Novavax P3 clinical trial - from the guinea-pig side.
It's now three months since I took Jab2 of whatever they jabbed me with (vaccine or placebo) and I had to go in for a routine checkup - blooodtests, any new possible side-effects and medical history/changes etc. We're still in the Sports Centre main gym, though today another bit of the Sports Centre was open and being used as a walk-in covid test centre, there was a queue outside that section.
I got invited for my NHS approved vaccine a week ago and the FOMO reaction is running high right now
Broadly speaking, I have two options:
1. Get unblinded - if I've had the Novavax, sit back and wait for its approval. If I've had the placebo, go and get my approved vaccine.
2. Stay in the trial on the promise of it becoming a crossover trial - placebo recipients get vaccine; vaccine recipients get placebo.
At the session today, they spoke to us in small (8 person, socially distanced, in front of a whiteboard) groups on arrival. The crossover should start "late March" and we should all have jab3 and 4 during April - the crossover should start as soon as they know the vaccine supply for the triallists has arrived in the UK. The MHRA release approval should come in April or maybe May. The organisers are looking nationally at a way to ensure triallists will not be put at a disadvantage by participating and that should include a way to give us crossover types vaccine passports etc.
The trouble is there are a lot of "shoulds" and "maybes" in that paragraph. I'm still in the trial but it's only a matter of time before my nerve cracks