Ah Nunes, thats the dodgy as feck fella right?
Even Glenn Greenwald is saying this memo stuff shouldn't be taken seriously and he'd usually be all over a story about government surveillance. He suggests that if there was anything really significant in it that one of the republicans on the committee would've released it already which makes sense in light of Feinstein unilaterally releasing the Fusion GPS testimony recently. The suggestion being that the memo remaining unreleased could be more effective for them than what's actually in it.
Even Glenn Greenwald is saying this memo stuff shouldn't be taken seriously and he'd usually be all over a story about government surveillance. He suggests that if there was anything really significant in it that one of the republicans on the committee would've released it already which makes sense in light of Feinstein unilaterally releasing the Fusion GPS testimony recently. The suggestion being that the memo remaining unreleased could be more effective for them than what's actually in it.
Oh heavens yes.I see simpson talked about farage delivering usb drives of data to assange in those just released transcripts.
As much as I want trump and the entire gop executive to go down from this, nothing would give me greater joy than to see farage led away for treason.
Ah Nunes, thats the dodgy as feck fella right?
I'm surprised Farage's vistits to Assange haven't been covered more closely. What business would he possibly have to repeatedly visit him ?
Any idea how separate the Ecuadorian Embassy is from UK law? Obviously Assange has political asylum there so they much have some level of legal autonomy. If someone was to put in a FOI request as to how many times and when Farage has visited Assange, would they be legally obliged to produce the visitor records?
In fact I think a FOI for the records of any visitors to Assange would be quite interesting.
The UK intel community will know how many times Farage has visited the building. Its under surveillance.
I'm surprised Farage's vistits to Assange haven't been covered more closely. What business would he possibly have to repeatedly visit him ?
Of course they will, I'm just thinking it would be good to get it out in the public domain. I'm sure there's a few other British Politicians who have some explaining to do... *cough* Boris *cough*
The media in general seem very reluctant to talk about this whole thing and its relationship to brexit. Its not just farage, they barely cover the DUP dark money thing and where Banks got his money from either.
Even the press opposed to brexit seem unwilling to shine too much of a light on all of this, which suggests that there may be pressure coming from higher up, perhaps intel agencies still investigating it all?
There has to be a reason, this story is bread and butter to the independent or guardian under normal circumstances.
It will be a good day if Mueller subpoenas Nunes. How that guy is still around and playing interference despite all the stunts he pulled is disgraceful.
It's possible that the Guardian are working on another blockbuster story about it I guess. They've got the journalist network to pull it off. It's a story worth investigating thoroughly rather than the odd piece here and there scraping the surface.
It would be like a Harry Potter and Malfoy duel.
Mueller: "SUBPOENA!"
Nunes: "SUBPOENA!"
As suspected....
I really, really hope Mueller has a tonne of evidence against this crooked son of a bitch.
You really can't make this shit up though the head of an intelligence committee tasked with the job of looking into Russian interference in the US Elections, is trying to sabotage said investigation and is getting support from the same Russian Bot's the Intelligence Community has come out and said they are certain played a part in interfering with the election...
I refuse to believe this sort of thing doesn't come to Mueller's attention.
I'm sure Mueller knows a lot more than most think he does. Nunes, some often forget, was an official on the Trump transition and has been using his position as Intel committee chairman to exclusively run interference for Trump the entire time. So if Mueller calls him in for questioning from his time on the transition, it would at a minimum put Nunes in a very uncomfortable situation.
Maybe already been mentioned here but saw it pointed out on Reddit that the lawyers Muller's assembled for his team are pretty much as good as you're going to get and are all very highly-regarded and skilled, which obviously stands as a good sign.
Its been obvious for a while now that Kushner will be indicted.
What would be glorious is if he's indicted simultaenously at both a federal (Mueller) and state (Schneiderman) level. That way Trump can't pardon him.
Could they drop it at the same time?
Could they drop it at the same time?
Its been obvious for a while now that Kushner will be indicted.
Devin, welcome to the jungle.
If Farage and Assange go down too![]()