The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I can't see too many more months of unemployment dropping. Something weird happened this month with unemployment dropping to 4.5% from 4.7% but only 95k jobs added. I thought something like 150k jobs have to be added to keep pace with population increases. Probably lack of immigration? Either way, 4.5% is awfully low. Can it hit 4%? The numbers are going to turn sour soon.

As a reminder. Look how low the current rate is (few months out of date).

2pac wasn't lying when he said the Democrats and Republicans are basically huge gangs. The amount of schemin' going on puts organized crime to shame.
Personally, I'd never trust a someone as my chief of staff that couldn't get the 'i before e' rule correct in his own name.

:lol: Especially when his first and last names contradict each other. It's insanity, it's like his parents just grabbed a load of letters out of a scrabble bag when they were stoned one night and threw them all up in the air and then when they landed there was the name they were going to call their child.

Its clever, in his short term PR deflective strategy because his voters will blame them for all the failings. And I'm sure a lot of the operational and implementation issues have been because of them. But the doctrine and philosophy comes from the very top so changing them wont really change things going forwards.

Likewise, iI doubt any genuine upcoming Washington politico's would risk their career for a boss who will either get kicked out of the White House, or they get sacked themselves because of the next nutty Trump idea. So Trump actually has little option than appoint his trusted New York clan of family members and sycophants. They will last for the next cycle: 2 more months before their incompetence is also exposed and then Trump has no more new clothes left.
NATO airstrikes kill dozens of refugees, including children, just weeks earlier but its the image of dying children in Idlib that compels Trump to try and compromise the Syrian Air force.

US action kills Middle Eastern children nearly everyday since 1990 - one 8 year old girl was shot dead by US special forces the day after Trump became president. He applauded that operation.

Now, with the Syrian army advancing and IS on the run, the US attacks its infrastructure. Its clear, Donald Trump is an Islamist. He hates Syrian refugees, loves Saudi Arabia and supports IS.
From a while back but this is pretty funny:

r/Politics is pretty decent
From a while back but this is pretty funny:

r/Politics is pretty decent

I can't believe that POTUS not only keeps getting dragged into petty Twitter arguments but also responds like an insulted teenager. Seriously, this guy just launched air Strikes!
Just heard a conservative talk show host (Larry Elder show) argue that "if you're upset about Trump bombing Syria, just thank god that Hillary isn't president and you'll forgive him"
Yep, its the beginning of the end for the alt-rights support for Trump. If he gets rid of Bannon, i suspect the majority of the alt-right base will turn on Trump.

Hmm. Could that potentially lead to an Oswald-type and incident? Those far right loons aren't shy about taking on the gub'nent.
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Hmm. Could that potentially lead to an Oswald-type and incident? Those far right loons aren't shy about taking on the gub'nent.

To be honest most of them are cowards who like to use the alt-right tag to hide behind their abhorrent views that they're only comfortable holding under personas where they can't really be identified. One of the most notable acts of violence involving one of them was when they got twatted in the face. Which was quite cathartic.
To be honest most of them are cowards who like to use the alt-right tag to hide behind their abhorrent views that they're only comfortable holding under personas where they can't really be identified. One of the most notable acts of violence involving one of them was when they got twatted in the face. Which was quite cathartic.

Mostly true but I was referring to the likes of Nichols, McVeigh, Rudolph, Kaczysnki, Hill, etc.
Airstrikes are really good interference.

I bet it all goes quiet about the Russia influence now because he's done this.
Yesterday, CNN had Nicholas Kristof from the NYT on air.

He said that the mistake journos have made with Twitler yet is that they headed after the shiniest new toy he threw at them - and reminded everyone that the main unanswered question of this presidency is still the extent (if any) of contact/collaboration/collusion between Russia and Twitler's camp.

I've heard a female (American) journo saying something similar in the middle of another air strike debate.

As long as a couple of journos keep on digging into this dirt, I'm a bit less pessimistic than you that it'll go quiet on that subject.
:lol: Trump got taken to the cleaners there

It reminds me of the Never Mind the Buzzcocks episode where that twunt Preston walks off. Before hand he got into an argument with Bill Bailey and Simon Amstel interrupted and said "Preston, can I just stop you there, you're not going to win. He's a professional comedian, he literally does this for a living whereas on the other hand you are really stupid".
It reminds me of the Never Mind the Buzzcocks episode where that twunt Preston walks off. Before hand he got into an argument with Bill Bailey and Simon Amstel interrupted and said "Preston, can I just stop you there, you're not going to win. He's a professional comedian, he literally does this for a living whereas on the other hand you are really stupid".

I think that was that Donny Tourette guy they used to have on, he was a right knobhead
I think that was that Donny Tourette guy they used to have on, he was a right knobhead

Ahhh yeah that was it. Perfect retort from Amstel all the same.
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