Keeps It tidy
Hates Messi
President Pence is a much scarier proposition than President Trump.
President Pence is a much scarier proposition than President Trump.
And privatize border patrol. Trump Security(TM)What are the odds he picks the Trump Organization to build thewallfence?
Because he's too busy during the transition?!I've not paid full attention to the thread so apologies if posted.
Trump wants trial delay until after swearing-in
Well that will be the next argument.Because he's too busy during the transition?!
Because when he takes office hell have plenty of spare time![]()
Exactly, it's so transparentWell that will be the next argument.
President Pence is a much scarier proposition than President Trump.
Apart from Tiffany.
Tweet from John Kasich's chief strategist re Bannon's appointment. Even the Republican's are horrified about what's going down. But hey, it's all good because the wall will be part-fence and Trump is a closet democrat really.
If they have any spine whatsoever then they will stand up and oppose him. They have been utterly spineless throughout his campaign - refusing to condemn him until the tapes came out and they had an easy way to do so, and now most of them unite behind him again. They're ultimately traitors to their country if they don't oppose these abhorrent people around him.
At least they're fecking calling it like it is. I find that far less bothersome than this frantic revisionism from people who have decided that he's no longer a threat now he's won the election.
At least they're fecking calling it like it is. I find that far less bothersome than this frantic revisionism from people who have decided that he's no longer a threat now he's won the election.
Tweet from John Kasich's chief strategist re Bannon's appointment. Even the Republican's are horrified about what's going down. But hey, it's all good because the wall will be part-fence and Trump is a closet democrat really.
it's literally proven that you can become the most powerful individual on the planet through explicit racism and misogyny!
It's also a very sad day for women, because the election essentially said that as a man you can do and say whatever the feck you want and you can lie pathologically and people will still forgive you, but they won't forgive one mistake if you're a woman. It's very sad, I actually feel really bad for Hillary, she deserved better really.
If I'm being honest I feel little for her - long-term she'll be fine and will have a fairly cosy life, even if it's tainted with professional disappointment. The people who will be subjected to the rule of Trump and his cronies, though? Depending on what happens they could have a very, very rough ride ahead of them.
That's actually the point I disagree with. I mean we're not "just" talking about a very conservative person or so but about the head of the nazi party.
Sounds like you're the fanboy here refusing the accept the utterly corrupt nature of democrats. You've bought into DC think tank talking points and you talk about herd mentality? How ironicNow you're just indulging in fanboy talk. This herd mentality is probably why the crazy one can somehow end up as America's president.
Sounds like you're the fanboy here refusing the accept the utterly corrupt nature of democrats. You've bought into DC think tank talking points and you talk about herd mentality? How ironic. The guy won because of disastrous policies enacted by democrats, herd mentality was on those who worship mainstream media and celebrities. And guess what republicans aren't better, the two party duopoly is controlled by the same special interests. The fact that this whole cabal was against Trump is the only silver lining out of the election, but like I said I'm not holding my breath. I've enjoyed the entertainment though, especially of people crying all over the place because they didn't get what they wanted. Muahaha he said he will ban Muslims, I wanted dear leader who kills them instead!
Tweet from John Kasich's chief strategist re Bannon's appointment. Even the Republican's are horrified about what's going down. But hey, it's all good because the wall will be part-fence and Trump is a closet democrat really.
Less than one week after his election. Second case of a teacher using the threat of Trump having power to scare minority kids.
Sounds like you're the fanboy here refusing the accept the utterly corrupt nature of democrats. You've bought into DC think tank talking points and you talk about herd mentality? How ironic. The guy won because of disastrous policies enacted by democrats, herd mentality was on those who worship mainstream media and celebrities. And guess what republicans aren't better, the two party duopoly is controlled by the same special interests. The fact that this whole cabal was against Trump is the only silver lining out of the election, but like I said I'm not holding my breath. I've enjoyed the entertainment though, especially of people crying all over the place because they didn't get what they wanted. Muahaha he said he will ban Muslims, I wanted dear leader who kills them instead!
I fear it will influence, if not define, American politics for a long time to come. Imagine you're a young politician from one of those counties that voted overwhelmingly for Trump. What conclusions would someone running for local or state gigs draw from this election, and about what plays with your constituents...Someone got elected President whilst championing white nationalism. Some people really don't seem to have comprehended that that happened. Even if you insist Trump didn't mean any of it, it's literally proven that you can become the most powerful individual on the planet through explicit racism and misogyny! Like, no sugar coating, just straight out there. Ban a religion. Smear a nationality. Brag about sexual assaults.
It's also a very sad day for women, because the election essentially said that as a man you can do and say whatever the feck you want and you can lie pathologically and people will still forgive you, but they won't forgive one mistake if you're a woman. It's very sad, I actually feel really bad for Hillary, she deserved better really.
At least he asked before doing something stupid, lying about it, and then suggesting it was no big deal while possibly exposing state secrets while serving in public office.
I think I despise incompetence more than policy I disagree with.
That's accusing a whole country of sexism.She didn't run a great campaign but if everything was the same except she were male she would have won.
Sorry, man...I know you're just joking here to an extent, do realise this is real life, right? This isn't a dick character in some movie or TV show...this is a genuine political leader to-be who is now appointing a white supremacist to one major role, and has placed a man who believes in gay conversion therapy into the second most senior role in government. All this in the world's most powerful and influential the back of interference from Putin, who has his own international aims and goals as well.
What's so funny about people 'crying' because they 'didn't get what they wanted'? Is it now funny if minorities/women are targeted? I know this seems hyperbolic, because we're used to a political world where most political leaders are all boring bastards who say the same shite and only vary on the odd tax policy or two...but we're genuinely seeing a US government that is going to contain elements of fascism. That...that should be a worry for everyone. Primarily for the people in the US who will be targeted by it...but also by everyone else. Because such behaviour in the world's foremost Western power will normalise that very same behaviour elsewhere.
feck knows, maybe we'll all be fine and Trump will be a great President who restores power to the American people. I don't know. But we can only go on what we've seen, and what we've seen suggests we're going to be getting a sexual predator for a President, a homophobic for a VP, and a fascist for Chief of Staff. Anyone who's 'crying' over that has my sympathies.
Looks like we have a potential protester and fundraiser, stay busy funding the fake revolution, break as much shit as possible and send us picturesYou go lead your revolution.
The Establishment
Politico said neither Baca nor Chiafolo is seeking the election of Democratic presidential nominee
Hillary Clinton
Both vowed they would encourage GOP electors to write-in either Gov. John Kasich (R-Ohio) or 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney instead.
Thank you! I've been trying to get this across to several people I know. They keep insisting that he didn't actually mean it, but people still voted for him and they did mean it.Someone got elected President whilst championing white nationalism. Some people really don't seem to have comprehended that that happened. Even if you insist Trump didn't mean any of it, it's literally proven that you can become the most powerful individual on the planet through explicit racism and misogyny! Like, no sugar coating, just straight out there. Ban a religion. Smear a nationality. Brag about sexual assaults.
That's accusing a whole country of sexism.
Looks like we have a potential protester and fundraiser, stay busy funding the fake revolution, break as much shit as possible and send us pictures![]()
Idea kind of goes to pot when you realise they're all fecking Democrats! They were refusing to vote for Clinton in the event of a narrow Dem win as well, bastards.
Wow, as I said before, pissing in the wind maybe, but it's a very, very, very, very slight possibility that some sanity will prevail. I never thought the day would come where I would be wishing for Kasich or Romney to be elected President.
"He didn't mean it, calm down", "it was a one-off, it's a celebrity fad, won't happen again", "what's the worst he can do, we have a strong system". So dangerous.Thank you! I've been trying to get this across to several people I know. They keep insisting that he didn't actually mean it, but people still voted for him and they did mean it.