Transfer Tweets - Summer 2017 | Keep it on topic

Now if they refuse it could they bee seen to be in breach of contract?

I'm assuming the release clause is handled by La Liga because it involves the player buying out his contract, so the issue would be there I guess.

PSG are probably turning towards Barca so that the transfer can be handled without the release clause being involved?

The numbers published by the media about Mbappe mean absolutely nothing. You would need to take a look at an actual offer and see what kind of bonuses are being included. Some of those bonuses are based on being POTY, or winning UCL, etc, so Monaco may never see that money. Surely Monaco have not sold because after looking at the small print they determine the offers are worth much much less than the published numbers.
Then you know, the FA are just holding him against his will and effectively making him a slave... or something

Didn't La Liga OR fifa say the whole slave thing when Ronaldo asked to leave United?

Its actually not legal. If La Liga try dragging this on, they will look like fools and eventually Neymar can claim a Breach of Contract from La Liga, which ultimately could lose Barca all the money as well as the player.

Would be hilarious if that happens.

Dream scenario that would be so funny, and hopefully would make some players think twice before jumping on the Barca train of slavery
Wouldn't it be cheaper for Neymar to buy his contract with PSG money, totally bypassing La Liga. Would be cheaper to.
Some of you may think I am bonkers, but I agree with Jose.

£200M for a top of the range striker is decent value.
His age is excellent (just entering his prime).
His quality is unquestionable and he'll almost guarantee goals.

If Pogba cost £89M last season, this season, he'd probably cost £125M or thereabouts.
Neymar, should be around 50% higher, because he is a striker and scores goals.

When you factor in the commercial aspects of Neymar joining a club, £200M is about right and I am unsure why we didn't compete for his signature, even at £200M.
Are you some kind of bipolar? Here's what you said just yesterday :wenger::wenger:

Why do MUFC fans do this to themselves.
Right now, "we are getting Bale".
Then in January, Griezmann.
Next season, we will be in for Ronaldo or Messi.
Jose is right to focus on low-key targets - I think this is the right thing for us to do.

French league ask La Liga to approve deal

The French league (LFP) said in a statement:

The LFP is surprised and does not understand the refusal of La Liga to simply accept the payment of the release clause of the player Neymar.

The LFP asks the Liga to abide by the Fifa rules and its responsibilities.

The LFP supports Paris Saint-Germain and wishes Neymar to join the Ligue 1 championship.

The legal services of the LFP are in support and at the disposal of Paris Saint-Germain so that the Neymar contract is approved as soon as possible.
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Full Translation of the LFP's statement:

The LFP is surprised and does not understand the refusal of the Liga to simply accept the payment of the release clause of the player Neymar.

The LFP asks the Liga to abide by the FIFA rules and its responsibilities.

The LFP supports Paris Saint-Germain and wishes Neymar to join the Ligue 1 championship.

The legal services of the LFP are in support and at the disposal of Paris Saint-Germain so that the Neymar contract is approved as soon as possible.

With Neymar coming in this summer I think it's the best solution for all parties: Arsenal will keep their main man and increase chances for CL, PSG can push for him next summer when new funds are available and Sanchez will get the contract he requires from PSG next summer.

Diego Costa and his team are furious with chelsea, it is impossible for him to remain there and he won't leave for any other club but Atletico Madrid.

Diego Costa and his team are furious with chelsea, it is impossible for him to remain there and he won't leave for any other club but Atletico Madrid.

Can be upset all he wants, but isn't he under contract drawing his wages? I suppose you could accuse Chelsea of acting like cnuts how they've handled this, but boo hoo, life is tough sometimes. You don't always get your way.

Barsa would be open to negociate for more than 222m€,to be able to include some player as Draxler or a anti Madrid clause for Neymar

Barsa would be open to negociate for more than 222m€,to be able to include some player as Draxler or a anti Madrid clause for Neymar

:lol: what the hell? Surely this nonsense sets a bad precedence for release clauses in Spain going forward?
Surely they mean they will sell for 220 mil minus the value of Draxler if he's included in a deal.
:lol: what the hell? Surely this nonsense sets a bad precedence for release clauses in Spain going forward?

If PSG deal directly with the club they avoid the tax implications of giving Neymar the cash. So in theory they can justify paying more. Barca asking for Draxler secures them a replacement without overpaying for Coutinho/Dembele or whoever.
If PSG deal directly with the club they avoid the tax implications of giving Neymar the cash. So in theory they can justify paying more. Barca asking for Draxler secures them a replacement without overpaying for Coutinho/Dembele or whoever.
The tax situation with La Liga was changed a couple of years back.
PSG should add a anti-Barca clause into their star players' contracts from now on. That would be awesome :lol:
The anti-Madrid clause is very smart. Who doesn't expect Neymar to end up at Real after PSG? Seems really obvious.
Even Madrid can't pay 220m for a player. And PSG might even ask for more. So that's ruled out anyway.
Don't think Barca will be done for breach of contract. Forgot where I read that release clause is conditional to being accepted by La Liga.

I assume this is normally a formality but I guess not this time.

Now we have La Liga and LFP arguing and potentially bringing in FIFA. This is going to be fun to watch
So glad La Ligas monopoly is breaking its an absolute joke that both teams have 6 of the best attackers in the world and no other european club can do anything about it.

And what a joke it is that the premier league let go of these players go because "the weather in Spain is better" so these world class players prefer to play there. We should have thrown enough money to Ronaldo, Bale and Suarez till they started preferring the UK weather.
The anti-Madrid clause is very smart. Who doesn't expect Neymar to end up at Real after PSG? Seems really obvious.
I don't. Psg just refuse to sell their main stars, whether it's Barca or Madrid makes no difference.
Even Madrid can't pay 220m for a player. And PSG might even ask for more. So that's ruled out anyway.

Neymar could always run down his contract.. So in 3-4 years time when PSG know that he will definitely leave and Madrid comes to the door +Neymar and his father pushing hard again I could imagine him to join Madrid - especially taking into account that we might not have reached the peak in revenues, fees, wages yet.
can you guys feck off with the barca/neymar chat? theres a thread for it. there are hardly any tweets anymore
Think Neymar will move to the EPL if PSG decide to sell him years down the line
Barcelona have forgotten one motto which every club should follow though.
No player should be bigger than the club.
Makes the best club team of this millennium look like an absolute disgrace.

"Zidane conditions the arrival of Mbappé to the exit of Bale"