This is an extract from the Irish Sentinel. Way beyond my pay grade so I'd be grateful if anyone with more knowledge could shed some light onto the matter.
The first-ever autopsy of a person vaccinated against COVID-19, who tested negative 18 days later upon hospital admission but at 24 days after the VAX, has revealed viral RNA was found in almost every organ of the body. The vaccine, while triggering an immune response, DID NOT STOP the virus from entering every organ in the body.
The viral RNA was found in virtually every organ in the body, which means the spike proteins as well.
There are antibodies (like the “vaccine” is supposed to create) but they’re irrelevant because, based on a study from Japan, we now know that the spike S1 protein is what does the damage.
We spoke to one Infectious Disease specialist from a hospital in New Jersey this morning. We sent the actual autopsy findings to him and asked for his thoughts.
He then told us:
“People think that only a MINORITY of people get adverse effects from the vaccine.
Based on this new research, it means that everyone – EVENTUALLY -will have adverse effects, because those spike proteins will be binding to ACE2 receptors everywhere in the body.
That mRNA was supposed to stay in the injection site and it’s not. That means the spike proteins created by the mRNA will be in every organ as well, and we now know it is the spike proteins that do the damage.
Worse, the viral RNA being found in every organ despite a vaccine, indicates either:
1) The vaccine doesn’t work at all, OR;
2) The virus is enjoying
Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE), meaning it actually spreads FASTER in vaccinated people.
According to the published postmortem report, the vaccinated man was 86 years old and tested NEGATIVE for COVID-19 when first admitted to the hospital with severe gastro-intestinal trouble and difficulty breathing. Here is what the reports describes:
We report on an 86-year-old male resident of a retirement home who received vaccine against SARS-CoV-2. Past medical history included systemic arterial hypertension, chronic venous insufficiency, dementia and prostate carcinoma. On January 9, 2021, the man received lipid nanoparticle-formulated, nucleoside-modified RNA vaccine BNT162b2 in a 30 μg dose. On that day and in the following 2 weeks, he presented with no clinical symptoms (Table 1). On day 18, he was admitted to hospital for worsening diarrhea. Since he did not present with any clinical signs of COVID-19, isolation in a specific setting did not occur. Laboratory testing revealed hypochromic anemia and increased creatinine serum levels. Antigen test and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for SARS-CoV-2 were negative.
The report of the postmortem makes clear tests showed
“no morphological changes associated with COVID” in his organs.
“Morphological” means structural. COVID infection is now known to cause very specific structural changes to the places it infects. THOSE CHANGES HAD NOT APPEARED in the vaccinated man before he died.
The now dead vaccinated man was in a room where another patient ultimately tested POSTIVE for COVID, and the report states they think the dead vaccinated man caught COVID after he was admitted, from the other patient in the same room.
So the damage to the organs of the now dead vaccine recipient, took place
BEFORE he was infected with COVID by the other hospital room patient.
Worse, once the vaccinated man actually got COVID, it spread so fast within his body, he apparently never stood a chance. Here are tissue images:
The full postmortem report is published at (
I am not a Doctor or a Scientist so I cannot offer a competent medical analysis, but as a layman, from where I sit, this doesn’t look so good.
The Postmortem report says clearly “ These results indicate that the patient had already developed relevant immunogenicity through vaccination” yet he got infected by another patient at day 24 (after vax) upon being admitted to the hospital, and died 4 days later.