The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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He literally said "I will get rid of ISIS" in the debates. Does that mean he would have formed an alliance with Assad? I don't agree with Raoul on many things and I think he makes a lot of wrong judgement calls, but I'll have to go with him on this one. I have no idea on what Sanders would have done, but he will have to act on the reports given to him. It's poor form to criticize someone for having a view on an issue and giving a free pass to another who never says a word about it. Look at all you hard lefties up in arms about Hillary Clinton being a war hawk. This "SHE WOULD GO TO WAR WITH RUSKIES" hyperbole was too much then and too much now.

It's fine and dandy for all of us sitting in our warm couches crying foul about US entering another long conflict, but it's entirely another listening to Greenwald waxing eloquent about Trump playing a blinder for distraction. And no, not everyone who supported the strike is a neocon or an establishment Democrat. And I like the blithe way you've described the independents who are like sheep without shepherd that will support the war because of no criticism in media, as if the virtue of reasoned understanding only exists with ideological puritans who won't trust the media. This is how good hardworking people turned to vote for the Donald, listening only to Fox and friends.

The truth of the matter is, no matter how many hard hours you spend reading Jacobin, breitbart, huffpost, wiki and other left/right leaning sites to understand Syria, there are only bad options. How cute we argue about semantics about Iraq strike by US and Assad's strike in Syria and differentiate between carpet bombs and WMD's. Perhaps you'd want to prosecute Obama for war crimes as well, arming those damned rebels with weapons? I just think you lot are too quick to criticize despite having no solutions yourselves.

1. Campaign statement on ISIS Statement yesterday

But what does ISIS have to do with yesterday's bombing on Assad?

2. What specific problem do you have with Greenwald? He has been criticising foreign intervention for 15 years now, since 2004.
And what is the problem with saying Clinton is a hawk? She is. She said yesterday she would have done the same, earlier. She promised to bomb Assad during the campaign.She promised a no-fly zone in a country where Russians are flying bombers and ground attack fighters. Her words. Historically, she supported Iraq and Libya, both of which were failed. All her stances, we evil leftists aren't changing anything, just quoting her.
About the support - I'm talking about those on TV. People on TV who supported the strike were exactly what I described - neocons and Dems. Criticism came on procedural grounds from Dems and the HFC, and on principle from Rand Paul.

3. You asked me what I think independents will think. There is a mountain of cases of history where a president goes to war and gets popular. There is a mountain of evidence of the press reporting exactly as the govt wants during times of war. Even Trump knows about it - see his Libya tweet.
So I think history will repeat itself - do you have any reason to think it will not?

4. I don't understand the last paragraph. I'm saying openly, and you seem to agree, that all options are bad. So why bomb? Why is doing a bad thing better than doing nothing?
Russia has now voided an agreement with the US about sharing information before strikes; Medvedev said the operation was "close to a military strike on Russia", and you know what that means. Assad is still in power. ISIS is very much still around. So are al-Qaeda, etc. Why do you support this strike?

5. To his credit, Obama was quick to stop the CIA program for arming rebels. He also decided to ignore everyone in DC and not intervene in Syria (despite claiming that he has the right to do so without Congressional approval). It's his decision that I admire most. Either way, it's not a war crime.
Using drones to attack ambulances carrying away wounded people from your first drone strike --- that might be a war crime.
It really is amazing seeing the Russian propaganda machine in full force.

To divert attention away from discussion on the airstrikes, they've come up with 2 new stories today

1) Leaking of NSA tools by a group called Shadow Brokers.

2) Guccifer saying Seth Rich (DNC employee who was murdered) was the person who leaked the Podesta emails.
Pulling the trigger from the resort is the least worrisome aspect of this. This was a very important meeting and, since he had hosted Abe there, he had to at least extend the same amount of courtesy to Xi.

Treating the Japanese leader better than the Chinese leader would be quite the faux pas given current geopolitics...even for Trump.
Yup, but. Here's a crazy idea; why doesn't he meet these world leaders from the White House in the first place instead of using them as an excuse to take a fecking break at a golf course because he's either a) too incompetent to last more than ten days doing the job, b) can't be fecked doing anything less exciting than giving himself a tax cut and bombing the shit out of people, or c) because he wants to fills his pockets with taxpayers' money by charging extortionate amounts of money to have the secret service placate his bullshit holidays. No matter which of the three you pick I'm sure you'll agree he's a liability.
Yup, but. Here's a crazy idea; why doesn't he meet these world leaders from the White House in the first place instead of using them as an excuse to take a fecking break at a golf course because he's either a) too incompetent to last more than ten days doing the job, b) can't be fecked doing anything less exciting than giving himself a tax cut and bombing the shit out of people, or c) because he wants to fills his pockets with taxpayers' money by charging extortionate amounts of money to have the secret service placate his bullshit holidays. No matter which of the three you pick I'm sure you'll agree he's a liability.
D: Meeting them at a luxurious estate is a gesture of (pseudo) friendship, and he sure as hell cannot dishonor the leader of China by showing him less courtesy than other leaders (especially Japan).

Hell, Abe flew in on AirForce One. That's extremely rare.
Yup, but. Here's a crazy idea; why doesn't he meet these world leaders from the White House in the first place instead of using them as an excuse to take a fecking break at a golf course because he's either a) too incompetent to last more than ten days doing the job, b) can't be fecked doing anything less exciting than giving himself a tax cut and bombing the shit out of people, or c) because he wants to fills his pockets with taxpayers' money by charging extortionate amounts of money to have the secret service placate his bullshit holidays. No matter which of the three you pick I'm sure you'll agree he's a liability.
This Presidency is like one of those occasional Masters tournaments that throw up a total outsider as champion...only Rodney Dangerfield's won this time, wearing King Ralph's crown.
D: Meeting them at a luxurious estate is a gesture of (pseudo) friendship, and he sure as hell cannot dishonor the leader of China by showing him less courtesy than other leaders (especially Japan).

Hell, Abe flew in on AirForce One. That's extremely rare.
White House trumps (hurr hurr) a golf resort. It's the home of the most powerful leader in the world versus the place owned by some feckwit who couldn't' even beat an Aberdeenshire pensioner who lives in a bungalow.
This Presidency is like one of those occasional Masters tournaments that throw up a total outsider as champion...only Rodney Dangerfield's won this time, wearing King Ralph's crown.
And he's covered in piss.
It's meant less coverage towards the Russia ties. Tomahawks well sent, money well spent.

This is exactly what all this is....a distraction from his dealings with Russia.
Both he and Russia are playing the American people and sadly quite alot of them are buying it.
Gorka looks to be next. Once he and Bannon are gone, the alt-right muppets will be completely expunged and the cosmopolitan NY Dems (Kushner/Cohn/Ivanka/Powell) will be permanently in charge.

Gorka looks to be next. Once he and Bannon are gone, the alt-right muppets will be completely expunged and the cosmopolitan NY Dems (Kushner/Cohn/Ivanka/Powell) will be permanently in charge.

Wouldn't Miller qualify as alt-right, too? Likewise a number of people he and Bannon brought to the WH?

It'll be interesting to see if and how the fanbase will split, if the alt-right lose influence over Twitler.
Miller's dropped off the face of the earth though, Kellyanne too.
Publicly, they are nearly invisible, but it doesn't mean that they aren't pulling strings. With Kellyanne I'd argue that she's totally opportunistic and doesn't hold own views.
If I was Mrs Trump I'd be interested if Kelly-ann has more than just a working relationship with Mr Trump. It's obviously just an observation on my part judging from her images and how comfortable she seems around the WH like she owns the place.
If I was Mrs Trump I'd be interested if Kelly-ann has more than just a working relationship with Mr Trump. It's obviously just an observation on my part judging from her images and how comfortable she seems around the WH like she owns the place.
Mrs Trump won't be making a fuss regardless.
US aircraft carrier-led strike group headed toward Korean Peninsula

The move of the Vinson strike group is in response to recent North Korean provocations, the official said.
Adm. Harry Harris, the commander of US Pacific Command, directed the USS Carl Vinson strike group to sail north to the Western Pacific after departing Singapore on Saturday, Pacific Command announced.
If I was Mrs Trump I'd be interested if Kelly-ann has more than just a working relationship with Mr Trump. It's obviously just an observation on my part judging from her images and how comfortable she seems around the WH like she owns the place.
The thought crossed my mind too
US aircraft carrier-led strike group headed toward Korean Peninsula

The move of the Vinson strike group is in response to recent North Korean provocations, the official said.
Adm. Harry Harris, the commander of US Pacific Command, directed the USS Carl Vinson strike group to sail north to the Western Pacific after departing Singapore on Saturday, Pacific Command announced.

Ah feck..
I hope that this time will never come but these people feck off and with them their sick ideology.

"In no way we are kicking her out , we are reassigning her to a strategically important ally where people speak English and humidity is so high you can drown walking on the street".

I think McMaster tried to get rid of her the moment he took the job, but was rebuffed by Trump, presumably to buy time to find her another job.
Publicly, they are nearly invisible, but it doesn't mean that they aren't pulling strings. With Kellyanne I'd argue that she's totally opportunistic and doesn't hold own views.
Miller is an airbag with lips. He's not pulling any strings except the ones attached to his arms.
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