U.S. Presidential Race: Official Thread

Obama or McCain/Democrat or Republican..you decide

  • McCain

    Votes: 14 7.5%
  • Obama

    Votes: 173 92.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
So then a 17 year old getting pregnant is the mothers fault? It's not a skeleton. She has a daughter that showed poor judgement (probably) and nothing more. Getting a blow job from an aid in the oval office or chasing around some skirt while your wife has cancer, that's poor judgement.

Do Republicans ever do anything wrong in your world? Like trying to get blow jobs from cops in bathrooms, or stuff like that?
Very true. Traditional Goldwater conservatism is dead. Republicans spend just as much if not more on wars than the domestic programs they criticize democrats for.

At this point, Republicans are worse than Dems on economics, but they're both equal cnuts. I'm voting for a 3rd party candidate from her on out. Can't stand either party.
Palin's views on sex education is abstinence-only. As a Conservative, she supports the family unit and is pro-life. Her daughter is getting married and the child is going to be raised - these things support her stances and this may end up strengthening her and McCain.

After all, it's not like the private lives of politicians, even in the White House, are pure and good. Look at Bill Clinton and John Kennedy.

That said, Bristol Palin's husband-to-be states on his MySpace that he's a f***in' redneck (asterisks mine), so you have to wonder...
Palin's views on sex education is abstinence-only. As a Conservative, she supports the family unit and is pro-life. Her daughter is getting married and the child is going to be raised - these things support her stances and this may end up strengthening her and McCain.

After all, it's not like the private lives of politicians, even in the White House, are pure and good. Look at Bill Clinton and John Kennedy.

That said, Bristol Palin's husband-to-be states on his MySpace that he's a f***in' redneck (asterisks mine), so you have to wonder...

She is not to blame for any of this as it was on going before she was offered the VP. It does however expose McCain's flawed logic in choosing her because he probably thought he could swoop up disgruntled Hillary voters AND tighten up his Republican base by drawing in Evangelicals. Trouble is, Palin has already gotten boooed by crowds for thanking Hillary. On top of everything, the media are focusing on Palin's tabloid friendly personal issues, none of which help McCain.
Palin once wanted to be an announcer for ESPN until she realized she'd have to leave Alaska. ESPN is in Bristol Conneticut.
It has nothing to do with the mother. But it is yet another distraction for McCain, who has generated zero momentum since Obama's speech because of the hurricane and now Palin's troopergate and pregnant daughter. He should've just chosen someone who wouldn't generate this much drama.

He couldn't help himself, he's got this thing for beauty queens.


Interesting to note, some media reaction to Palin's daughter...

On CNN, yesterday, Mary Matalin (former counsel to 'The' Dick Cheney) was livid at the reports of Palin's daughter being un-wed and preggo... saying, 'This all just blog nonsense...' in a very angry manner.

CNN just had her on again, this morning, to attempt to smooth over her visably overprotective reaction to information that will definately affect the way the conservative Americans will look at Palin and her poor parenting results.

ohhhhhhhhhhh blissssssssssssss :lol:
Palin was member of party calling for vote on Alaskan secession from US

A round of new revelations emerging about the Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin — including her membership in a party that wants Alaskans to vote on becoming a separate country — are raising questions about how thoroughly John McCain's campaign vetted her background before adding her to the ticket.

Palin was a member of the Alaskan Independence party (AIP) before becoming an elected Republican official, and recorded a video message for the AIP convention earlier this year. The party's chief goal is securing Alaska a vote on seceding from the US, a goal that AIP leaders believe the state was denied before it became part of the US almost 50 years ago.

Yet it is the AIP's motto, "Alaska First, Alaska Always", that may cause the most trouble for McCain. The Republican's campaign slogan this year is "Country First".

At the convention where Palin's video was played, the AIP vice-chairman, George Clark, told the audience that Palin was an AIP member before getting her first political post as mayor of the small town of Wasilla, Alaska.

"But you get along to go along — she eventually joined the Republican party, where she had all kinds of problems with their ethics, and well, I won't go into that," Clark said. "She also had about an 80% approval rating, and is pretty well sympathetic to her former membership."

Palin suggested in a July interview with CNBC news that she would insist on making Alaskan issues a high priority before agreeing to serve as a vice-presidential candidate.

"We want to make sure that that VP slot would be a fruitful type of position, especially for Alaskans, and for the things we're trying to accomplish up here for the rest of the US, before I can even start addressing that question," she told CNBC news.

The intense media scrutiny she has received since becoming McCain's running mate four days ago has led to speculation that the Republican party failed to fully examine Palin's background before giving her its vice-presidential nod. In addition to the pregnancy of Palin's 17-year-old unmarried daughter, Bristol, several other disclosures threaten to throw the McCain camp into turmoil.

Palin has promoted her independence from Alaska's powerful senior senator, Ted Stevens, who is facing seven counts of criminal charges in Washington. But she served for two years as a director for one of his political groups that was able to raise unlimited money from corporate patrons.

Palin also faced pressure to remove her from the mayor's office in Wasilla in 1997 after she fired the city police chief for not fully supporting her agenda, leading to a lawsuit for breach of contract.

At home in Alaska, Palin faces an ethics investigation into whether she abused her office by firing the public safety commissioner, who refused to intervene in a messy divorce case involving her sister. Palin has hired an attorney to help her handle the case, leading to another round of embarrassing press coverage.

McCain's spokesman, Tucker Eskew, defended the selection: "This legal defence is neither new nor uncommon nor at all political. It is a matter of her job and is not recent and it is not related to her selection on the McCain-Palin ticket."


This election is going to get messy. Very, very messy.
You have to admit that these Republicans are not very conservative though. They want to be in your lives as much as possible, not to mention very liberal spending of the tax money

That's one of the primary reasons I can't stand this administration. Spending has gone up, again. I want a fiscally responsible president. Both parties spend like drunken sailors. If you don't spend so much you don't have to tax so much, very simple.
Do Republicans ever do anything wrong in your world? Like trying to get blow jobs from cops in bathrooms, or stuff like that?

Of course they do. If you payed attention to my posts you'd know that. Do democrats ever do anything wrong in yours? Appearantly not.

Oh, and I thought we weren't supposed to worry about that. I thought it was his personal life and didn't mean anything about the way he made decisions. That's the Clinton argument, right.
She is not to blame for any of this as it was on going before she was offered the VP. It does however expose McCain's flawed logic in choosing her because he probably thought he could swoop up disgruntled Hillary voters AND tighten up his Republican base by drawing in Evangelicals. Trouble is, Palin has already gotten boooed by crowds for thanking Hillary. On top of everything, the media are focusing on Palin's tabloid friendly personal issues, none of which help McCain.

She's been booed once - that hasn't hurt McCain-Palin in the long-term yet, although Mrs. Palin would do well to stay away from praising Democratic personnel.

McCain must have known about this child (and no naughty ideas, fools :D) and this would have been a collective gamble. He chose Palin and I think she's a good choice for disgruntled Hillary supporters, even after this "mini-scandal".

As for McCain logic, I find Republican logic hard enough to fathom...

The way Conservatives think, though, I can see her daughter's actions after the story broke strengthening Palin's stances.

Also, Obama has said he would fire anyone who tried to politicise the child: http://blogs.reuters.com/trail08/2008/09/01/media-should-back-off-bristol-palin-obama-says/

And as an addendum, if the leading candidates were President and became ill, I would much prefer Biden to assume the post as temporary President than Palin. It's not sexism, but this issue has at least shown she has enough problems in her own family. Biden, it has to be said, is vastly experienced in foreign policy - Palin has governed this relatively-tiny area of America.
Obama's stance is admirable.

I read a little bit more about Palin's stance on sex ed though, and it's quite appalling. I know that research shows that sex-ed or no sex-ed tends to make little difference to teenage pregnancy rates, but in these cases I'd err towards the side of more info rather than less info. I think at least some research shows the sex-ed or no sex-ed can mitigate high STD transmission rates among young people.
Of course they do. If you payed attention to my posts you'd know that. Do democrats ever do anything wrong in yours? Appearantly not.

Oh, and I thought we weren't supposed to worry about that. I thought it was his personal life and didn't mean anything about the way he made decisions. That's the Clinton argument, right.

Um. You just made three posts going after Michael Moore, Clinton and John Edwards. I made no such posts. What I did do was point out your one sided crap. I find people like you to be the problem with our country.

And no, I didn't vote for Clinton. Either time. But nice try.
Something not included in the Guardian article that Raoul posted...

CNN reports that Palin is very much in favor of Creationism for Public Schools.

Yet, another vetting gap... it looks to me, that McCain's staff is very much like Bush's staff, Regent University Christian Nutcases.
Something not included in the Guardian article that Raoul posted...

CNN reports that Palin is very much in favor of Creationism for Public Schools.

Yet, another vetting gap... it looks to me, that McCain's staff is very much like Bush's staff, Regent University Christian Nutcases.

Would that be the article I posted Bob? ;)

Yes, creationism rocks. Surely everyone knows this? Count yourself lucky though, at least you don't have a state religion!
Something not included in the Guardian article that Raoul posted...

CNN reports that Palin is very much in favor of Creationism for Public Schools.

Yet, another vetting gap... it looks to me, that McCain's staff is very much like Bush's staff, Regent University Christian Nutcases.

fecking hell. So much for not relying on foreigners to provide science, technology and engineering expertise.
I thought the schools in my home country were shit, when we had to share 1 set of lab apparatus among 5 people, half of the stuff was broken or didn't work, and the teachers couldn't explain the concepts because they didn't have science degrees. But at no time did they attempt to fill my head with stupidity.
Um. You just made three posts going after Michael Moore, Clinton and John Edwards. I made no such posts. What I did do was point out your one sided crap. I find people like you to be the problem with our country.

And no, I didn't vote for Clinton. Either time. But nice try.

You know nothing about me to make an idiotic statment like that. I think it's hilarious that people can point out mistakes and gaffes from repubs but the minute someone does it about a democrat their the problem, not either of the 2 fecked up parties running (or ruining) this country. If you actually read back you'd see that I'm not a republican. It's just the trendy thing to do now is bash anyone not a democrat. I'll keep from the personal attack on you since clearly you're what's right with our country. :rolleyes:
Anyone following Keith Obermann's ongoing fued with FoxNews ? Absolutely histerical.

Haven't seen anything for a week or so. I know him and O'Reilly have a thing, then agai O'Reilly and lot's of people have a thing. :lol:
Would that be the article I posted Bob? ;)

Yes, creationism rocks. Surely everyone knows this? Count yourself lucky though, at least you don't have a state religion!

Tell that to all the American wackos who forever remind people that the USA was founded upon Christian principals.


The thing that bothers my most about these 'Creationists for Public schools' is that they're the first to point out how dangerously horrible the middle-eastern public schools are wrong for forcing muslim teachings as a mandatory form of ciriculum.

The USA boasts religeous freedom, but the Christian-Right continue to tarnish the political-right with it's agendas that don't gel with the majority. They might have won with George Bush, but the American public has given that a chance, with dissasterous results. The Republicans need to find another life-line to the people, apart from the religeous freak-parade. We are much less tolerant of church and state being so immeshed.

*Sorry, credit due to Frosty on that article... :)
Tell that to all the American wackos who forever remind people that the USA was founded upon Christian principals

Then (as I am sure you know) show them the Treaty of Tripoli 1797:

Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion


The thing that bothers my most about these 'Creationists for Public schools' is that they're the first to point out how dangerous horrible the middle-eastern public schools are wrong for forcing muslim teachings as a mandatory form of ciriculum.

The USA boasts religeous freedom, but the Christian-Right continue to tarnish the political-right with it's agendas that don't gel with the majority. They might have won with George Bush, but the American public has given that a chance, with dissasterous results. The Republicans need to find another life-line to the people, apart from the religeous freak-parade. We are much less tolerant of church and state being so immeshed.

It is a political debate, not a scientific one. The important thing is that the lies and falsehoods the 'teach the controversy/Intelligent Design/Creationist' propagandists keep peddling keep getting debunked. If they do, then it won't get into schools.
The thing that bothers my most about these 'Creationists for Public schools' is that they're the first to point out how dangerously horrible the middle-eastern public schools are wrong for forcing muslim teachings as a mandatory form of ciriculum.

Wow, the first thing I somewhat agree with you on. ;) I don't want religion taught anywhere in public schools. It's not the place for it. I think the big complaint about the madrassas is the extremeism and hate that is taught there. Taking children and indoctrinating them in any religion is never gong to end well.
Wow, the first thing I somwhat agree with you on. ;) I don't want religion taught anywhere in public schools. It's not the place for it. I think the big complaint about the madrassas is the extremeism and hate that is taught there. Taking children and indoctrinating them in any religion is never gong to end well.

Just to add, if I may...

The American Christian mindset, might not teach their flock in such radicalism, but radicalism is what the christians go away with. Hence, the stubborn stance that George Bush is correct in his persuits, in the middle-east, no questions asked.


(As I've got the day off, sick with a virus or flu of some sort)

Watching the news... MSNBC caught up with McCain and asking him if he vetted Palin thoroughly.

McCain is looking like some convicted felon that is pacing back and forth to dodge the line of the cameras while speaking. He is clearly disturbed.

Mr. Moore could be correct, 'God must hate the Republican Party'. :p
The word Cristian is very wide....The Evanglicals do NOT represent other Cristians...they are cult to be exact...

The three (or 4)insanely radical-right wing Christian groups in the US, that have shown almost 100% support of Bush/Cheney are;

1. Evangelicals (as pointed out, above)

2. Catholics

3. Southern Baptist (not all, but most)

*4. Protestants

*I'm more sure about the three above, more guessing about #4 due to their traditionally conservative tendencies.

So, I wouldn't be so quick to lay all the blame on the Evengelicals.

Through my own experience within a supposedly liberal church, many understand Muslim to be something of an evil to be confronted or at the very least avoided, at all costs.

To tie this into the politics, once again... Barak Obama is respectful of all religions. He perfectly understands that church and state should be divided. Furthermore, dialogue must begin between these cultures. Obama, not McCain, is the wisest choice to get out and bridge these two clashing cultures. He could shift the tensions throughout the world, if there is co-operation with all parties involved.


ahhhhhhh (more) blisssssss the tv media from all networks, including the BBC are primarily focused on the Palin daughter/corruption/being poorly vetted story.

The three (or 4)insanely radical-right wing Christian groups in the US, that have shown almost 100% support of Bush/Cheney are;

1. Evangelicals (as pointed out, above)

2. Catholics

3. Southern Baptist (not all, but most)

*4. Protestants

Except that the Southern Baptists are in many respects an "Evangelical" part of the Protestants, unless one is misnaming the Pentecostals as the exclusive holders of the title "evangelical."
Also, most of these Evangelicals, including the Southern Baptists, are Protestant, unless the person supplying the statistics above was attempting to use that term to denote the "main-line" Protestant churches--Episcopal, Methodist, Lutheran, and Presbyterian. I think if you researched the membership of those denominations, you'd find that the membership was not lined up behind the Bush-Cheney policies.
The thing that bothers my most about these 'Creationists for Public schools' is that they're the first to point out how dangerously horrible the middle-eastern public schools are wrong for forcing muslim teachings as a mandatory form of ciriculum.

What bothers me most about Creationist science is that it isn't science, does not further the study of science and has no place in any curriculum that professes to teach science. The second is that it allows the government to try to teach religion, which, by definition, means that the government will screw that up, also.
Couldn't agree more. Her daughter's going to go through hell so she can get a shot at VP. Pretty disgusting woman, IMO.

As I mentioned previously, I grew up around 30 miles (as the gravel roads worked in those days) south-east of Wasilla, very near Anchorage. Around 20% of the girls who started 9th grade in my class were either pregnant or already had kids before graduation. From the old AK view of the world, what's the big deal? Most daddies up there owned shotguns suitable for insuring marriage before the baby was born.
You know nothing about me to make an idiotic statment like that. I think it's hilarious that people can point out mistakes and gaffes from repubs but the minute someone does it about a democrat their the problem, not either of the 2 fecked up parties running (or ruining) this country. If you actually read back you'd see that I'm not a republican. It's just the trendy thing to do now is bash anyone not a democrat. I'll keep from the personal attack on you since clearly you're what's right with our country. :rolleyes:

Sorry, I'll try not to go by what you write and the obviousness of your slant.
As I mentioned previously, I grew up around 30 miles (as the gravel roads worked in those days) south-east of Wasilla, very near Anchorage. Around 20% of the girls who started 9th grade in my class were either pregnant or already had kids before graduation. From the old AK view of the world, what's the big deal?

The big deal is the media attention. This has nothing to do with Alaska. It's about a girl who's about to find herself on the cover of the national enquirer and have her life upended becauase her mother is a selfish twat.
The big deal is the media attention. This has nothing to do with Alaska. It's about a girl who's about to find herself on the cover of the national enquirer and have her life upended becauase her mother is a selfish twat.

Nice to know you are the sensitive type who is so concerned about the feelings and psyche of some Alaskan teenager.

So, if a girl gets pregnant, the parents need to retreat into a shell because the National Enquirer is rushing onto the scene? Must everyone sell themselves short because of the possiblity that "the media" will find some scandal/story/overblown hyperbolic balderdash to exploit for profit.

Politicians have not retreated in the face of adultry, drunk driving leading to death, embezzlement, favoritism, cronyism, drug abuse, and lying--what makes this particular incident so much more significant that Palin needs to drop out or be condemned as "selfish," as if this made her different from any other politician in this country?

To me the problem isn't Sarah Palin, it's the morons in the media who have nothing constructive to offer in the election debate but to pander to the lowest common denominator (which, of course, constitutes much of the electorate).
The big deal is the media attention. This has nothing to do with Alaska. It's about a girl who's about to find herself on the cover of the national enquirer and have her life upended becauase her mother is a selfish twat.


It is about a teenage girl who SHOULD be allowed to go about her business, just as Al Gore's son was allowed to do so after he was caught and arrested for reckless driving before the 2000 election.

This would be just as traditionally happens with children of candidates. Palin's grandchild will not be born until the New Year. The campaign will have no impact on her grandchild.

This is now about the media deciding there are two rules - one rule for Democrats and one rule for Republicans - and that for the Republicans to have the temerity to actually have families who are not perfect makes them "selfish twats".

Remember, 27 year old Chelsea Clinton can publicly campaign for her mother, but when she is characterised in an unfavourable light on a news channel the host was suspended for a week and forced to apologise.

Now this 17 year old CHILD is involved in a personal issue, and suddenly it is worth all of this attention and derision and insulting behaviour from the media and critics.

That is what it is about. I hope this helps.

I hope they carry on, though. Every single time a surrogate of the Obama campaign or a media pro-Bama slams Palin for having a child who is pregnant, or on abstinence education, Obama has lost another little group of voters in that audience.

So much for "Hope" and "Change".

Instead it is nasty Chicago gutter politics using a 17 year old girl as a punching bag.

I tend to think America would be more interested in hearing about Obama's friend, former terrorist Pentagon Bomber Bill Ayres, via 3 front page stories on the New York Times than they would the fact that someone's teenage daughter is pregnant. But they're not being given that opportunity.