U.S. Presidential Race: Official Thread

Obama or McCain/Democrat or Republican..you decide

  • McCain

    Votes: 14 7.5%
  • Obama

    Votes: 173 92.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I understand that a lot of Obama's policy promises don't have the great sound-bitey folksy quality that some of McCain's promises (and most of George Bush's promises in earlier elections) do, but there are really some quite substantial blueprints being laid out here. All you have to do is pay attention.

Anything that you like, inparticular?
What has McCainsaid in regards to the Middle East peace process? I know that Obama has addressed he issue, with differeing degrees of clarity. To follow on from part of what spinoza said, recognition of its importance in the wider war on terror and giving it due attention once in office is a positive.

I remember that last night Obama spoke of the alliances that he would forge to restore America's reputation with their allies. Well though he may do that in areas that have been or some fear could turn into military flashpoints, there has to be a question mark surrounding him and protectionism and trade no?
Anything that you like, inparticular?

Health care plan, tax reform both have some substance to it. Health care plan has a good chance of working. Tax reform is progressive, and certainly fairer, but he's probably overestimated the savings (in fairness, every politician who's ever lived has done this, and to a greater degree).

Getting out of Iraq to focus on Afghanistan is a good one, although there's more detail on getting out of Iraq than what's to be done in Afghanistan.

Climate change / energy policy is ok - good stuff on carbon trading schemes (so does McCain), objected to some silly things (gas tax holiday) but accepted others (cracking down on speculation).

Immigration policy is realistic and compassionate. I wish he'd lay out more detail on how clarifying the status of current illegals though. In fairness to McCain he's also got some good ideas here. I also wish that the British political parties would take a good look at both candidates' ideas and learn from them, rather than go through their slightly xenophobic, nanny state, ham-fisted route of pandering to popular prejudices.

Where he really falls down is opposition to free trade. McCain beats the shit out of him on this (or used to, anyway). The funny thing is that his economic advisors are much smarter than this, and hopefully it's only a populist position to be reversed if he wins.

Oh, and I don't like his support for faith-based initiatives, although it's your country, you're a lot more religious than the rest of the world, so it floats your boat.

I don't vote in the US, so I won't bother saying which candidate I'd vote for, but I substantively agree with Obama on several more issues than I do with McCain. Having said that, McCain has some pretty good ideas that Obama would do well to adopt if he gets elected.
Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin to be McCain's VP candidate.

A v.good choice from what i have heard of her.
looks like McCain has picked a woman as his VP candidate, Sarah Palin, gov of Alaska.

edit: just saw Nicks note on that.

good choice picking a woman I think, to counteract the Obama ticket.
McCain hasn't even announced her yet and CNN are talking about a legislative investigation/scandal about her using her office to fire a State Trooper who was once married to her sister.
Could turn out to be quite the clever move in more ways than one, particularly if it draws in a significant enough proportion of former Hillary voters.
don't Alaska and Arizona enjoy reputations of being capital C conservative and also fiercely independent of the main factions of the GOP (I'm thinking bible belt types)?
looks like McCain has picked a woman as his VP candidate, Sarah Palin, gov of Alaska.

edit: just saw Nicks note on that.

good choice picking a woman I think, to counteract the Obama ticket.

McCain couldn't have picked a finer VP.

No experience..


From the home of Ted Stevens (Hands down the most corrupt state in the nation)...

With McCain's poor health status, who in God's name would want her as President if McCain were to pass whilst in office.

This race is done. :lol:
McCain hasn't even announced her yet and CNN are talking about a legislative investigation/scandal about her using her office to fire a State Trooper who was once married to her sister.

She got her brother in law fired?

The answer to that is easy though, she just has to apologise then point at Ted Stevens...

Its also good for Obama in that his lack of experience can't be questioned any longer, since she is younger and has less experience than him.

Except that in her case she's only the back up option if McCain carks it.

McCain couldn't have picked a finer VP.

No experience..


From the home of Ted Stevens (Hands down the most corrupt state in the nation)...

With McCain's poor health status, who in God's name would want her as President if McCain were to pass whilst in office.

This race is done. :lol:

IIRC, she was elected governor for promising not to be like Ted Stevens.

And I think running a state is better experience than being a senator...
Yeah she's only up for VP Spin, but the ultimate question facing VPs are whether they are ready to be President or not.

I actually applaud McCain for living up to his maverick tag by selecting someone different - and especially for not picking that generic muppet Mitt Romney.
that's it though: if he picked Romney their ticket would look like the same thing for the next 4 years. to me it looks he's trying to inject some change into the Repubs look too.
Hopefully this also means that the caribou are safe.

I loves caribou, me.

Except that in her case she's only the back up option if McCain carks it.

And I think running a state is better experience than being a senator...

Yeah she's only up for VP Spin, but the ultimate question facing VPs are whether they are ready to be President or not.

I actually applaud McCain for living up to his maverick tag by selecting someone different - and especially for not picking that generic muppet Mitt Romney.

I agree with Raoul about the VP position - Biden should mop the floor with her regarding experience, although the reason so many governors become President is because they already have executive experience.

Anyway, excellent choice. This election has actually restored my faith in American politics (although it has helped that no candidate is called Clinton or Bush this time ;))
Yeah she's only up for VP Spin, but the ultimate question facing VPs are whether they are ready to be President or not.

I actually applaud McCain for living up to his maverick tag by selecting someone different - and especially for not picking that generic muppet Mitt Romney.

I agree with Raoul about the VP position - Biden should mop the floor with her regarding experience, although the reason so many governors become President is because they already have executive experience.

Anyway, excellent choice. This election has actually restored my faith in American politics (although it has helped that no candidate is called Clinton or Bush this time ;))

Yeah, to clarify, I was thinking about her experience vs Obama's.

Is she ready? No idea. The thing about VPs is that they don't tend talk about substantial ideas of their own, so I couldn't judge either. Biden will of course, I expect Palin to be a parrot for McCain.
Strikes me as a gimmick pick to try and get some Hillary voters. But if the VP is a "heartbeat away from the Presidency" it's not a smart choice at all. Makes Obama look like a veteran. Democrats should be able to use this I hope to their advantage.
Once, in Sweden. Meatballs and steak. I couldn't find out whether the meat were Finnish or Canadian.

Good stuff, gamey and sweet. No worms though.

It's the only big game animal from Canada that I haven't eaten. I have to make a point to find some as I am never going to be able to hunt one.
Yeah, to clarify, I was thinking about her experience vs Obama's.

Is she ready? No idea. The thing about VPs is that they don't tend talk about substantial ideas of their own, so I couldn't judge either. Biden will of course, I expect Palin to be a parrot for McCain.

Well, this may be a Geraldine Ferraro Mark Two, but I suppose the difference here is that the Republicans may win the election, something that Mondale didn't really have a chance of. Still, you are right about the experience issue. Maybe, just maybe, the issues will be at the centre of the debate this time?
Well, this may be a Geraldine Ferraro Mark Two, but I suppose the difference here is that the Republicans may win the election, something that Mongdale didn't really have a chance of. Still, you are right about the experience issue. Maybe, just maybe, the issues will be at the centre of the debate this time?

fixed your post. hee hee. :smirk:
Strikes me as a gimmick pick to try and get some Hillary voters. But if the VP is a "heartbeat away from the Presidency" it's not a smart choice at all. Makes Obama look like a veteran. Democrats should be able to use this I hope to their advantage.

I don't know a thing about her but it's a smart choice on a couple levels. She's a woman so that should draw in some Clinton supporters. It's going to be hard to bash her with out coming off in a bad light. Dems can't pick on her age or experience with out saying the same about Obama. It does give McCain a bit of the new generation of politics look. At first look not a bad pick but we'll see what comes out over the next fews days.
McCain couldn't have picked a finer VP.

No experience..


From the home of Ted Stevens (Hands down the most corrupt state in the nation)...

With McCain's poor health status, who in God's name would want her as President if McCain were to pass whilst in office.

This race is done. :lol:

You can not be serious. Your candidate has been in the senate for less than 4 years 2 of which he's been stumping for President. Regan was old as dirt when he ran too besides nobody would want any of the veeps as president.
Biden will make an arse of himself during the debates, be seen to be 'rude to women', and Obama's unity amongst democrats will weaken again.

I have to hand it to McCain. I see CNN wasted about 2 seconds digging out the flimsy old State Trooper story, ironic since they buried the Clinton State Trooper story for a decade.

She'll look as bad in the debates as Obama will, but:

1) She's running for VICE President.

2) She gets a pass for being a woman picked on be the evil old man.
You can not be serious. Your candidate has been in the senate for less than 4 years 2 of which he's been stumping for President. Regan was old as dirt when he ran too besides nobody would want any of the veeps as president.

Bob lives in the land of Alternate Reality, in which spending 3 years as a "Community Organiser" makes up for resume holes the size you can drive Mark Ayres' truck through.
Well, this may be a Geraldine Ferraro Mark Two, but I suppose the difference here is that the Republicans may win the election, something that Mondale didn't really have a chance of. Still, you are right about the experience issue. Maybe, just maybe, the issues will be at the centre of the debate this time?

Are you old enough to know why Ferraro was such a drag on the ticket? It was not because she was an innie rather than an outie.

She gave him a 16 point bounce initially. She became a drag on the ticket when her husband refused to release his tax records and she violated a bunch of ethics rules.

That and Mondale himself was a walking breathing drag on the ticket.
Actually, apologies to Mark Ayres who is a BBC employee.

I am referring to Bill Ayres, the Pentagon bomber who Obama launched his political career at.
Are you old enough to know why Ferraro was such a drag on the ticket? It was not because she was an innie rather than an outie.

She gave him a 16 point bounce initially. She became a drag on the ticket when her husband refused to release his tax records and she violated a bunch of ethics rules.

That and Mondale himself was a walking breathing drag on the ticket.

Was only just around by the time of the 84 election, but I meant 'Ferraro Mark Two' in the sense that Palin may end up as the answer to a pub quiz question if Obama wins the election.
Except that in her case she's only the back up option if McCain carks it.

Let's face it, he's 71 or something. Any actuaries able to telll us about his likely chances of dropping dead before his term ends?