The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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@Wednesday at Stoke

For sure she's one of the most poorly dressed people of the administration. Given that Twitler ordered Spicey to buy a nicer suit after his first briefings, it's amazing that she's still showing up in dreadful outfits.

We all know how he feels about fat women. I think she's there only as a favor to Huckabee.
You know on the West Wing, Designated Survivor etc, programmes like that, where they show the behind the scenes action of everyone working hard trying to find a solution to some problem, brainstorming, and having flashes of inspiration that save the day?

This is like the Evil version of all that.

It's worth remembering that the GOP have been working on reducing the Democratic share of the vote by disenfranchising minority voters for at least a decade now. The DoJ under Obama was smacking them down fairly regularly for it, but the SC knocking down section 4 of the voting rights a couple of years ago and now Trump being in office gives them a huge opportunity to rob many, many more black and latino Americans of their vote. Some of the stuff that has been going on in the red states is unbelievable. They're passing state bills that cut early voting, remove voting on weekends and cut the hours on weekdays, remove polling stations that serve predominantly minority communities, demanding voter ID that is costly or difficult for many poor people to get, and scariest of all allowing huge numbers of people to be removed from the voter roles en masse on 'suspicion' of being illegal voters often without them even being aware that their right to vote was just removed.

The evil planning started long ago, we're well into the execution stage.
I'd heard the headline point, but I'd never read the whole thing until today. My god this is terrifying..

So the US military are now authorized to perform kill missions without White House oversight. That's probably the most frightening thing that has happened so far under this imbecile. :eek:
And gave back drones to CIA for less transparency. It's too little and to late for Americans to start caring about civilians and human rights around the world now after Trump is already elected though. He can take the legacy and amplify to eleven.

Is there anything other than racism that stops them from drone strikes in Western countries? They are already doing it outside conflict zones and any incidental killings of males automatically makes them a post mortem convicted terrorist.
And gave back drones to CIA for less transparency. It's too little and to late for Americans to start caring about civilians and human rights around the world now after Trump is already elected though. He can take the legacy and amplify to eleven

They didn't care before, so I don't know why they'd suddenly start. One of the most utterly deflating and depressing moments for me over the last decade was actually after the CIA torture and indiscriminate drone strikes had already happened and some polling was done on the US people. It was supposed to be pretty much a formality, when you ask people what they think about torture and assassination they're supposed to say 'hell no' right? Nope, a majority were actually fine with it. They'd been propogandized to so effectively about the threat to them, that torturing and killing people without trial was just a'okay just as long as they felt safer as a result.

Is there anything other than racism that stops them from drone strikes in Western countries? They are already doing it outside conflict zones and any incidental killings of males automatically makes them a post mortem convicted terrorist.

Nothing at all really, they were already snatching citizens of western allies and reditioning them to torture facilities post 9/11. The only issue with drone strikes is that they're high profile. Why bother when you can just snatch up the people you want with or without the permission of their own governments. In the case of the UK they can just have them extradited anyway, under agreements that are absolutely one sided in their favour.
But it also puts the US governmental system under the harshest of tests. Because unless he gets impeached now, he's just proven a president CAN say whatever they like regardless of laws, rules or protocol.
The thing people fail to realize is that impeachment is not so much a legal process like a court trial but a political process. Plus it is a process it is not like the House will just through an impeachment vote on the calendar for tomorrow.

Basically an impeachable offense is whatever congress decides is an impeachable offense.

Even if the started the process today it would likely be months at least before it came to a vote, then the trial in the Senate.
The thing people fail to realize is that impeachment is not so much a legal process like a court trial but a political process. Plus it is a process it is not like the House will just through an impeachment vote on the calendar for tomorrow.

Basically an impeachable offense is whatever congress decides is an impeachable offense.

Even if the started the process today it would likely be months at least before it came to a vote, then the trial in the Senate.

Its the only legal mechanism for charging a sitting president with a federal crime, which means that despite being a political process it's also a judicial one. Unless congress act, they're basically saying there is no legal mechanism for federally charging a president if his own party happen to be in office at the time. This basically already happened under Reagan with Iran-Contra, but now its front and centre and its going to set a giant precedent one way or another.

As for timing, its basically irrelevant. If he's about to be impeached he'll resign and be pardoned by his successor, because being realistic there isn't any justice at that level.
I posted it with my left hand. Better? :lol:
Well done! I like seeing this side of you some. Just might get thread starter privileges back yet!
The height of hypocrisy is that most people with such opinions consider themselves good Christians. In my book, that's the height of hypocrisy.
I concede that to you. You're absolutely right.
Its the only legal mechanism for charging a sitting president with a federal crime, which means that despite being a political process it's also a judicial one. Unless congress act, they're basically saying there is no legal mechanism for federally charging a president if his own party happen to be in office at the time. This basically already happened under Reagan with Iran-Contra, but now its front and centre and its going to set a giant precedent one way or another.

As for timing, its basically irrelevant. If he's about to be impeached he'll resign and be pardoned by his successor, because being realistic there isn't any justice at that level.

Impeachment is a political process always has been always will be.
It's written into the constitution as a legal mechanism.
Well that's nice but we are talking about the actual process that would be run by politicians. A political party will always drag its feet before agreeing to impeach one of their own.

It's why in Trumps case his popularity ratings will be so important, the more unpopular he becomes the more it will be to a political advantage for House Republicans to turn on him.

Face it only two Presidents have been impeached. Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton. Both only happened because the opposition controlled the House. Both were also acquitted by the Senate.

Nixon resigned before impeachment could occur.

Former KGB agent says that Trump & Co. are incompetent.

Also, as an aside... has anyone else shuddered when they realized that one day Trump's gonna have a state funeral?
I have thought about the funeral. It will be interesting to see how it is handled and the reaction to it .

Nixon's funeral was lower key by his request. Trump's ego will never allow him to request that.
"Stupid Watergate" Plot Thickens

Not a huge fan of Cenk, but i think he does a good summary here. Now Trump is hardly the first head of state that does dirty dealings, but the difference is that hes to stupid/incompetent to hide it well enough. Even if it turns out there were no backroom dealings with the Russians and they are completely innocent this was one of the most hamfisted political decisions i have seen.

Just imagine the reactions from the right-wing media if this wasn't Trump and it was a democratic president. Fox news would probably be rolling around on their desks screaming
So just to get this straight, the only way Trump will be impeached is if the Republican Party turns against him? And that is only going to happen if his approval ratings drop to drastic levels? Which in turn will likely only happen if some truly unforgivable shit relating to the investigation is leaked?
So just to get this straight, the only way Trump will be impeached is if the Republican Party turns against him? And that is only going to happen if his approval ratings drop to drastic levels? Which in turn will likely only happen if some truly unforgivable shit relating to the investigation is leaked?

Or it could happen if 2018 comes along and the Dems retake congress.
Pretty savage:

Some selected passages...
Congressional Republicans: Widespread destruction aside, this was a kumbaya moment for a caucus that has had its share of family spats of late. For the first time since coming together to narrowly pass the American Health Care Act in May, Speaker Paul Ryan wonkily persuaded the House GOP’s version of the Hatfields and McCoys — the principled hardliners of the Freedom Caucus on one hand, and the reasonable moderates of the Tuesday Group on the other — to set their bickering aside just long enough to squeak through a resolution in support of President Trump’s plan, tweeted out at 3:29 a.m. on Thursday morning, to “FRANCE IS LOOKING FOR TROUBLE. Sick country that won’t solve its own problems. Maybe nucluar?”

CNN: As every news producer knows, nothing makes for better theater than war — and nothing makes for better CNN than theater. Right up until the moment when the first blast’s electromagnetic pulse wiped out all of the technology on the eastern seaboard, the cable giant was in fine form, drawing record viewership to a number of its weekday staples. The roiling debate over whether or not to abruptly drop hydrogen bombs on traditional allies proved to be compelling fodder; one particularly juicy squabble between contributors Jeffrey Lord and Lanny Davis will likely go down in history as the second-to-last thing to go viral.

Donald Trump: For a president with his eye on 2020, an uncertain path to reelection just got a whole lot more manageable, with the threshold for victory in the Electoral College now down from 270 votes to 14.

While thermonuclear annihilation may be an inelegant solution, it burnishes the public impression of Trump as a man of action — eccentric, perhaps, but someone who at the end of the day isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty or seek out unorthodox solutions. Those who are still parsing whether the first wave of mortal attacks were justified are asking all the wrong questions. The truth is, it doesn’t matter — this president will be remembered as The Great Disruptor for taking strong and decisive action again and again. Goodbye Armageddon. Hello, Arma-mentum.
So just to get this straight, the only way Trump will be impeached is if the Republican Party turns against him? And that is only going to happen if his approval ratings drop to drastic levels? Which in turn will likely only happen if some truly unforgivable shit relating to the investigation is leaked?
Well his approval ratings are dropping very low already any findings from investigations will only help them along their way downward.
Or it could happen if 2018 comes along and the Dems retake congress.

And presumably Trump and the Republicans will be hoping it's all blown over by then?
I'm thinking he has no involvement in the Russian thing. Just a few in his team. At this point he just comes over as incompetent, in part due to a mental health issue. Due to that, he's surrounded himself with a mix of manipulative and incompetent individuals. Of course he's horribly short staffed agencies and that will begin to show soon enough as more and more things slip through the cracks.
I quadruple-checked. It is Donald, not Denald.

Dulles was head of the CIA. Yes. He was behind what happened.

Comey is the head of the FBI.
Trump is safe in terms of his personal safety. So the similarities are only fleeting.

Think Trump will only be in serious trouble politically should the GOP lose the house.

Didnt Dorito Don shit talk about the CIA too?
I can't believe this man is the president of your country. :lol:
Luckily, I am German and while I haven't been a fan of Angela Merkel, I've come to appreciate her in dimensions I've never considered possible, thanks to lunatics like Twitler.
So he's now reached the part where he's comparing himself with Nixon.

So first he fires Comey and then two days later he implies that the man will leak lies about their conversations to the press?
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