The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Sorry for my ignorance yet again but what's the significance of the special counsel appointment?
McMuffin was there! This is a great story.

Also :lol:

When initially asked to comment on the exchange, Brendan Buck, a spokesman for Ryan, said: “That never happened,” and Matt Sparks, a spokesman for McCarthy, said: “The idea that McCarthy would assert this is absurd and false.”

After being told that The Post would cite a recording of the exchange, Buck, speaking for the GOP House leadership, said: “This entire year-old exchange was clearly an attempt at humor. No one believed the majority leader was seriously asserting that Donald Trump or any of our members were being paid by the Russians. What’s more, the speaker and leadership team have repeatedly spoken out against Russia’s interference in our election, and the House continues to investigate that activity.”

“This was a failed attempt at humor,” Sparks said.
Sorry for my ignorance yet again but what's the significance of the special consul appointment?
I think they're independent, not in the usual chain of command, can't be leaned on by Trump-sympathetic politicians
Sorry for my ignorance yet again but what's the significance of the special consul appointment?
Trump won't have a closed-door meeting with Mueller and tell him "Mike Flynn is a good guy, close the investigation".
Sorry for my ignorance yet again but what's the significance of the special counsel appointment?
Basically what @Oscie said - plus they tend to have a single brief, unlike other people in the system who tend to have a wider brief. I.e a special prosecutor will only work on one case, whereas the Attorney General oversees every case the US is involved in.

They made an enemy in Rosenstein when they showed absolutely zero respect for his professional reputation and integrity. He's a career man and the slap in the face woke him up.
Richard Keys really took an interesting career move to end up as Paul Ryan's defense strategist.
£5 says that when Trump's in Israel he'll go to the Holocaust memorial and declare himself the most persecuted man in history.
Special Counsel can bring criminal charges, apparently, in way that the Intelligence Committee couldn't.
£5 says that when Trump's in Israel he'll go to the Holocaust memorial and declare himself the most persecuted man in history.

He'll probably end up directly comparing the Nazis persecution of the Jews to the media's attempted persecution of him or something.
This ISIS fanboy makes a good point:

Remember that hastily arranged meeting last week between Rosentein and Burr/Warner?

It looked like afterwards that it was not important, but its now likely the meeting was related to this special counsel.

It has to be something important for the meeting to be unexpected and quickly arranged.

Thought that meeting was going to be something big.

The deputy AG turns up for an unannounced meeting and Warner & Burr leave their committee and Burr says "we can't push off" the meeting.
Special Counsel can bring criminal charges, apparently, in way that the Intelligence Committee couldn't.

Pretty sure he has to be removed from the role first which is down to the house. Obviously they would have no choice but to remove him if there is pending criminal charges. I just can't wait to see how deep into the GOP this goes.
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