U.S. Presidential Race: Official Thread

Obama or McCain/Democrat or Republican..you decide

  • McCain

    Votes: 14 7.5%
  • Obama

    Votes: 173 92.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I doubt that the Hillary fans will go for a big huntin' NRA member from the great outdoors. Conservatives and little-house-on-the-prairie types will love her, naturally.
Putting someone that old into such a high stress job? I dunno.
This is the best pick McCain could've made. She will appeal to women, fiscal conservatives, and middle of the road people. Much better than Romney or anyone else who was being touted.
I've got to say, that speech that Sarah Palin just gave, top drawer.

Right up there with anything Barack has done recently [if not better] for me, and think of the notice that she must have had too.
tbf I think it is a tricky pick for the Dems to attack.....
I think Biden will continue to attack McCCain along with Obama...and the women along with hillary will attack Palin....especially as she stands against everything Hillary was for.....
My first reaction was - what a joke of a pick. Who the hell is she! But, I'm reserving judgement on her until I see more.

Clearly, the strategy is to
1) try to pull some of the Hillary discontents in by putting a woman up for election
2) trap Obama who will be tempted to point out the complete lack of experience (she was Mayor of a town of about 9,000 people) up until about two years ago according to the reports. If the Obama camp attacks her lack of experience, McCain can come right back and say - look whose talking about eperience being important now, hypocrite
3) She has the right wing credentials to please the extreme elements of the party - vehemently pro-life, pro second amendment, a life-long member of the NRA, mother of five BUT she is a woman and they won't like that. Worse, she has five kids who some of their supporters will feel she should be looking after rather than governing a state. To be honest, I don't know about this. The only thing I know for sure is that the Late night shows are going to have a field day with this.
My first reaction was - what a joke of a pick. Who the hell is she! But, I'm reserving judgement on her until I see more.

Clearly, the strategy is to

1) try to pull some of the Hillary discontents in by putting a woman up for election

Women are smarter than that, and even if a woman is that stupid, the party doesn't need them with all the independents and republicans that will go Obama's way.

2) trap Obama who will be tempted to point out the complete lack of experience (she was Mayor of a town of about 9,000 people) up until about two years ago according to the reports. If the Obama camp attacks her lack of experience, McCain can come right back and say - look whose talking about eperience being important now, hypocrite

Obama doesn't play that game of, attack for any stupid reason.

3) She has the right wing credentials to please the extreme elements of the party - vehemently pro-life, pro second amendment, a life-long member of the NRA, mother of five BUT she is a woman and they won't like that. Worse, she has five kids who some of their supporters will feel she should be looking after rather than governing a state. To be honest, I don't know about this. The only thing I know for sure is that the Late night shows are going to have a field day with this.

True, that...
Its true, the Democrats need to avoid that very big trap of having a go at her lack of experience.

I dont know anything about this woman, she might have a lot of gravitas. But if she doesnt the voters will pick up on that, and I think that is what her weakness is. If you dont have experience you need gravitas. Obama has that.
Its true, the Democrats need to avoid that very big trap of having a go at her lack of experience.

I dont know anything about this woman, she might have a lot of gravitas. But if she doesnt the voters will pick up on that, and I think that is what her weakness is. If you dont have experience you need gravitas. Obama has that.

in the end people always vote the top of the ticket....

a VP pick is more important for the candidate on the top of the ticket....whoever he or she can work with....
Just imagine if McCain gets elected to two terms. He'll be 80.

She's fit though.
Just imagine if McCain gets elected to two terms. He'll be 80.

She's fit though.

Reagan was near 78, 20 years ago tbf, doubt he goes for two think if he wins he will ride off into the sunset in 2012. Obviously no one thinks this woman is qualified to be president, but does anyone think Biden is in this day and age
Reagan was near 78, 20 years ago tbf, doubt he goes for two think if he wins he will ride off into the sunset in 2012. Obviously no one thinks this woman is qualified to be president, but does anyone think Biden is in this day and age

yes...I do think Biden can be President if needed....and Palin can change diapers at the drop of a hat....
yes...I do think Biden can be President if needed....and Palin can change diapers at the drop of a hat....

:lol: What if Obama would have chosen Hil and McCain chosen Huckabee, I dont have a problem with either ticket and Biden as the VP just shows how much Obama has sacrificed. that said I do have concerns over this sarah woman, you cant claim sexism in international politics like u can in the US, that said I like the choice, Alaska is the USs Saudi Arabia, and I reckon McCain put a lot into the energy issue in the rest of his campaign and having the governor of Alaska will help immensly.

Also it counteracts Obamas, "It's time for a change" which in many senses makes the move look genius.

Regardless, it's a dead heat. best wishes to both
:lol: What if Obama would have chosen Hil and McCain chosen Huckabee, I dont have a problem with either ticket and Biden as the VP just shows how much Obama has sacrificed. that said I do have concerns over this sarah woman, you cant claim sexism in international politics like u can in the US, that said I like the choice, Alaska is the USs Saudi Arabia, and I reckon McCain put a lot into the energy issue in the rest of his campaign and having the governor of Alaska will help immensly.

Also it counteracts Obamas, "It's time for a change" which in many senses makes the move look genius.

Regardless, it's a dead heat. best wishes to both

honestly I think McCain has made a bold move....this May work...she appeals to the right wing base and to some of the PUMA voters who imo would not have voted for Obama anyway.....it will be difficult for Biden to attack her without seeming sexist....and he is a loose cannon...I think Obama will use the women in his party to crap all over her....and Biden will continue to train his guns on McCain.....

but the real problem McCain has caused the GOP is IF he wins....he does not have a genuine GOP candidate in waiting...I mean Romney and Pawlenty must be pissed...either would have made credible Presidents.....after McCain's term (s)
and whatever you think of Biden, the man has oodles of Foreign policy experience...and he has been in the senate lots of years to understand and address domestic issues....

its a pity the man who says Country First...has done the opposite.....
Reagan was near 78, 20 years ago tbf, doubt he goes for two think if he wins he will ride off into the sunset in 2012. Obviously no one thinks this woman is qualified to be president, but does anyone think Biden is in this day and age

Yeah, but Reagan was kept on life-support in the basement of the White House for his last 2 1/2 years. He hardly spoke to the press at all in his final years.:p

If I recall correctly, Nancy and the Psychic Friend's Network ran the White House for the final couple years. Can see something similiar with McCain's wife, only she'll have her drug dealer making decissions.
Women are smarter than that, and even if a woman is that stupid, the party doesn't need them with all the independents and republicans that will go Obama's way.

Obama doesn't play that game of, attack for any stupid reason.

True, that...

His campaign just issued a statement in reaction to her saying that it was shocking that somebody with so little experience could be "a heartbeat away from the presidency". Also, I just saw some Hillary supporters beaming about a women being chosen and suggesting that the role of women in the presidency might not be over yet. Never underestimate the stupidity of voters. They don't vote on the issues, they vote on who they like the most. Some are very, very bitter although I would imagine that it will still be a minority and not enough to make a difference.
Much better to be British where such decisions are taken out of the electorate's hands entirely.

Well indirectly the British do elect the Prime Minister. He is chosen to lead his party by his peers, who are mainly members of Parliament elected by the people.

Quite honestly the US Presidential elections are farcical with huge numbers of people voting for the personality and not the policies.
Well, well, well....

Who would have thought that the nasty sexist bigots from the GOP would be the first to chose a woman as a VP candidate. :smirk:

Bet that took the wind right out of you loony lefties.


Mondale chose Geraldine Ferraro back in the 80's. I hope McCain has the same luck he did.
Well, well, well....

Who would have thought that the nasty sexist bigots from the GOP would be the first to chose a woman as a VP candidate. :smirk:

Bet that took the wind right out of you loony lefties.


Mondale chose Geraldine Ferraro back in the 80's you fecking idiot. I hope McCain has the same luck he did.

I've altered your post brad, hope you don't mind
Well indirectly the British do elect the Prime Minister. He is chosen to lead his party by his peers, who are mainly members of Parliament elected by the people.

Quite honestly the US Presidential elections are farcical with huge numbers of people voting for the personality and not the policies.

The same statements can be made about British elections. How many people vote according to policy or according to the Party leader's soundbites/personality/appearance? People vote by proxy for PM in constituency based elections.

Also, the Prime Minister is no longer a 'minister amongst equals', with large amounts of executive power now sitting in a relatively undefined, supreme office. The President of the US is accountable to the Congress for his actions.

Add to that the fact that in Britain there is an unelected upper chamber as well as large amounts of corrupt patronage.

Could an Obama or a McCain have risen to Prime Minister in the UK through the current system of party politics? I doubt it very much. The United States, for all its flaws, did the one thing that the UK never managed. It actually listened to those people who fought against the King in the name of Parliament, and it instituted their ideas into a political system.

I often find it ironic how much US politics gets criticised. All you need to do is read Private Eye to see how insular and backward the Westminster village can be in comparison.