Organic Potatoes
Full Member
The last President who fired and pissed off intel heads got whacked...just sayin.
You really shouldn't...just sayin'...
The last President who fired and pissed off intel heads got whacked...just sayin.
One argument we get here is that there won't be any doctors if we go to single payer because they won't be able to get rich off of it.
Also @MTF my explanation of how our NHS works isn't directly related to the post of yours I quoted, it was more because I got the perception that you were a bit puzzled about how can a system like this provide the same level of care for more people and still cost less. This is actually a situation where the "for everyone" solution is the better solution for everyone, to the point that even people who could afford a private insurance chose not to do so and keep their money for other things. Many people will indeed have private insurance, but they are usually there for the small stuff, i.e., to dodge waiting lists for simpler problems, etc, so they are a lot cheaper than what an insurance with full coverage for everything would cost. For serious illness, the sort that can bankrupt even a middle class family, people just use the public system.
All things considered, it's probably about the best fallout you could've expected![]()
The last President who fired and pissed off intel heads got whacked...just sayin.
You're quite right, and it is depressing. So many times I've heard people ask "why should I pay for someone else's healthcare?" Which is infuriating on two levels... 1) because it's the right thing to do, because they're paying for yours too... and 2) I don't hear them complaining about paying for someone elses police, fire department, lifeguards (example used in the previous video), paramedics, roads, schools, etc. etc. It's the height of hypocrisy.Another argument I've seen peddled is that single payer healthcare is basically resigning a doctor to a life of slavery
I really love America. Each time I went I always enjoyed it, and I always met loads of great people, but there's something wrong with the mentality of too many people in America when it comes to helping out others. I'm talking more on a bigger scale here. Not many things seem to really be about helping other people, all it ever seems to be about is money and maximizing profits. I know money is the most important thing to live in the world today, but there's something about America seems to drive that to new levels.
The best example of it is of course every time the healthcare topic comes up. "I can afford health insurance for me and my family, so balls to whoever can't."
People just seem to only look at the dollar signs here and think that there won't be people. Heck, if we convert to single payer, I ask this... Where are they going to flee to???Of course there will be. It's a highly appealing profession. Around here doctors income have dwindled considerably and it's no longer a guaranteed job for life, yet it's still, by a wide margin the most competitive graduation to get.
I frequent some American doctors forums, so I know what the wages are like. In my specialty, I've seen plenty who make an yearly salary that is roughly 10-15 times what I will be making after residency, and many times with privileges such as 12 weeks of paid vacation. There is a lot of room for loss of income and it still being an incredibly rewarding profession.
As a resident I make €1350 per month, if you wan't to put that into context (of course that's meaningless without cost of life considerations - the mortgage of my comfortable two-bedroom apartment only costs 250 per month). If I double that when I become a consultant I'll be pretty happy, as I'm not even sure if it will be reachable.
I think Rosenstein should appoint Preet Bahara as Special Prosecutor.....
Damn Billy. That's deep.One of the things I'm really starting to see and enjoy is that Trump by rallying his ignoramous loud mouth haters has ignited the opposition. I am starting to think that the tide has turned and while they individually shout louder. The general public even if they all just speak will drown out the shouts with an hurricane of voices.
Damn Billy. That's deep.
TBH, I don't think that's the height of hypocrisy. Hypocrisy yes but not the height.You're quite right, and it is depressing. So many times I've heard people ask "why should I pay for someone else's healthcare?" Which is infuriating on two levels... 1) because it's the right thing to do, because they're paying for yours too... and 2) I don't hear them complaining about paying for someone elses police, fire department, lifeguards (example used in the previous video), paramedics, roads, schools, etc. etc. It's the height of hypocrisy.
Was just about to post the vid:
It will genuinely be impressive if he manages to last four years without getting impeached, he's just an imbecile with no awareness of what he's saying and the implications.
Twitler hasn't bombed Europe yet to enfore better NATO funding.It's my birthday today. Just saying. Good news are welcome.
Thats true, always something to celebrate. ^^Twitler hasn't bombed Europe yet to enfore better NATO funding.
Happy birthday!
That gets into the tax simplification question too. I'd like everything to be just taxes and outlays. The cross subsidies I'm talking about is for example the fact that I'm mandated to have healthcare at risk of penalty, in order to make the entire business of insuring other higher risk people viable. And my employer gets a tax deduction for providing me part of that insurance, which makes it automatically the most viable option for all involved.
And to close this mess, I just mean: I'd rather face no incentives and restrictions when making my health insurance decisions, and the government straight pay from my takes for insurance or care for other people in need.
So he straight up said on national TV that he was firing him because of the 'russia trump stuff'?
Is that not a confession of premeditated obstruction of justice? It sounds like it to me.
I can live with that. But then a person can't tell me that the problem with the current system is that it's immoral, because a capped public system is too. At some point someone will be left to die because of a cap... So my original point is simply, probably don't make this a discussion about morality. As you essentially said, perfect fairness and real world constraints don't go along.
I'm beginning to wonder if he sees impeachment and a subsequent pardon as the only viable way out of this mess.
That fat cow Sarah Huckabee Sanders might be the stupidest person I've seen in any semi important position.
I think you give him too much credit.
I think hes just a fecking moron who does not understand the consequences of saying any of these things, because he has grown up in a life of privilege, reaching the age of 70 without anything he says ever having consequences before.
Trump to Time reporters said:On his first use of force and empowering his generals
I’ve been doing this, in all fairness, when I first came into the office, the first night. You weren’t here.
But they say sir, we’re ready to go. I said where? They had some people in a certain country, Yemen, where they had them [surveilled] and they needed the go ahead to kill, to kill them.
But in other words they wanted the right to go. So they’re telling me this. And this happened for two or three weeks, four weeks. And they keep coming to me, at weird times too. I don’t care about that.
And they’re in parts of the world that most people have never even heard about. They were in cities that nobody every heard about or towns. And in some cases they’re ISIS or al-Qaeda. And so they say sir, we have a situation we’d like to be able to go and they tell me what.
Then after about four or five weeks I said wait a minute. By the time they get to me, and I get back to them, usually it’s over anyway, it’s gone, they’re gone. They couldn’t fire. You know under the Obama Administration they get back to them three or four weeks later and say it’s okay to go. They say okay to go, they left three weeks ago.
So I said to myself, I’m a believer in professionals, these people over there, whether it’s in Iraq or in Yemen or anywhere, Libya, they went to West Point, or wherever. Annapolis, they went to Air Force Academy.
I said to the general, I said how good. … The lieutenants, the captains, their majors, their colonels, they’re professionals. They love doing it, they know every inch of the territory, right. I say why am I telling them? So I authorized the generals to do the fighting. You know.
I'd heard the headline point, but I'd never read the whole thing until today. My god this is terrifying..
So the US military are now authorized to perform kill missions without White House oversight. That's probably the most frightening thing that has happened so far under this imbecile.![]()
Such a control freak. I really cannot stand this shit anymore, he's just SO corrupt it's taking the piss.
Such a control freak. I really cannot stand this shit anymore, he's just SO corrupt it's taking the piss.
Such a control freak. I really cannot stand this shit anymore, he's just SO corrupt it's taking the piss.
State AGs representing nearly 150 million Americans demand independent Russia probe
Following Donald Trump's sudden firing of FBI Director James Comey in the middle of the investigation into Russian election interference, 20 state attorneys general — who together represent nearly half the country — have signed a public letter to the deputy U.S. attorney general to urge the appointment of a special counsel.
Oohh, this could be interesting..