that:

A) he really needed to spend a little more time with his family to ensure the kids kept to the straight and narrow.


b) taking a position in the public eye at that time was not the best thing for his family, his party or his own career.

So despite failing as a parent for a few years he made the correct decision and put his house in order. He learned from his mistakes and showed good judgement when it mattered.

Sarah Palin has put her own political ego ahead of her family, and party IMO.
Your right, it's your opinion based on your eperience. Nothing more. I don't see it anything near the same way. My mother was 16 and my father was 17 when I was born. It's not a reflection on either set of partents and, in my opinion, to think otherwise is silly.
Your right, it's your opinion based on your eperience. Nothing more. I don't see it anything near the same way. My mother was 16 and my father was 17 when I was born. It's not a reflection on either set of partents and, in my opinion, to think otherwise is silly.

I am not that bothered about the daughters pregnancy. It is Sarah Palin's recent parenting, and her poor judgment deciding to drag her family into the public spotlight at this time. She is already very successful, and her family are settled. Now best case scenario she is relocating them to Washington and worst case scenario she puts them through the media meat grinder and doesn't even win the election.

I don't care about teenage pregnancy but I do look for good judgment in a potential leader.
Sorry, why is the baby a big deal? Doesn't it show she's pro-choice? And since the daughter is going to marry (shotgun?) the father, doesn't that indicate desirable family values?

It shouldn't be a big deal but it was the lead political story today. McCain needs the headlines to be about him, not a 17 year old girl.
I am not that bothered about the daughters pregnancy. It is Sarah Palin's recent parenting, and her poor judgment deciding to drag her family into the public spotlight at this time. She is already very successful, and her family are settled. Now best case scenario she is relocating them to Washington and worst case scenario she puts them through the media meat grinder and doesn't even win the election.

I don't care about teenage pregnancy but I do look for good judgment in a potential leader.

Fair enough although I still disagree. Noat being an ass here just a question, did you think Edwards was wrong for running when his wife was battling cancer?
Fair enough although I still disagree. Noat being an ass here just a question, did you think Edwards was wrong for running when his wife was battling cancer?

I personally wouldn't have done in his position but then again I am not an egotistical politician. My views on family and how I conduct myself go back to growing up with a successful father. I saw the sacrifices he made and the impact it had on our family, and vowed I would never be the same.

BTW - I have absolutely no party preference or candidate preference for that matter.
BTW - I have absolutely no party preference or candidate preference for that matter.

I don't either. I just find it funny that when you disagree with a democrat you get labeled as a right wing nut. I don't like either candidate very much and think both have positives to offer. I've voted for both dems and repubs in various elections. I'm not registered for either party. I am probably more a conservative than a liberal but that probably stems from my feeling that governement should stay out of the lives of citizens as much as possible.
So then a 17 year old getting pregnant is the mothers fault? It's not a skeleton. She has a daughter that showed poor judgement (probably) and nothing more. Getting a blow job from an aid in the oval office or chasing around some skirt while your wife has cancer, that's poor judgement.

It has nothing to do with the mother. But it is yet another distraction for McCain, who has generated zero momentum since Obama's speech because of the hurricane and now Palin's troopergate and pregnant daughter. He should've just chosen someone who wouldn't generate this much drama.
It has nothing to do with the mother. But it is yet another distraction for McCain, who has generated zero momentum since Obama's speech because of the hurricane and now Palin's troopergate and pregnant daughter. He should've just chose someone who wouldn't generate this much drama.

You have thunk it would ya. :rolleyes:

Nice timing by Palin's, dropping the news sas the RNC gets underway. Why not get it out in the media as soon as she was named VP candidate? The whole saga is a feck up IMO.
I don't either. I just find it funny that when you disagree with a democrat you get labeled as a right wing nut. I don't like either candidate very much and think both have positives to offer. I've voted for both dems and repubs in various elections. I'm not registered for either party. I am probably more a conservative than a liberal but that probably stems from my feeling that governement should stay out of the lives of citizens as much as possible.

You have to admit that these Republicans are not very conservative though. They want to be in your lives as much as possible, not to mention very liberal spending of the tax money
You have to admit that these Republicans are not very conservative though. They want to be in your lives as much as possible, not to mention very liberal spending of the tax money

Very true. Traditional Goldwater conservatism is dead. Republicans spend just as much if not more on wars than the domestic programs they criticize democrats for.
I think her decision to jump into the public limelight knowing this skeleton was in the closet was poor judgement. Her young daughter is obviously not getting proper parenting at home, possibly because her mother is a highly ambitious woman. When the call came she put her own political ego above her family and the republican party.

Couldn't agree more. Her daughter's going to go through hell so she can get a shot at VP. Pretty disgusting woman, IMO.