But using an attenuated virus to piggyback the virus spike into cells is fairly standard practice and is used by the J&J and the Oxford vaccine among others.
DNA vaccines have more in common with mRNA vaccines. As mRNA vaccines do not affect or reprogram DNA inside the cell all but tin foil hat wearers haven't been concerned with them "reprogramming" or "controlling" the recipent. As DNA use plasmids containing genes that code for proteins from the target virus the crazies will think their DNA is being changed. There are potential risks but not what these loons with think there are. And of course that is why trials are done.
The great potential is that
our cells respond to DNA vaccines by producing proteins from the virus and displaying then in the cell surface which not only activates a T-cell response to produce antibodies but also stimulates the production of killer T-cells that will kill infected cells. Potentially you could even have a sterilising vaccine.
I think
this one might be first cab off the rank, always assuming phase 3 trials go to plan of course. With so many vaccines in production I wonder if some of those still in early phases testing will pull the pin? Or perhaps some of the early vaccines will become obsolete as better vaccines arrive?