The advice is clear though. Single vaccinations are not as good as double vaccinations. That’s particularly true for this newest variant. The message to get the second vaccination is emphasised over and over again, and it has become more important with this new variant. That’s why the government is delaying things, it’s their explicit explanation, so wondering whether you should get a second one in light of the latest news is more than counterintuitive.
You’re blocking all of that out because of your original concerns and focusing in on headlines that prey on those concerns. You don’t like numbers but you’re paying attention to the number that alarms you, while there’s many, many more numbers that could reassure you. The headline writers know that, it’s what grabs you, so it sells. You should filter all headlines on that basis.
Can you share the link? It might be a numbers thing. It’s hard to comment on when it’s not clear what numbers are being referred to in what context.